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3:03 ᴘᴍ

Dixie finally arrived at the hospital she asked for Addison and they told her she was in surgery to fix her nose, she hasn't even noticed it was broken, she sat in the waiting room when Addison's family arrived, her brothers sat next to Dixie. She could help but feel like this was all her fault, the more tears she saw fall from Sheri's eyes the more the guilt set in. If she had said anything, Addison wouldn't be in here, in this dreary hospital.

Dixie stared blankly at the entrance to the hospital, counting the people coming in and taking note of the people leaving with tears in their eyes, some having stuffed animals and other things to remember their loved ones by, was she going to be one of those people? What if Addison never got better? What if she died? With all the questions racing her mind, she failed to notice Bryce walk in. He looked panicked but on the inside, he didn't care if Addison survived. In his mind, it was best for him if she didn't.

Bryce sat next to Dixie and while Addison's parents weren't looking he whispered to her, "should've just handed her over.". No one knew what had happened to Addison, not even Dixie. It had all been speculation in her head, but that sentence, that one sentence, told her everything she needed to know. It was him, he was responsible for her friend possibly losing her life. Just at that moment, they were informed they could go see her.

They walked into the room and Dixie tried her best not to cry, she was on breathing support and there was a ton of other equipment she didn't even know the names for. Lucas grabbed onto Dixie's leg and looked up at her, "Is she gonna be ok?", she just slowly nodded her head, "yeah..". She was lying, she had no idea if she was going to ever recover.

A/N bro I cried while writing this 🥲

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