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Looking at the ticket on your hand, you sighed. You weren't the type to sacrifice your free time on something so boring but your best friend who was currently attending Yakushi wanted you to visit her since it's their school festival. After a lot of persuasion, you finally agreed. You can never say no to her and she knows it. You were now at the entrance of Yakushi, giving the ticket to the student in charge at the entrance, she smiled and gave you a little map that has every details regarding the events and the places.

Skimming through it, you smiled as you saw a cotton candy booth. You have a sweet tooth and your favorite was Cotton Candy since it's fluffy and just melts on your tongue. You bought some and checked the time, it was almost 11AM. Your friend told you to come at 11AM to chill in the café for a bit and wait for her break at 12NN so that you could both have lunch and roam around together. She was excited to introduce you to his boyfriend. You smiled whenever she tells you about her current boyfriend. Since she always lands at an asshole but this time it's different.

That's one of the reasons why you agreed since you wanted to see that boyfriend for yourself and be the judge if he's good enough for her or not. Walking to her class, you finally arrived and asked entered the classroom, you were greeted by butlers and one guided you to a table. "Is (b/f/n) here? could you please tell her I arrived" the butler nodded and went on his way. Not long after, your friend went out with choco with her. "Here. My treat." she placed it in front of you and you thanked her.

"Just 30 minutes more before my break. Just chill here for a bit" She said and you nodded. Minutes passed by and you grew uncomfortable, you always hated being the center of attraction but it seems you can't avoid it. You were on the pretty side and thanks to the training menu your coach gives you since you were an athlete, your body was to die for. And I thought I'd stand out less when I wore something simple like this but guess I was wrong. Some people from different classes would peek at the rumored 'pretty girl who was sitting alone at class 2-C's café'.

Guys who have the guts to come to you and ask for your number were all turned down politely. Your friend who was serving tables laughed at your distressed face. Every time your eyes meet, she'd just give you a thumbs up which you just rolled your eyes to. Finally, her shift finished and you both got out of the Café. She pointed at one of the booths that sell lunch. "Let's eat here. I heard they served the best Tonkatsu" Your nodded and giggled. She loves pork too much. Thankfully she's an athlete as well or else she would've gotten fat with all the pork she consumes.

As you arrived, you both sat at the back part since you didn't want any attention. You were seated in front of your friend, your back facing the entrance. "I'll order for us then." you nodded and gave her your wallet "Here. My treat. could you please buy me a soda?" she nodded and went on her way. You were looking around and you saw a tall guy with black hair. He has a great build. Look at those damn thighs. It makes me wanna drool. Your eyes looked up to his face and your eyes met, he was smiling at you. You blushed and turned away. Shit! he definitely saw me looking at his thighs! Me and my stupid thigh fetish! he definitely branded me as a pervert already.

Your friend got back with a number on her hand and she gave your wallet back. "Why are you blushing like that?" she asked curiously and you sighed. "You know I have a thing for thighs right?" she nodded "A guy saw me checking him out. damn! I wish the ground would swallow me right now" She looked at you at first. "why are you so quiet?" you looked at her holding her laughter "I-I'm sorry but HAHAHAHA" she laugh out loud causing a lot of people looking at your table. Your face burned and you glared at her "STOP IT!" you growled out.

The guy that you were looking a while ago, came up your table and you looked at him shocked. "Uhm.. Hi?" he said and you blushed "Hello" you mumbled out. he took out his phone and gave it to you "Mind if I get your number?" he smiled and you blushed, you took his phone and entered your number. "I'm Sanada Shunpei by the way and you are?" he asked. "I'm (l/n) (f/n)" you smiled at him and he blushed. So beautiful. Your best friend cleared her throat "So the guy she was checking out was actually Sanada-senpai" She smirked and you kicked her. She flinched and glared at you but you just looked away.

Sanada chuckled. "I don't mind you checking me out since I was also interested in you when I passed by class 2-c's cafe while I made my way to Raichi" He said scratching his cheek. "Raichi? that name sounds familia-" you couldn't finish your sentence when your best friend suddenly stood up and waved someone over. A guy who has a scar on his face and just a bit taller than her arrived. "(f/n) this is Raichi. My boyfriend" Both of you and Sanada looked shocked. "So this was your girlfriend Raichi?" The shorter male blushed and nodded you smiled at the both of them "Cute isn't he?" you giggled. "Why don't you sit here Nada-senpai?" He said and the taller male nodded. As you talked with each other, you looked at your best friend and Raichi, they looked happy and you finally can rest assured that she has a great boyfriend tha would surely take care of her.

You all got to know each other and by the end of the day, you both got to know each other. He was the ace of the baseball team while you were the ace of the (f/s). You were both single which you both silently celebrated. He took you to the bus stop and promised to text each other. You bid him good bye as you boarded the bus. Well, the trip to her school isn't as bad as I thought it would. You smiled on your way home while Sanada smiled getting the number of the girl he finally had interest in. He was always so aloof with women so he didn't mind them but as he saw you, something inside him wanted you and thanks to his Kohai and his girlfriend, he got to know you and got your number as well. I'm so lucky! you both thought as the day ended with smiles on your faces.

~A/N: honestly? I'm into Sanada's thighs lol! They're thick af <3

(f/n) first name

(l/n) last name

(b/f/n) best friend's name

(f/s) favorite sport

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