Chapter 6

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Verity's POV

I had been reading for a while, but my mind was wondering so I couldn't focus. Placing a cookie in my mouth, I put my book away and grabbed my phone from my back pocket. Connie was still reading her kindle and Lucy was still on YouTube, but instead she was watching Tyler Oakley and Troye Sivan. I unlocked my phone and stared down at Scott's number which was still in the screen. Should I text him yet? Or would that seem desperate. I wonder if I can get Avi's number from him?

Sighing, I adjusted my beanie and made myself comfortable on the couch again. "Lucy," She paused the video and looked up at me. "yes?"
"Wifi password, please!" she grunted and took my phone from my outstretched arm and pinned it in. I don't understand how she can remember a wifi password and not important things, like when she has to get her coursework done by. I retrieved my phone and went onto twitter to continue sending countless tweets to the radio station and @PTXofficial to try and win this VIP ticket.

"Connie!" Dan voice echoed down the corridor of floor 4 as he walked down it towards us. "What?" she shouted back. "stop spamming me on Skype I'm trying to play Call of Duty and is lagging me out!" He said as he appeared in the door way. Connie giggled and jumped up onto her feet. "I'll be right back" she said, walking towards Dan, kindle in hand. Lucy felt around on the empty plate searching for a cookie, but they had all been eaten. "Can we get some more food?" She asked me. I looked down at my watch, "well it's about 6 now so we really should start cooking dinner."

"Tea!" Matt shouted from the door way, as he had followed Dan. "Dinner!" Lucy shouted back "TEA!", "DINNER!", "TEA", "DINNER",
Connie pushed down Dan's phone to gain his attention. "As you two both worked so hard to set up our stuff before we got here, would you like to join us for dinner?" He asked the boys. "Tea." Matt whispered under his breath. "And gladly yes!"
Connie then pushed Dan's phone back up so he could continue, and walked towards the kitchen. Matt put his head on Dan's shoulder to watch him.
"Ok, so who's cooking?" She asked. I glanced down at Lucy who was engrossed in her video. "Umm I guess you and me." Connie picked up the empty cookie plate and put it in the dishwasher. "Ok, so what shall we cook?" I opened the fridge, "Ummm, spaghetti Bolognese?" Connie's face lit up. "I guess that's a yes!"

~A few minutes later~

"Verity! You've spilt tomato everywhere!" Connie said, "I told you I was a messy cook." I said as I tried to open the wrapper that the spaghetti was in. "let me open that, you clean up your mess!" I opened the cupboard under the sink and got some kitchen roll. I wiped the floor and the working surfaces and then tried to wipe Connie's face. "you've got some on your face too!" I joked, hovering the dirty paper by her mouth. "NO!" she said, flicking it out if my hand as she poured the spaghetti in the bubbling pan.

"Now for revenge!" she said, bending down to pick up the tomato covered kitchen roll. I jumped backwards against the dishwasher as she sprung up from the floor, swinging the paper back and forth. "Uh oh.." I said as she cornered me. "Oh you're not getting away from this!" She said trying to pull a serious face. I smiled a cheeky 'you mad bro' smile and winked, before diving under her outstretched arm. "Catch me if you can!" I said, darting around the kitchen.

Running straight at me, Connie grabbed me by the waist and stopped abruptly, and I slipped on the spaghetti wrapper and fell onto the overflowing bin. We burst out laughing, with Connie struggling to stand upright. "I guess I better clear this up!" I said through giggles. Wrappers were stuck to my clothes, and I had old food all over my face from when I fell head first into the bin.

Lucy walked into the kitchen "What was all that abo.... wow, Verity you really are a messy cook!" I stood up and wiped down my clothes. Lucy bent down to help Connie clear up the rubbish. "You go clean yourself up, we'll do this." Lucy said. I smiled and walked to the bathroom.

On the way there I nearly bumped into Matt in the corridor. "Woah! What were you doing in the kitchen?" He said, his mouth wide open. Dan opened the door to the bathroom and looked me up and down. "Did you have a food fight... without me! You can't do that, it's against the rules!" he joked. I smiled "It wasn't me ok" I said moving him out of my way as I walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me.

Wow. I hadn't yet been in the bathroom. It was pretty big and spacious, and had a few small plants spread around the room. There was a large bath along the back wall, and a shower in the back corner. The toilet and sink were on the wall next to the shower, and there were 3 large mirrors on the walls, and a small one above the sink.

I cleaned myself up headed back to the lounge. Dan and Matt were on the middle couch watching spongebob on TV, and Connie and Lucy were finishing the cooking. "Verity, can you take the rubbish to the bin please." Connie said, running from the oven to the sink with a colander full of peas. "Sure, but where is the bin?" Dan looked up from the TV. "It's on the first floor in an room labelled 'Garbage' near the Laundry room at the bottom of the stairs. We went past it on our way up here." I picked up the black bag and swung it over my shoulder. "Ok, don't worry I'll find it. Be right back!"
"Ok Santa!" Lucy joked.

I walked out of our apartment and looked up and down the hall. I wonder who else lived in the other rooms on this floor apart from Dan and Matt. And was everyone on this floor friends with each other? I headed to the stairs, dragging the bag down behind me. On the way down I started to hear the song Royals playing. I hummed along as I walked. Wait, that was Pentatonix's version right?! My mouth made its way into an automatic smile, there must be some fans living here too! Maybe I should say hello to my fellow Pentaholics. What floor were they on? Floor 4, the same as us. Ok, I'm definitely saying hi to our neighbours tomorrow.

When I reached ground floor, I pushed open the heavy door to the 'Garbage Area' and scrunched up my face. It stank in here. How often do they clean this place! It even has two doors so you can't smell it in the lobby. I pushed open the door easily, and walked straight into a tall black man wearing a PTX cap.

He stared down at my surprised face and chuckled. "You ok?" He asked me. I nodded twice and looked up at his face. I dropped the bag and my hands flew up to my gawping mouth. It was Kevin Olusola!

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