Chapter 12

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Connie's POV

Where am I? I sit up on the couch I'm lying on and look around the room. I've never been here before, how did I get here? Dan is sleeping on the other couch, and Matt is sleeping in an arm chair. We appear to be in an apartment, but its definitely not mine.

I can remember a bit of last night. Dan and I were left on our own, and we got even more drunk and ended up snogging a bit, but then we spilt some beer on sleeping Matt. Of course we were far to drunk to care or too clean it up, so we just left it and fell asleep. I'm not sure what happened in the morning, but I think that I got into a fight with Matt because he was stressed out from getting covered in beer. Oh yes, I remember! We were all really hung over and still a bit drunk, and were all feeling really down, and had a huge argument. Then we all ended up in tears, and came into Dan and Matts apartment to find more beer. That's all that I can remember.

So this must be their house. Its got two large couches in the living room, with a TV and a circular table with some chairs around it. There is an open planned kitchen, and then lots of doors leading to rooms. Looking at the state the floor is in, we must've drank even more when we got in here, as there are loads of empty cans, and my head really aches. I feel really sick and down, and tired as well. What's the time anyway? 4:26pm, I've wasted a whole day virtually. Well I'm feeling tired, and there's nothing I needed to do, so maybe I should just go back to sleep for a bit. Maybe it will help my headache, and my bruises from the fight I had during the argument. Dan and Matt won't mind me sleeping here for a bit longer will they? I'll talk to them when I'm feeling better.

Lucy's POV

After about an hour and a half of watching Dan and Phil videos, I received a text from Verity.
V: Hey, because I left you this morning I owe you something. So I've got something I want to show you, i'll meet you outside our apartment at 3:30pm. See you there Xx
What does she mean? Its currently 2:52. I quickly went and had a shower, and changed into some track suit bottoms and a long sleeve Minecraft top, and then my TRXYE jumper. Then I put on my Michael Jackson hat, my glasses (that look like skrillex's) and some crocs.

At 3:30, I opened the door and waited outside the apartment, leaning on the door. What is she going to do? I studied the corridor as I waited for something to happen. There are 5 apartments on floor 4, numbers 8-12. We live at number 11, and Dan and Matt at number 9. I wonder who lives in the others? I checked the time on my phone. 3:34. Ok, come on Verity, where are you?

Scott's POV

"Ok, so here is goes!" I said, opening the door to my apartment. We had made a surprise for Verity's friend, and I'm just going to 'pick here up', you could say. She has no idea what is about to happen, but Verity seams to think that she will enjoy it. We had finished all the popcorn, pizza and Starbucks now, and then after the movie we had all been busy preparing for this surprise. To be honest it's a surprise for Verity's friend, Lucy I think her name is, and its also a party for us, so a win win situation.

Ok, I've shut the door to my the apartment, and I can see a girl standing outside Verity's apartment, that must be her. She has long black hair, but its almost ginger at the bottom, and she's quite short, and she's listening to music. Good she won't hear me coming. I walked down the corridor, stopping about two metres away from her when she looked up and saw me.

She pulled out her headphones, and her mouth dropped open. I smiled at her. "Are you Lucy Harris?" I asked her. She jumped around a bit, I'm guessing she's fangirling. "Yes! OMG how do you know my name? Scott, I can't believe it's actually you! I'm gonna die." She said. Its always nice when fans are so excited and happy to meet us, it really brightens my day.

"Well you've got to come with me I'm afraid,but you don't mind that do you?" I said, walking up to her. She shook her head, "No, why wouldn't I mind that?" Then she stopped jumping. "But what about Verity? She asked me to wait out here as she's got something she wants to show me..." I smiled, "Oh, I wouldn't worry about that, because I don't think you need to wait here any longer!" She covered her mouth with her hands and jumped around in a little circle. "OMG!"she said again. She is quite short, I think she's even shorter than Kirstie.

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