Chapter 26

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Lucy's POV

I woke up with a sore nose, probably from when my iPod fell on my face when I fell asleep. I yawned and checked the time. 9am, and its Tuesday 7th November, Superfruit day! I checked my messages, there was one from Verity.

V: you know what day it is!
L: it's Tuesday!!

I got up and got changed, then I fiddled with my camera, took some pictures of the view out of my window and then headed into the living room. Connie was sitting on the couch reading Percy Jackson, and Niall was eating some toast. "Morning!" I said. She looked up from her book and smiled. "Hi!" Connie then took a bite out of Niall's toast, and continued reading.

"You're leaving tomorrow aren't you" I said to Niall, he nodded. "I don't want to anymore, but I have too, but I'll be back visiting Connie when I can," he said, Connie beamed at him. "Or," he continued, "I guess you could come with me." Connie's eyes lit up. "Please!" I smiled at them. "That's fine with me, whatever makes you happy." I said.

I walked into the kitchen and made myself some food whilst they sorted out what was going to happen. I don't really want Connie to go, she's missed out quite a lot already, but whatever makes her the happiest is all I want.

"Connie remember Dan still hasn't taken you to that sushi bar, maybe you could go there today and bring Niall?" I suggested. She nodded, "That's a good idea, I'll text Dan and organise it." Niall nodded, "that sounds fun"

I sat down and got out my phone. I messaged Matt,Dan and Ethan.

L: Hi guys, what u up 2?
M: I was sleeping
E: eating and playing ps3
D: drinking Mountain Dew and messaging Connie

Typical them.

L: so your not planning anything today?
D: well sushi with Connie, and then a date with Sierra
M: more sleep
E: keep doing the same

Wait who's sierra!?

L: who's sierra?
D: she was my girlfriend a while ago, but we got back together yesterday
L: that's weird, Connie got a boyfriend recently too
D: good for her

Wait V isn't up. I wonder what she's doing. Probably either listening to PTX or texting them. Something along those lines.

Avi's POV

Last night for some reason it took me a little longer than usual to fall asleep, I think it's because the last time I fell asleep I was next to Verity, but I wasn't yesterday. I miss her. But we had a good day at the studio yesterday though. One song I'm pretty confident Verity is going to love, and probably fall asleep to every night.

I rolled over in my bed. It seems so big and empty, I wish Verity was here so I could cuddle with her again. That gives me an amazing feeling I've never felt before, only when I'm with Verity. I wonder if she's awake?

A: hi Verity, u awake?
V: yeah, Im always here
A: did I wake you?
V: no I was already awake, daydreaming of you :)
A: aw, I miss you
V: I miss you more
A: when can I next see you again
V: now look out your window!

Ha clever! I walked over to my window, opened it and peered out. There was Verity, sticking her head out of the next window along, her room is next to mine! I smiled and waved. She smiled and waved back. I blew her a kiss, causing her to giggle adorably, and she blew one back. I looked at her beautiful self again and then we went back in. I sat on my bed again. How I wish she was here with me.

V: there's only a wall between us, if only there was a door
A: if only

I smiled, I'm sure she likes me, and I'm really growing to like her more and more each day. I really want to just do anything with her everyday, but I can't because the others will suspect something, not that they already don't. For example, I really want to hold her hand all the time, but I can't in public, not yet anyway. I can't wait for her birthday. I'm going to make her as happy as I can, and that will make me happy

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