Chapter 13

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Connie's POV

"Guys I'm home!" I shouted into the apartment, but there was no reply. "Guys?" I said again, placing my jumper on the couch. 'That's weird.' I thought to myself, 'where is everyone?'. It's not like Verity and Lucy to go to bed early... On the wooden table there was a note. I scooped it up and read it aloud.

I'm guessing you were at Matt and Dan's house with Verity this morning, because she disappeared along with you. I just got a text from her telling me to meet her outside. I don't know where I am going, and when I will get back, so don't you worry about us. And don't worry about you being left out, because I'm sure Verity has some sort of plan. She always does :). She might've texted you too, idk. Anyway, if we're not back when you are, then just carry on without us. See you soon,
Lucy Xx
Ps. #Condan

I wished Lucy was here right now so I could punch her. I wonder where they are? Oh well, it's late, and I need sleep. I grabbed a glass of milk from the kitchen, and then headed into my room. Shutting the door, I glanced around my room. My laptop was on my desk, tempting me to play Portal. 'Nope! I need to sleep!' I thought to myself. I changed into my One Direction pyjamas, drank my milk, and then went into the bathroom.

As I was brushing my teeth, I played FOB from my Phone. I did the shuffled around the room in time with the music. I always make Verity jealous, because she can't do it. I wonder where they are, and why have they left me out? I'm so confused, and I feel a little insulted. Well I guess I should stop getting up tight about it. I mean there is probably a perfectly good reason why they aren't here. I spat out, washed my toothbrush and headed back into my room.

It was quite dark outside. I looked out of my window at all the buildings and skyscrapers, with their lights twinkling like stars. It was a mesmerising view. I wish that Lucy and Verity were here to see this. Down below all the cars zoomed around, leaving trails of light behind them. This really was a different view to what I was used to looking at out my window. I feel like I'm in a hotel, but I'm not. This is my house now, I'm in LA! I can't actually believe that I live here now. In a amazing city, where you can never run out if things to do.

I wonder if Lucy and Verity are down there somewhere. On of the little lights, or shadows that form the concrete jungle below me. I yawned. Pulling the velvet curtains shut, I imagined all the amazing things we are going to be able to do here. It's sad that we are only living here for 2 months. Then we have to go back to visit our friends and family. And one of my closeish friends is getting married, so another reason to go back to England. But I'm definitely coming back here as soon as I can.

I climbed into my One Direction patterned bed and checked the time. 9:23pm. I guess it's quite early, but when you've just travelled back 9 hours the jet lag is pretty bad. I yawned again, and fell asleep dreaming about Portal, Niall Horan, and my friends.

Lucy's POV

I slammed my hand onto the big red button, and everything went black. Did I break it? As my eyes begin to adjust to the suddenly dark room, I look around, trying to see the others. "Guys?" I said quietly. What's going to happen?

"SURPRISE!" multiple people shouted, jumping out from hiding places. Suddenly, multicoloured lights turned on, and a disco ball on the ceiling started sending it in all directions, filling the room. Balloons and streamers fell from a net on the ceiling, and music started playing loudly from speakers all around the room. It was Beyoncé, typical Scott. I took in my surroundings, and then looked at the people around me. OMG.

Standing around me were Verity, Scott Hoying, Mitch Grassi, Alex Kirk, Ryan Parma, Jake (idk his surname), Naomi Samilton, Mario José and Todrick Hall. OMG. I jumped up and down "OMG OMG WHAT.. I CAN'T... IS THIS REAL LIFE.. EVERYONE IS HERE, I CAN'T.. NO WAY!" I can nearly talk because I'm so excited, and I'm nearly crying. "Oh and this is just the beginning!" Todrick said over the music.

Verity walked over to me and put her arm around me. I need her support right now so I don't actually die from excitement and shock. Naomi and Mario pulled a sheet of a table, to reveal loads of food, and then Ryan and Jake pulled off another sheet from anther table, to reveal lots of drinks. Then Todrick and Alex walked into the room carrying loads of onesies in their arms. And finally Mitch and Scott grabbed some microphones and the music changed and they began to sing/rap Felling Myself.

I can't handle this now. I ran around the food table and hugged everyone as I ran. Then I jumped about the room, and went onto the 'dance floor'. Everyone joined me, and Scott and Mitch continued to sing for us, and then they started singing Break Free. "THIS IS THE PART WHERE I SAY I DON'T WANNA!" I Verity shouted. "I'm stronger than I've been before!" Scott and Mitch sang in unison. "THIS IS THE PART WHERE I BREAK FREE, CAUSE I CAN'T RESIST IT NO MORE!" I screamed, running around the dance floor. These lyrics are so mood fitting. Mitch and Scott put down the microphones and joined everyone on the dance floor as the music faded into One More Time by Daft Punk. The music was so loud, and everyone was dancing and head banging and singing. Scott, Mitch, Todrick, Alex and Jake were on one side, and Naomi, Mario and Ryan were on the other. Verity dragged me over to Mitch's side and we began to dance.

"I don't know about you, but Mommy needs alcohol" Mitch said, pulling Jake behind him. Scott grabbed Alex, and Alex grabbed me, I grabbed Verity, and she grabbed Todrick! and eventually we were all doing a sort of conga line snake around the food and drinks table. "BEST DAY EVER!" I shouted!

Everyone had got drinks and food, and were starting to dance again, when there was a knock at the door. "Catherine get the door!" Mitch shouted at Scott. He opened the door, and a short man with glasses and blue spiked hair walked in. "And who said you could have a party without the queen?" He said.

"TYLER OAKLEY!" I SCREAMED. I ran and fell at his feet, bowing down to him. "Girl, you better bow down to me, because this queen is royal!" Tyler said to me. "But I'm queen too!" Mitch said, "worship me as well girl!" I attempted to now down to them both. "Girl pray more too me! You're not allowed to be sexist in front of the queen!" Tyler said laughing. "Oh! Drag huh sis how will she recovaaaa!" Mitch said, grabbing Tyler and Lucy to the dance floor. "Now where's my husband Troye Sivan, because if you left him in your apartment there will be a big price to pay!" Mitch said. "No I left him at his house in Aussie!" Tyler said, putting on a pizza costume from the onesie pile.

I grabbed a onesie that looked like Phils lion one, and watched everyone else dance. Verity had put on a dragon onesie, and was feasting on pizza and vegetarian hot dogs. "Wait for me!" I yelled at her over the blaring PTX music. I love Verity so much right now, she organised this for me!

~~~ a few hours laytair ~~~

Most of the food has gone, and nearly everyone is pretty drunk. Only Verity, Naomi and I are sober, and even then that's only just. I only had one shot, so I'm fine, but all the boys are so tipsy and full, and we are all relaxing on the sofa. Mitch, Scott, Tyler, Jake and Alex are all flirting, and Mario, Ryan and Todrick are asleep. Everyone is wearing onesies, and we all look like a disco ourselves. Gentle music is playing softly in the background. I have had so much to eat I think I'm going to explode. Verity and I are lying on a couch next to Scömìche and Tyler, and I'm nearly falling asleep. I have no idea what the time is, but it's dark outside and I'm tired. V is still nibbling on some food, whilst on her phone. I'm guessing that everyone is just gonna stay the night here, so I can't wait to hang out with them all tomorrow. I still can't actually physically believe that I just had a part with Ryan, Mario, Naomi, Jake, Alex, Todrick, Mitch, Scott and Tyler, oh and Verity. I drifted off to sleep thinking happy thoughts about how unbelievably happy an lucky I am. :)

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