Chapter 31

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Avi's POV

"Avi how long do you take in the shower?" Kevin said from the other side of the door. "What are you doing in there, writing an novel? I'm waiting." I sighed. My ensuite shower has broken, and it's not being fixed until the weekend. "No, actually. I'm thinking." I said. Kevin sighed. "Ok, but hurry up, I need the toilet!"

"Kevin why don't you just use the one in my bedroom?" I said. "Oh yeah!" He said, laughing. Seriously, he may be an ex Yale student, but he is forgetful sometimes. I finished washing my hair, and trimmed my beard. I wrapped my towel around my waist and headed to the kitchen, singing.

Kevin walked out of my room and smiled, "Don't forget about Verity." He said. I swallowed my mouthful of milk, "like I'd ever do that Kurvy." I said, heading to my bedroom. Verity had had a shower first, but was still in my pyjamas as her clothes were dirty from yesterday, and she didn't have any spares.

"I hardly ever see you without Attila these day." She said. "Where'd the beanie go?" I headed over to my closet and grabbed a shirt. "I can be bothered to do my hair, so I don't need a beanie to cover up my crazy mane." She walked over to me and smiled. "I never think your hair looked crazy." She said, twiddling the damp ends of my hair." I smiled.

She blushed, "Oh and Umm, nice chest." She said, giggling as she walked over to the bed and sat on it. To be honest I had sort of forgotten that I was naked under this towel, but how do I respond to that?

I walked over to my cupboard to grab some trousers, and stopped as I passed her. She just looked up at me, smirking, and every now and then quickly looking at my chest.

Verity's POV

That's the first time I've seen his chest, and it looks amazing. It also feels slightly weird knowing that under that towel there is nothing, and if it were to fall... Verity stop, don't think of that, that's for him to know about and not you, no matter how much you really want to.

He got changed in the bathroom, and when he walked out I think he heard my quite gasp. How much hotter can he get. He was wearing the red and black check shirt with the black sleeves, and black skinny jeans. His hair was now almost dry, and was in a bun. Avi is literally flawless. And then there's me, an ugly pile of fangirl that spends all day gobsmacking at Avi's hotness.

"How do I look?" He asked, imitating me from last night. I smiled, "you look ... Incredible" I said. He did a little twirl, giggling so adorably. Avi your making my overaviries PTXplode again. Not that I mind though, because I think he's personally trying to make them. And that makes me happy.

I got up from his bed. "Hungry?" He asked. I nodded. He walked out his room towards the kitchen, I followed him. "What do you feel like?" He asked. I shrugged, "anything I don't mind." He smiled. "Sit down and I'll surprise you."

I headed out the kitchen and sat at the table. Kevin was already there sitting in front of me, reading an autobiography. "Morning" I said. He looked up from his book and smiled. "Morning, sleep well?" I nodded, and rubbed my eyes. There was a very nice smell coming from the kitchen. Bacon?

"I feel bad not helping Avi cook, but he wanted to surprise me." Kevin looked up from his book again, put a bookmark in it and shut it. "Oh I wouldn't worry." He said. "Avi loves cooking, and food, and if he wanted help I'm sure he'd ask for help." I nodded, "I still feel bad though." Kevin smiled at me. "When Avi and I first became roommates I used to feel bad when he cooked, but he said he didn't need help. So know we just let each other cook if they want to." That helped.

"Breakfast is served!" Avi said, carrying out 2 plates full of delicious smelling food. "Aw Avi your so kind." I said. He smiled, and headed back to get his plate. He placed it next to me and sat down. I examined my plate. Eggs, bacon, a sausage, tomatoes, beans, some bread. "Wow, that's basically a full English breakfast, thanks" I said. Avi nodded. "When we went to England on tour I loved it so much I keep doing it here now." I took a mouthful. Avi was watching me closely. The flavours flowed around my mouth. I smiled, shut my eyes and sunk down in my chair. "That's SO good," I said, Avi was beaming. "Can you cook for me everyday, or teach me?" I said. He nodded, "sure." Wow I just had an Avi reaction to food, that tasted so good though.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2015 ⏰

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