Miyuki Kazuya x Reader

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Growing up, you've always experienced luxuries that costs thousands to millions. Your father had always spoiled you along with your overprotective brother. You grew up without a mother since she died giving birth to you but that doesn't mean that the love you receive is any less than what you deserve. In fact, your father treasured you so much but he put all the pressure to your brother, who will be the next heir of the family business. Akashi Seijuro, your older brother, has two personalities. First was a sweet and loving older brother which you call "boku" and the second was a cold and strict brother which you call "ore" but both of his personalities are very over protective.

You had just gotten into a fight with him and your father regarding the school which you wanted to attend. They wanted you to go to Rakuzan so that your brother could look after you and so that your dad would know what's happening to you on campus since your family is a huge sponsor of that school but you on the other hand, had enough of their overprotectiveness and wanted to go to another school which doesn't have any influence of your family as well as an over protective brother who's always on your ass every minute, no scratch that, every second!

"I'm not attending Rakuzan! Not now, not ever!" you shrieked as Seijuro glared at you, it was Oreshi at the moment and you glared back at him. "You are going there whether you like it or not" he said coldly. You had tears streaming down your face. "Daddy please. I want to attend the school where mom graduated" you said as your father sighed. "Why can't you just attend Rakuzan? It's a great school." He said and you glared in his direction. "I hate both of you! I'm leaving this house! Don't look for me ever again!" you shouted as they both flinched. You stormed out the room and began packing your things. You had enough savings anyway and you doubt that your dad would cut off your card.

Grabbing your phone, you called your best friend and told her that you'll be staying with her for the meantime before finding yourself an apartment or condo which ever comes first. She replied with an 'okay. Will be there in a bit' you smiled knowing she always has your back. You checked everything and it was all ready. You grabbed four red pockets that had money in there, you smiled looking at all the dollars you had saved since you were younger. You were the type that saves rather than spends thousands since your dad and brother were usually the ones buying things for you. You placed them in your bag and your phone vibrated, it was from your best friend saying she was up front. You replied with a 'coming'. With that, you closed your bags and dragged them towards the entrance of the house.

Seijuro just looked at you and you rolled your eyes at him while your dad looked at you worriedly but didn't say anything. One thing comes to there minds and that is "She'll come back soon" and left things as is. You had your fair share of running away from home moments especially when you don't get what you want but little did they know, it was different this time. You kissed your best friend on the cheeks as she helps you place your bag at the trunk of her car. She asked you what happened and you told her everything from the beginning till the end. She laughed at how courageous you are standing up against your brother and father. "but you can only do that to them but get shy with other people? You're really are... weird" You giggled, "So could you please help me find an apartment or condo near Seido?" you said giving her the puppy dog eyes and she sighed and nodded.

"I'll ask my uncle about it since he has condos all over Japan" she said and you nodded. As you arrived at her house, you greeted her mother who was your mother's best friend and her father who was your father's business partner. They welcomed you with open arms and even helped you with the enrollment process and the condo hunting. It only took a few days and now you're signing some documents for the condo which you purchased. After signing, you were finally given the key and ownership documents. You best friend whistled as she looked around the condo. It was spacious and has two bedrooms and two bathrooms but it was still vacant. "Can we go shopping after this? I need to move in by the end of the week" you said and she nodded.

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