【Part 11: Bets】「Satoshi」

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Chapter 11: Bets

"Let the game begin!" Hiro does a small hair flip, and grabs a 25 pound ball, and tossed it down the lane. He got half the pins. "Shit." He frowns. He goes again, and knocks the rest down. What a spare.

"Not so shabby eh?" I smirked.

"Hey its been a while since I played." He laughs. "Even perfection like me can make mistakes."

"Heh whatever. You cocky bitch." I went to grab a ball, and tossed it down the lane. I only knocked down 6/10 pins.

"Aw you suck." He says sarcastically.

"No you do." I fisted.

"I do suck." He winks, and brushes his hand across mine. I jerked away, and felt my face heating up. What is up with him?

I went, and rolled the ball, and got a spare. I'm pretty decent for a guy that hasn't played in a while.

Hiro grabs another ball, rolled it down, and got a strike. "Yes!" He says. "Looks like I'm winning."

"You only got one strike. Calm down." I scoffed.

"Try and get one then." He grins.

"Fine." I went to grab my bowling ball, and rolled it down the lane. I knocked 3/10 pins down. "Fuck!"

"Aw look! You aren't doing so well." He laughs.

"It's like...it keeps curving." My brows tightened. The ball kept curving right, making me stand all the way to the left of the lane. It was really frustrating.

"Let me help you then." He takes my hand, and positions it straight in the holes of the bowling ball. "You hold it sideways, so it turns. Hold it like Spider-Man shooting his webs haha!"

The warmth of his hands made my chest feel weird. I didn't want to jerk away since he was helping me. He looks up at me, and our eyes actually met. He smiles, and let's go of my hand. "Try it." He smiles.

"Fine." I got up, and positioned myself at the middle of the lane. Suddenly I felt a vibration in my pocket. I went to check my cellphone, and saw an unknown number calling me. "Eh hello?" I picked up.

"Babe it's me!" Kazuo says on the other line.

"What?" I felt scared, and annoyed. He never seems to get it. He never gets that I don't want him to need me only when he is in trouble. I signaled Hiro that I had a phone call, and walked to the public restroom in a stall.

"Bail me out, I can give you my bank account information for the money."

"No Kazuo."

"What?! Why?!"

"I just can't."

"You are out with Hiro aren't you? Now you are working for Yamada. Did you fuck both of them? You are a slut. You always betray me!" He goes on, and on.

"Stop that!" I decided to come clean, and told him I did mess around with Yamada once. He was furious, and brought up Ita.

"You fucked Ita too! That's why he deserves what he got!"

"SHUT UP!" I screamed. "Don't you dare say that! Maybe if you wouldn't cheat, and keep your dick in place, maybe I wouldn't have!"

"That is no excuse to cheat on me when I didn't at the time! You always need to be fucked. I bet your ass is all used up!"

My body froze. My breathing was out of control, and I didn't want to continue this rude conversation. "Goodbye Kazuo." I hung up before he could say anymore.

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