Chapter 10

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Verity's POV

"I thought I was probably best to, well, give them some time alone." I said to Lucy. We were lying on my bed, silently daydreaming in our own little spheres of imagination.
"If Scott met me in Starbucks, will I meet him at other places? Will I meet Kevin again? Can I meet Avi too?" I thought out loud. "What are you on about?" Lucy asked. "You met Scott and Kevin?" Oh no did I scay that out loud! Oops.

"Umm Lucy, you know I'm a bit drunk at the moment, I don't know what I'm scaying, but maybe I did." Lucy sat up. "You met them?" I closed my eyes. "Umm can we talk about this tomorrow? It's getting late and my brain can't function properly." Lucy nodded, "Sure. Look you get some sleep, I'm going to bed now, see you tomorrow!" She said, and left my room.

I really shouldn't have said that, but I guess I'm going to have to tell everyone at some point. Maybe not quite yet though. What is the time anyway? I looked up at my silent clock. 1:45am! I better sleep.

I couldn't be bothered to get under the covers, so I just fell asleep on my blanket still in my clothes. 'Goodnight Avi,' I thought. 'I love you.'

Lucy's POV

As I was sitting on my floor reading a Phanfic, I began to hear slightly disturbing noises coming from the living room. Ugh... I put my headphones in, played Randlers cover of Uptown Funk, climbed into bed and hid under the covers. Dan and Connie are most likely making out on the couch, ew I hope they don't go too far. I turned up the volume so I couldn't hear them anymore, and tried to fall asleep.

~~The Next Day~~

Verity's POV

I awoke suddenly to the noise of shouting. Oh no! Dan, Connie and Matt are having an argument. Their voices thundered through the apartment like a violent storm, and it felt like the walls were shaking. I really hate it when people argue, its probably one of the few things I'm scared of.
I climbed under the covers, curling up into a ball and hiding my face in my knees. They are probably really hungover and feeling pretty down, so they're probably arguing over nothing, but it does sound pretty bad. "Shut the 🍓 up you 🍓ing 🍓!" Someone shouted, and then another angry voice replied "Don't you 🍓ing dare call me a 🍓ing 🍓, you 🍓!" and then someone else shouted back "You 🍓ing 🍓 off you 🍓 before I 🍓ing beet you until you are 🍓ing dead!"

A silent tear ran down my face, and my head was pounding from crying, and from being a bit hung over. I can't take this any more. I jumped up from my bed and shut myself inside my cupboard. It only muffled their voices a little bit though. I got my phone from my pocket and checked the time, 11am. Oops, I slept in a bit. Then I plugged in my headphones and put on Papaoutai to try and block out the shouting but I could still hear them really clearly.

My hands were shaking, and I was beginning to struggle to breath as my breathing was getting faster from crying. Uh oh, I'm having a mini panic attack. I always seem to get them when people have really bad arguments. I haven't really told anyone about them though. I tried to clear my mind and tap along to the music, but it was just getting worse. I quickly texted Lucy, saying 'Im scared....' But she didn't reply. She must still be sleeping and listening to music like she always does. So what so I do now? I scrolled through my contacts, and stopped when I reached Scott. Should I text him? He was so kind to me, so maybe he can help me now. Ok, I'll do it.

Me: Hi, can I talk real quick?
Scott: Hi! Yeah sure. R u ok?
M: I'm scared, Scott
S: What's wrong, has something happened?
M: 3 of my friends r having a really bad argument, and I'm scared of arguing, and I'm having a mini panic attack. What do I do Scott?
S: OMG, Umm what r u doing right now? can you get away?
M: I've shut myself in a cupboard and I'm listening to music, but I can still hear them. It's really loud.
S: I think I can hear them too
M: Lol I don't think they're loud enough for the whole city to hear them though!
S: Where r they arguing?
M: in the kitchen and living room
S: Can you sneak past them and get out your front door? Do you live in an apartment?
M: Yeah I live in an apartment, and I can try, but it's hard to breathe
S: Look don't worry, I will get you away from them, trust me ok
M: ok, thank you
S: anytime, now try and get into the corridor, and we'll go from there
M: Ok, thank you Xx
S: Good luck x

I got out of my cupboard and turned off the music. They were still really arguing. Maybe Scott can hear them from wherever he lives! I still have my clothes on from yesterday, so I covered my ears, and through my sobbing I opened my door and hid behind a tall plant pot next to the living room entrance. My head still really hurt, and it didn't help now that I was right next to the argument. They were all still shouting at each other and weren't really paying attention to anything else. I peeked out from the plant. Oh my Gandalf they're fighting now! I took my opportunity and ran round behind them, and quickly left the apartment.

