【Part 7: side】「Kazuo」

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Chapter 7: Side

"Ah...ah harder mmmm."

"Harder?" I grinned.

"Come on, give it to me mmmmmmm."

"Oh Shou so sexy." I grinned, and moved my body with his.

Having him bent over made my cock rock hard, and ready to shoot all my desires in him. I trailed my hand up to the front, and started massaging his sensitive bead.

"Hahhhh hahhhh." His knees twitched, and shakes under me. The bed rocks with my rough motions.

"Such a horny woman." I whispered in his ear.

I sped up my pace, and released my horny cream inside. Pulling out, I fell down on the bed. "Wow you are good." I said in the mid of my breaths.

"You are better." He rolls over next to me, and rests his head on my chest. "Thank god I have the pill. Condoms are a drag."

"You are quite a beauty you know that?"

"Only for you." He goes over to the nightstand, and takes out a cigarette. "Here?" He shows me the box offering me, and I take one.

"Thanks babe." I lit it up, and exhaled a sweet smoke.

"What did you, and Seiji talk about?"

"Nothing. Just the typical shit. You know, like take care of Shouta." I casually lied. There was no way I would expose that son-of-a-bitch's threat.

"Wow never knew my brother would give a shit."

"Apparently he does. I don't like him." I straight out said. "I don't like how he thinks he's such hot shit. I just respect him since he's your sibling, and he's my friend's fiancé." I sighed. "Life sure is unfair."

"Well you have me, and that is all that should matter." He kisses my lips.

"I got to go soon. Tonight I wanted to stop by Satoshi's house."

Shouta frowned, and turned away from me. "Whatever." He says in a muffle.

"What?" I knew he was bothered that I had another, but he was always fine with it before. Why the sudden act up?

"Do you like fucking a man more?"

"I don't. I don't even do it with him as much anymore." I placed my hand on his slender shoulder, and he brushes me off.

"I can't keep doing this. I want to marry you one day you know. I want to have kids, and be...I don't know...a real mother." His voice shaky, and incoherent.

"Soon baby." I kissed his shoulder, and he moves away. "What's wrong?"

"There is no 'soon' if you are still with that kid. Choose me or him. That is all."

I put the cigarette out, and got up to put on my clothes. "Shouta I can't just break up with him. We just got back a few months ago."

"Then why did you date me?!" He sits up, and sobs. "I'm tired of being a second choice to you! All you do is go to that little bastard everyday!"

"He is someone that holds importance to me. I've known him for so long."

"So what?! If you ain't gay, why the hell are you sticking with him?!"

"I'm drawn to him." I couldn't justify my statement any longer. I didn't even know a clear explanation on why I stick with Satoshi. In my own sick twisted way, I love him. I love seeing him command to my every need.

"Yeah right. You just like men. You're sick like my brother." He disgustingly said with his evil glare on me.

"Don't you dare say that to me!" I screamed. "Just because I love Satoshi, it doesn't mean shit!"

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