Chapter 9

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Verity's POV

"Oh you guessed it right!" I said, placing my empty glass on the coffee table. "What kind of drinking game?" Lucy asked. Matt and Dan were smiling at each other, "We don't care what kind of game it is!" Matt said, "It includes alcohol!" He declared, causing us all to giggle a bit. Lucy was looking really nervous now. "But guys, I've never had alcohol before, and I don't want to get drunk and end up like my Dad, cause..."
"You are playing whether you like it or not!" Connie said, cutting her off "And besides, its only a bit of fun, and you might not have to drink at all if you are really good at it!" Lucy looked down at the floor and shuffled in her seat "Well... I supposed I could just try playing for a little bit." She said, gaining a bit of confidence about it. "That's the spirit!" Dan said, picking up his glass ready for the game. "But I will stop playing when I think I've had enough to drink, is that fair?" She asked. "that's fair" Connie said.

"Oh that gives me an idea!" I said, standing up and hopping up and down. "We are going to play a few different games, but what about for each game, once the person who has drunk the least wins, we should keep on going until people drop out because they have drunk enough, and then the last person standing wins as well! What do you think?" I said, sitting back down, proud of my thinking.

Dan and Matt nodded their heads in unison, "That's fine by us." Matt spoke for both of them. "That's ok by me too!" she said, "it gives the game a bit more competition!" "Ok," I said, "Anyone want to add anything before we start?"

"Well what games are we playing?" Matt asked. "We will decide that when we start," I said "any more questions?" Lucy put her hand up "Miss miss over here miss!" She said. "Yes Lucy?" She put her hand down "What drink are we actually going to be drinking?" I looked at Dan and Matt. "Well I couldn't find any alcohol, so I was hoping these guys have some at their house." I said giving the boys puppy eyes. Dan stood up and walked over to the door "You should've said you couldn't find anything!" He said. "Yeah!" Matt added, "We have plenty of beer at home. Give me your glasses and i'll put them away, we won't be needing them.


Dan walked back into the living room holding 5 tall cans of beer. "We should probably bring as many as we need in here before we start, so we don't have to get them when we are drunk." He placed them on the coffee table and said "Someone come and help me get some more." Connie jumped up and followed him out if the room. Lucy got up from next to where Connie was and came to sit next to me on the third couch. "Well I'm gonna give Connie some space!" she said giggling.


"Right so I was thinking of playing a few games, maybe 2 or 3, and I have one in mind, anyone else have any ideas?" I said. We now had about 3 or 4 cans each, and a few other bottles too. Dan and Matt must have a HUGE supply or something. "Well, there's spin the bottle once we've drank a bottle." Connie said. "I don't know how to play any drinking games," Lucy said, "so I'll let the experts explain." She continued, pointing at Dan and Matt. "Ha, sure!" Dan said.
"What about never have I ever!" I said, excitedly. Connie, Dan and Matt nodded in agreement. "Explain?" Lucy asked.
"So basically," I started, "It's a bit like truth or dare. Everybody takes turns, and when it's your go, you say 'Never have I ever' and then you say something you've never done, for example, never have I ever drunk alcohol, and then everybody who has done it has to take a drink. Does that make sense?" Lucy nodded, "Yeah, I think so, but I'll get it as we go along."

"I'll start." Dan said. We all picked up a can. "Ok, never have I ever crashed a car." Matt took a sip. "Really!" Lucy said. "Yeah, when I was learning though." Connie quickly took a sip. "Well if it counts when you're learning, then I kind of did."
"Ok if we go clockwise, then it's Matt's turn. "Ok, never have I ever... had a boyfriend." Me and Connie took a sip. "You've never had a boyfriend? Are you lesbian?" Dan asked Lucy. "No! I'm just not really interested, and I'm a tomboy, you know that!"

"Ok my go!" I said. "Never have I ever... taken drugs!" Dan and Matt looked at each other, and then took a sip. "WHAT!" Connie shouted. "We were drunk at our friend Seth's party, and a load of us did it as a dare. It was only once." Dan explained. "Wow, you guys sound dangerous when drunk!" I said. "If you go crazy, we will have to lol you in a cupboard, so that you don't kill anyone ok" Lucy said. "Ok" Matt and Dan said in unison.

"Ok so me and Dan have 1, Matt and Connie have 2, and Lucy has 0. Wow! you guys are rebels!" I said to Matt and Connie. "I don't think we should keep track of how many drinks we've taken, it will get confusing." Dan said. "Lucy's go!" Connie said, eager to get on with the game. "Umm, ok so never have I ever, kissed anyone in a lovey dovey way, not like, your mum or someone." she smiled. All four of us took a drink. "Wow Lucy you're good!" Matt said. "My Go!" Connie said, "Never have I ever... oh wait I've done that, ok never have I ever eaten sushi!" Dan looked at Connie weirdly "That's really a weird one... and I'm taking you to a sushi bar TOMORROW! You're missing out!" Lucy leant in and whispered in my ear "They're going on a date!" I tried and failed to prevent myself from laughing, and we got some funny and evil looks from the others. "It's ok, carry on!"

~~several rounds later~~

Lucy had introduced the dirty stuff quite early into the game, so by the time we were all onto our 2 or 3 can, it was getting pretty serious. "Never have I ever given any body a lap dance!" Connie said. The boys laughed as I took a drink. "I didn't do it to anybody, only to the air, pretending that Avi was there, so I guess I haven't." Lucy laughed, "Connie you should give Dan a lap dance, I dare you!" Connie stood up and sat on Dans lap, and gave him a pretty wobbly but sexy lap dance, it's was ok bearing in mind she was pretty drunk, and on to her 4th can.

Lucy, who was nearly at the end of her second, was still the most sober of us all, me in second, Matt in third, and Connie and Dan at joint fourth. They were getting rather drunk by now, and this is when it gets funny.

"Ok never have I ever," Dan paused to think, "pretended to be pregnant." "This is getting really weird now..." Lucy said. Nobody drank, so Matt took his go. "Never have I ever kissed someone the same gender as me." Connie, went to drink and then stopped. "Im joking guys! Jeese."

Lucy's POV

I really want to make things awkward again, because that's funny, and people are quite drunk now, even I'm feeling a bit tipsy. I might pull out soon. It's Verity's go, I'm quite surprised how fairly sane she's stayed so far. "Ok never have I ever... had a one night stand." Connie looked slightly guilty as she took another drink. Wow she's done so many things! To be honest we are all going to regret this in the morning, and have a hangover... Dan and Matt both took sips too.

My go, yes! Time to make some conflict, wait that's probably a bad thing to do.. oh well here it goes. "Never have I ever had a crush on anyone in this room." I look at Connie and Dan, who both awkwardly eye each other and then take a drink. I knew it! I ship it so much now!

"I'm gonna pull out now guys, I've had nearly 3 cans, I'm out!" Verity said, placing her almost empty can on the coffee table. "Im out too" I say, and place my can with hers." Matt had fallen asleep on the couch, so that left Dan and Connie. "I'm going to go to my room for a moment, you want to come?" Verity asks me. "Ok." I glance at Connie and wink at her, before waking into Verity's room.

Oooooh! What will happen next! I'll let you find that out for yourself :) Please vote, and follow me on Instagram if you aren't already! @PentaholicKaplan Thank you guys!
-PentaholicKaplan (Leopawa)

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