【Part 28: Clocks】「Kazuo」

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Chapter 28: Clocks

I was cleaning my room one evening, and came across a bunch of photo albums. I found one in particular that had a bunch of photos of me, and Satoshi. I flipped page by page, and found myself smiling like a child. The good old days. I looked to the top of my bookshelf, and saw the splinter kit. Maybe I can mend things with him if I gave him these.

I quickly found a bag from that same store that I bought Satoshi's clothes from. I placed the album, and kit in the bag.

I told Shouta to be a distraction while I switched the bags at Satoshi's house. I knew deep in my heart that Satoshi never even looked at my bag. He never wore the shirts I got him. They were band tees that he desperately wanted. Oh well.

When I got up to his room, I saw Hiro sleeping in his bed. My heart was crushed, but I couldn't hate him. I did just as worst. I switched the bags, and left the room. Maybe I will give him the clothes later as a gift. I bet he would like the album, and kit better. It would be a surprised since Hiro might see it, and get jealous.

I drove back to my place. I made sure to drop Shouta off before I had my alone time to think, and drink.

My head started spinning. I wasn't myself. I am not in my body.

Suddenly my anger fused. I am pissed. I want to kill Hiro. He slept with Satoshi. Satoshi is mine!

He is stealing Satosh, and he thinks he can threaten me with some small talk. Yeah right. I will get him back. I know how.

I sat by my fireplace devising a plan to get back at Hiro. I called up BigZ.

"I need you here ASAP."

"Gotcha." He hangs up, and I waited for him. This will do it. This devious plan. No one will suspect me since that would be too obvious. I will have to attempt the most sinful thing. I know I have to.

I went to get some 'coco dust', and made a line on my table. I snorted the three lines I made, and felt instantly energetic. I needed to be.

I went to my wine cabinet, and pulled out a whole bottle of pure vodka. I drank down a good 20 shots before I felt light headed.

Lastly I went to get my 'needles' to shoot a good load in my veins. I didn't want to be me when I do this. I didn't want to remember. I couldn't stop my drug habits. I have a lunatic mind.

I heard a knocking at my door, and quickly went to tend to it. BigZ stood at the other side. He had a blunt in his hand. "Uhg, you just did some drugs dude. You smell of alcohol too."

"Sorry." I felt tipsy, but this has to be done. "Wait here."

I went inside my house, and went to my closet. I found a lock picking kit from when Katie bought it for me. She taught me detective work, and this was a perfect opportunity to use it.

I grabbed the kit, and went back outside. "Let's go." I pulled him to his truck.

"Where we going?"

"Some fucker's house." I took out my cellphone, and called Shouta.

"Kazuo? What is going on now?" He sounded pissed.

"Shouta I'm coming to pick you up. Sorry to bother again. This is important." I went to grab my bag full of items.

"Fine." He sighs, and I drove over to his house with BigZ's truck.

"Dude. What is this? We murdering the president?"

"Sure." I smirked.

I got to Shouta's house, and saw he was already waiting outside. He goes to the back seat since he saw the front seats were taken. "Um...who is this?" Shouta asked as he looks at BigZ.

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