Chapter 19

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Watch this video when I say so!

Connie's POV

I brought Niall to my apartment, and I was planning to sneak him in and surprise V and Luc, but they weren't in. 'Probably at Scömìche's or Dans' I thought. I took him into the living room and sat him down on the couch. "This is a nice place you've got here." He said, I smiled, "Thank you, I share it with my two best friends, but they aren't in."

"At this time of night?" he said, looking at the clock on the wall, it read 11:15. "Well we have a lot of neighbours who we are good friends with, so we often hang around theirs, well they do anyway." I said. "Hey, come sit." he said, patting the couch next to him. ugh I love him. I sat down and snuggled next to him. "Wanna watch something?" He asked. I nodded my head. He got up and walked into the kitchen, coming back with some popcorn.

"Sorry to intrude, but you don't mind do you?" he said, "not at all." I got up and grabbed a few more things. "You ready?" I asked, he nodded. "Ok, what shall we watch?" I looked at the TV screen, "Um, what about the Avengers?" He smiled, "Sure!" We sat back down next to each other, and put a large checked fleece over us. I snuggled into his shoulder, and he put his arm around me. Yawning, I took a handful I popcorn from the container on his lap. He started the film and we settled down.

About a quarter of the way through, I began to drift off. Niall took my hand and held it, and fiddled with my hair in this other had. "I love you." he said soothingly. I smiled, "I love you too." And with that we fell asleep.

Verity's POV

"That was SO cool!" I said, hugging Lucy. I then proceeded to hug them all, but Avi a little longer than the others. Everyone was beaming. "So you listen to our music a lot then?" Kevin asked. I nodded my head frantically. "All V ever really does is watch your videos, or listen to your music or look at pictures of you, you get the gist, she is obsessed with you guys, her life is Pentatonix, and you have no idea how much you mean to her, you are her everything, her heroes, her best friends, her family, her life, her happiness, and she is the biggest Pentaholic and Aviholic ever." I blushed a little. Lucy carried in with her speech. "She would literally do anything for you guys, and whenever she's sad, just looking at you or hearing your voices makes her immediately happy. There's so much more I could say, but there's one thing I must say. Thank you, thank you for making her happy. Before she discovered you she was still happy, but after she found you, she has been even more happy, and that makes me happy. You have made her who she is, and I'm so thankful. But you look after her ok. Pentatonix, thank you for everything, and I love you,, but no way as much as she loves you."

A tear ran down my cheek. "That was so beautiful." Scott said. "Did you prepare that?" I shook my head, "That is the thoughts and words of my heart, they are all always running through my mind, and I often speak them to the world, I've taught you well friend." I said, glancing at Lucy. She smiled, "Yes you have."

I noticed the others were kind of getting emotional too. "You mean that much to us?" Kevin said. I nodded, "And a thousand times more than that." I looked at Avi, a tear was appearing in his eye. I walked over to him and we hugged each other. We just stood there, comforting each other, but also making us even more emotional.

Eventually we parted, not volunteerlaly, but because we were in the presence of the others so it would've become awkward, sort of. "We're just 4, well 5 normal choir nerds, so to hear that we mean so much to someone is, emotional." Scott said. Avi nodded. "We are just normal people doing what we love, so to hear that other people enjoy and live what we do is so amazing, and it makes us happy." I smiled, "You are amazing, you make me happy, and I enjoy what you do, and I love it, and you guys."

"What do you want to be?" Mitch asked, "because you are, how old?" I smiled at him, "I'm 22 on Friday, and I want to write music and do covers and record stuff in studios and, yeah basically be a solo artist, and Lucy likes that too, but she's now a cameraman, so she films my stuff, well she will." They smiled at me. "We will support you, cause I know you're good." Avi said. "Aw thank you." I said. "But my other roommate, who Scömìche have met, she's called Connie, and I want her to song with me as well, so I'm kind of a solo, but also a trio."

"That's cool! Do you play instruments?" Kevin asked. I nodded "Yeah quite a few." Avi nodded, "She told me earlier, there's like 6 or 7 she can play." Lucy walked over to a piano and lifted the lid. "Play something." She said to me. I walked over and sat down on the stool, "What should I play?" Lucy smiled. "Do Daft Punk." I grinned at her.

