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A rose was placed on Ita's grave. Satoshi took a deep sigh, and started kneeling down to pray.

"I hope heaven is nice. I know living here is dreadful, and painful my dear friend." Satoshi said with sadness in his voice.

"All will be okay. He wasn't good for you." A hand held Satoshi's shoulder from behind.

It was no other than Kazuo.

"It will be okay." Satoshi nodded, trying to believe such lies.

He couldn't escape from this man's grip.

He couldn't live without him even with such a mutual agreement of breaking up.

"I love you." The older man says as he grabs the younger one's wrist to tug him up from his kneeling position.

"Mmmh.." Satoshi groans from the rough tug.

Suddenly lips were locked. The older gentleman kissed the younger in front of the grave of Ita. The older man smirk as his eyes laid upon the grave. No remorse for the one he killed a while back.

No remorse whatsoever.

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