【Part 9: Struggles】「Satoshi」

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Chapter 9: Struggles

Everyone was holding their breath when the gun was shown. I couldn't even breath.

Yamada remained calm as ever, and glares at him. "Put the gun down."

"Why should I?!" Kazuo screams

"You are making a fool out of yourself."

I watched Kyou getting hesitant. He quickly dashed out of the closet, and charges for Kazuo.

"Stop!" Kyou goes to grab Kazuo's wrists as Kazuo shot at him, hitting him in the hand.

"You idiot!" Kazuo growls at Kyou. I was too scared to move.

Yamada looks around quickly, and sprints to jump Kazuo.

Kyou winces in pain, but tries to grab the gun out of Kazuo's hand.

I saw that dike running towards Kazuo.

"Kazuo!" She runs to grab him, but he tries to fling everyone off of him including her.

"Get off!" He shoots another round hitting the wall.

"Call the police!" Kyou screams. Him, and Yamada held him down.

"Shouta get the gun!" Yamada's voice raised angrily.

"Shouta..." I whispered. Keep forgetting her name. I watched as she was hesitant to grab the gun.

"Shouta!" Yamada roars as another round was fired. This time it hits a desk as files flew in the air.

"No." She says. What was she thinking?!

Kazuo aims the gun at Yamada, and shoots him in the lower regions of his body. His stomach possibly? He groans quietly, but kept his guard up.

I heard police sirens, and officers start trailing in. They all grabbed Kazuo before he could fire another round.

"You again!?" One officer said to Kazuo. "You sure will have one hell of a record." The officer glares.

"Fuck off!" Kazuo squirms, and flings around trying to get loose, but the men captured him before he could even escape to say the least.

They quickly took him away, and an ambulance came for Kyou, and Yamada who got shot. I felt so bad. Maybe if I would of came out, then this whole mess wouldn't have happened.

I quickly sneaked out the building, and drove myself home. I didn't want any part of this anymore. Hopefully Kazuo will stay locked up for some time. The pain, and shit he caused is just absurd, and unreasonable.

Coming home, I was welcomed with an angry Shinta. He folded his arms, and looked at me. "Why didn't you tell me that dude was dangerous? He was on the newspaper. Did he hurt you?"

"No he didn't." I lied.

"Don't stay around him. You have a guest coming today. He called the phone. I don't know who, but I know it isn't that man."

"A guest?" The first person I thought of was Hiro, but I doubt it could be him.

I waited by my couch until the doorbell rung. I quickly sprung up from the couch, and to the door. Opening it, my eyes widen to see the familiar face.

"Takuto?" I said in a questionable manner. I couldn't believe it was him. I thought he died or something.

"Hey kid. Man sure you have grown."

"You mean....you sure have grown?" I chuckled a bit.

"Yes pardon. My Japanese is rusty. Been in Paris way too long." He snickers. "May I come in?"

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