"Ok guess what she's playing." Lucy said. They had gathered around me. I played the first few notes, and then Mitch smiled, "Daft Punk." They all smiled and Kevin started beatboxing to it. I could only play the intro, so I stopped. Scott clapped. "Oh Scotland," I said. "Yes?" I started playing the piano part to his cover of Wake Me Up. "What rhythm do you do at this part? " He started playing it up an octave and I joined in when I got it. "Wow thanks"

"Ok um Kevin i know you'll like this" I said. I began to play, filling the piece with emotion like its supposed to be. Kevin was smiling. "The moonlight sonata!" he said. I nodded. Scott put his hand out to Mitch, "Will you take this dance?" He nodded, "Would be my pleasure!" So Mitch and Scott ballroom danced around the room as I played. Lucy was laughing so hard, and then Kevin grabbed her and they began dancing to. I wanna dance with Avi! We looked at each other, and he saw my thoughts in my eyes.

He took out his phone and connected it to Scott and Mitch's Bluetooth speakers. I stopped playing and he showed me his music. I choose one. Suddenly music began to play from the surround sound. Kevin laughed "Clean Bandit is so dope!" he cried out. I had chosen Cologne by Clean Bandit. "Good choice!" He said. And because we are all crazy, we all walked into the middle of the room and began to dance. Scott switched off the lights, and Mitch turned on the disco lighting. It was amazing!

"Wow!" Lucy said, "Lets party! The bass was amazing, not as good as Avi, but it filled the room ad the atmosphere was incredible. We all cane into a big sort of circle. The chorus was approaching, and everyone began to sing and dance. "Whatever happens tonight stays in the crowd, whatever happens stays between you and I, whatever happens tonight stays in the crowd, whatever happens its between you and I" I looked at Lucy. The lyrics were crying out Scömìche. I nodded at her, and she walked over to them both and dragged them away from the group. "Listen to the lyrics." she said to them, and then walked back to the group, leaving them together.

Avi, Kevin and I were dancing, and wow Avi can move. "Avi, you're killin' it!" Kevin said. I nodded, "How are you so good at dancing?" He just smirked at me. We continued to dance to the amazing song. "Please tell me how to dance, cause I'm terrible." I said. Kevin looked at me, "Just let your body move to the music!" I followed his advice, and found myself doing some pretty weird moves, but I was enjoying it, and the others didn't seem to mind. When the slower bit of the song was playing, I glanced over at Scömìche. They were just dancing but looking awkwardly at each other. I nudged friend with my elbow. "Go do something about them."

Lucy nodded and walked straight up to them. She took their hands and placed them in each others, and they just looked at her. She grinned at them and then sat down on the couch. They smiled at each other and then started to dance together.

Kevin was, well I don't even know what Kevin was doing, but he was dancing alright. Avi and I looked at each other, and then danced some more. When the song finished, Kevin clapped, "Wooo more!" Behind me i noticed Scott and Mitch pull away from each other, did they just kiss!? I looked over at Lucy, she shook her head and acted out whispering. Avi smiled at Kevin. "Its on shuffle, so..."

Suddenly the Harlem shake blasted out the speakers, making me jump. Lucy stood up on the couch and began to do a really weird dance. She looked like a constipated chicken trying to do the cancan whilst trying to swim. I could stop myself from laughing. "DO THE HARLEM SHAKE!" She shouted over the music. We all spread out a bit an began to do really random dancing.

Kevin was leaning backwards and shimmying. Scott was doing lots of humping movements and waving his head round, Mitch was dropping down low and waving his arms about. I was head banging and just moving really randomly. Avi was doing his amazing dance moves again, but a bit more extreme. His secret: his hips don't lie. (There is a video of Pentatonix doing the Harlem shake at the top if the page if you want to watch it now, just imagine that Verity is Kirstie, and that there isn't an audience.)

We all nearly collapsed with laughter. Lucy got out her phone and connected it to the speakers. "I will be your DJ, so enjoy!" I looked at Lucy, slightly scared. "This isn't going to end well." I said. "Why?" Kevin asked. "Because Lucy."

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