Chapter 7

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Scott's POV

Once Mitch had driven us back to our apartment I was feeling very excited for some reason. Wyatt walked over to me and rubbed himself all over my long legs. "Hey Queen!" I said, tickling his ears. Mitch was sitting on one of our two couches on his iPhone. "So, what did you have done at the salon today Mitchie?" I said, sitting down onto the other couch. Wyatt climbed into my lap and began kneading my thighs.

"Oh the usual," He said, putting his phone on the coffee table and picking up his Elmo mug. "I had my eyebrows and my nails done, and then they adjusted my hair a bit." He took a sip from his cup and got up from his seat. "I'm just gonna get some more coffee, you want some?" I lifted up my cookie monster mug and passed it to him. "of course!" He took it and smiled at me, before heading out of our large lounge and into our kitchen.

When he left the room I got out my phone and looked at Verity's phone number. I really want to talk to her again, but I think I would sound desperate. I always like to meet fans, and I have to admit she was quite cute. Instead, I logged on to my MacBook Pro (laptop) and went onto YouTube and brought up my Music playlist. 7/11 by Beyoncé began to play, and turned up the volume really loudly.

As I'm feeling flirtatious, I walked over to the kitchen and poked my head around the door. Mitch was stirring a freshly brewed coffee and munching on a cookie. I smiled to myself and counted to 3, before wrapping my leg around the door frame and putting on a really sexy face.

"Heyyy Queen!" I said, flicking my invisible fringe out if my eyes. "Wanna come and play with Daddy?" I winked at him playfully. Mitch put his forefinger up to his lip and did I half smile. "If you want it you'll have to come and get it!" We burst out laughing as I lowered my leg and walked towards him in an OTT catwalk fashion. I stopped when our chests were touching and I gazed down into his beautiful brown eyes. I could feel our hearts beating in time as I gently placed my hands on his temples. "I hope Mommy's hungry!" I said beaming. My hands dropped to his sides and I placed mine in his. He looked on the floor behind me and smiled, his face turning beetroot. "Oh Mommy's hungry alright."

My face lit up and I pulled him into the living room. 7/11 was still playing, and Mitch walked over to the laptop and changed the song. ID by SOPHIE began to play. His small right hand was still in mine, and he turned to face me. We stared at each other for a few seconds, and then the bass dropped (kinda) and we both began to head bang full out. We couldn't control our laughter as we raved to the music. Mitch loved this song.

A few exhausting minutes later, when the song finished, we both collapsed onto the couch. I watched the rise and fall of his chest and smiled. Wyatt, who had been watching from the arm of the sofa meowed and jumped onto my shoulder, purring away. "That was fun!" Mitch said regaining his breathe, "I could do with that coffee!" I smiled and gently picked up Wyatt and placed him on Mitch's face. "I'll just get them from the kitchen" I said.

Once I reached the mugs, a slow song began to softly play. Not About Angels by Birdy flowed through the rooms, creating a calm and relaxing mood. "Hey angel, here's your coffee." I said hanging him his mug. He shoved Wyatt off his face and stood up, took a sip and placed it down on the table. "Wanna dance?" he said, giving me a look that I couldn't say no to.

He walked over to me and placed his hands on my back and shoulder, cheekily grinning at me. I placed my hands on his back and we began to slow dance, out foreheads resting on each others. The music danced around us, engulfing us in our own world. My heart was pulsing and I could tell that Mitch was feeling the same as me. We looked up from the floor and into each others eyes, and Mitch opened his mouth to say something ... and then I stood on Wyatt's tail.

We fell backwards onto the couch giggling. Mitch landed on top if me, and lay there for a few seconds before he got up and stroked Wyatt lovingly. "oh baby it's ok did Daddy hurt you?" I bent down so he could rub his nose on mine. "Daddy's sorry"

We sat back down and sang until the song finished. I wasn't to sure what had happened just then, but I'm not afraid to admit it felt pretty good. I put my arm around Mitch and he snuggled his head into my chest.

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