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2:24 ᴘᴍ

Dixie turned around to see Bryce and Tayler just standing there talking to each other and looking at the car. Addison just sat there frozen, staring into the eyes of her tormenter.

The dark-haired girl looked back at the other girl and half her to comfort her. She got noticeably tenser. Before the freckled girl could even turn around she heard a knock on the window.

Bryce was at the driver's side window and Tayler was on the passenger side. He knocked on the window again. She slightly rolled down the window, enough to hear him but not enough for him to get in. "I'm gonna need my girlfriend bud." He smirked and waved at Addison. "That sucks for you because you're not gonna get her." She wrapped her arm around the shorter girl making her whimper in pain from her bruised back. Bryce's grin quickly turned to a deadpan expression. "Give me her." He sounded like an angered 5-year-old demanding a toy. "You don't fucking own her you asshole." The darker-haired girl retorted. Tayler tapped on the window, she looked over and saw a picture of her bare chest. No bra and no shirt. Her tone quickly changed, "Why do you still have those?" They had dated in early January of that year but broke things off when she realized how bad of a person he was. "Hand her over or this, with all of the other photos, go all over the internet, bet your uptight daddy wouldn't like that.."

"I don't care. Blackmail me all you want, she's staying with me." She held onto the short girl tighter. Addison wriggled out of her arms, "Dix just stop..." she placed her hand on the side of the door pushing the button to open it and stepping out. She grabbed Tayler's hand and walked back to Bryce's car with him. They sped off leaving Dixie confused and upset in the parking lot. How could Addison love someone so bad for her?

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