Oops, the door was still unlock. I rested my head against the front of the door and breathed heavily. At least I'm out from there, but now what do I do? And the panic attack still isn't going away. Shaking, I walked over towards the stairs and sat down. I put my head in my hands and began to cry even more. Behind me I heard a door open and close, and then someone out their hands on my shoulders. Slowly I looked up, and through my water clogged eyes I could just make out the persons facial features. Scott?

"Hey, it's ok! Don't worry you will be alright!" He sat down next to be and put his arm over my shoulder. I leant in and buried my head in his chest. It felt very reassuring. Once I had calmed down a bit, I leant out of his arms and wiped my eyes.
"How did you know where I live?" I asked him. "I told you, I could hear the arguing!" He said with a laugh. Their voices could still be heard, and were echoing down the corridor. "'Im confused?" I said. He smiled, "Look, come with me, we can talk more when we're somewhere more private ok." He stood up and offered me his hand. I took it and pulled myself up, and then wiped myself down.

"Follow me." he said. He walked down the corridor and stopped outside room number 12, that's our other neighbour. This was the house I could hear PTX music coming from yesterday when I put the rubbish out. He unlocked the door and held it open. "Ladies first!" he said with a smile. I smiled back, and quickly walked in. It didn't muffle the arguing much in here though. "Do you live here?" I asked looking around. "Yeah! Apparently we are neighbours!" He said, locking the door behind him.

There was an open planned living room, with a large TV and 2 big grey sofas, just like in the Superfruit videos. There was also a small table next to the picture of the naked man, which was in front of the small kitchen. Then there were other doors leading to bedrooms I'm guessing. "Mitchie! he called, "Come here a moment!" Wait Mitch is here too! This is already cheering me up, and my panic attack has gone, but I'm still sobbing a bit.

Mitch walked out from a room just in front of me. He looked at me with surprise, and then looked at Scott with confusion on his face. All I did was smile and gawp and look really silly. "Mitch, this is my friend Verity, I met her when I went in Starbucks yesterday." He knows my name? Oh yeah, I put it in his phone, he remembered my name though! I think that's the first time he's said it though. Ah don't fangirl now! "She also happens to be our neighbour, you moved here recently I'm guessing." Scott continued. I sniffed, "Yeah, yesterday actually."
"Wow. so you're really new here!" Mitch said, "And you don't sound like your local either?" I sniffed again, "No, I'm British, but I moved to America yesterday, I'm living here now with my friends." I said. Wow, I am talking to MITCH GRASSI AND SCOTT HOYING IN THEIR HOUSE! To much to handle.

"That's cool!" Mitch said. "But are you ok, you seem to be crying, did Scotty do something?" I wiped my eyes, and Scott took his chance to talk and began to explain for me. "She is afraid of arguing, and as you can hear her roommates and friends are having a pretty bad argument!" Mitch looked quite sympathetic. Scott was so tall against him, but Mitch was still a little bit taller than me. I feel small, yay!

"Come and sit down, you look pretty upset. I'm sure we can cheer you up." Mitch said, sitting down on the couch. Scott and i followed, and I sat down in the middle of them both. I've always wanted to be in a scömìche sandwich. The arguing was fading a little bit now. "So, do you want a hot chocolate or something, and we could watch a film, and get popcorn and a takeaway, it's nearly lunch time anyway, and I'm hungry!" Scott said. I smiled, "Are you sure?" Mitch put his hand on my shoulder, "Girl, you're gonna need it, and Mommy does too so you kind of have no choice!"

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