【Part 14: Mine】「Satoshi」

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Chapter 14: Mine

Shinta has been sick even after the medicine I got him. I had to go up to visit my mom for her birthday so I told one of my other cousins to take care of him. Sadly my available cousin was only able to watch over Shinta in the morning since he was married, and needed to tend to his own family.

Kazuo visited me in my old room. It made me uncomfortable, and I basically asked him to leave as nicely as I can. "I need to sleep, I will talk to you soon." I pointed to the ladder, and he obeys.

Upon exiting my room, I noticed his deathly stare. He looks pissed. Maybe since I didn't want to spend time with him on his birthday. I just didn't feel like being around him. Needless to say, I still love him in the pit of my heart.

The next morning my mom woke me up with a chocolate sprinkled cupcake in my face. "Happy birthday to me!" She giggles.

Her birthday is relatively close to Kazuo's. I remembered back then we would just celebrate their special day on the same day, and make one big party. It was fun while it lasted those few years.

"Happy birthday mom." I gave her a hug, and flashed a smile at her. I knew she loves it when I smile since I hardly ever did. She hugs me tightly.

"After the birthday dinner today, you can head on home. I don't want you to miss too many days of class, work, or taking care of Shinta." She smiles so motherly it almost makes me want to cry.

"Yeah? I think I will head back tonight since he seemed pretty sick." I was more worried about Shinta more than anything. I would be damned if I wasn't there for multiple days when he is sick.

The dinner itself wasn't that eventful. The only good thing was seeing the family happy again, and being in one peace. It was weird to feel normal without any worries. Except for Shinta, I was fully relaxed, and enjoyed my short stay with them.

I drove home that night, and pulled up into the driveway. I noticed Hiro sitting on my porch, and he waves. I was curious to as why he was sitting there to begin with.

"Hey, why are you here? I told you I won't be back until Wednesday." I went to approach him.

"One of Shinta's friend called me, and said you will be back today so I came." He smiles.

"Shinta's friend?" I knew my cousins had friends, but none that would know of my whereabouts with family matters.

"Yes. Maybe his girlfriend."

"My cousin has a girl? He didn't tell me."

Hiro looks confused. I went to the door to unlock it. "Want to come in?" He nods, and makes his way inside, and on the couch. I went to fetch him some water. "I'll be back." I scurried on upstairs to Shinta's room.

I saw Shinta laying in bed with the lights off. He was as still as a stick. I went over to feel his temperature, and it was high. "Shinta." I started shaking him lightly, and he opens his eyes.

"Satoshi, you're back. How was....." His words trailed off into whispers. He was weak.

"Just rest. It was fine. You have been sick still huh?" It has been two days, and he doesn't seem to make progress in recovery.

"I feel like I'm dying." He groans.

"You look it too. Just rest up, and call me if you need something."

"I will. Thanks." He closes his eyes, and instantly wanders off to dream land.

I walked downstairs to see Hiro messing around with a game on his phone. I went to sit next to him, and his arm wraps around my shoulder. He pulls me close to his chest, and I blushed.

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