Chapter 1

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*small mention of sexual assault*

Kaycee POV:
Today i got my new phone from my parents for my birthday! We have been in Texas for nearly 2 years i mean Texas is fun but i wanna go home see bailey go back to dance, dance with Tricia and JoJo but you see i would but my parents want me to keep her a secret but i don't know if i can anymore, i mean Bailey knows but that's because i talk to her on a daily basis and it would be hard to keep a baby from crying or just when she wants her mom and i told her not to tell anyone anything about the baby or me so when people ask about me she says she doesn't know and she hasn't heard from me, she also doesn't mention LA to me at all because she doesn't want me to remember it but little does she know I think of LA everyday. Oh right your probably thinking what Kaycee you have a baby well yes i do that's why i left LA, technically it wasn't my fault i was well how do you say this forced to have to do the nasty with them and they just left me in an alley and a few months after i found out i was pregnant, my parents, Kylie and Devon were all understanding after they found out the truth. After i moved without anyone knowing I wasn't very active on anything. Ooo my phone is ready!!

My dad handed me my phone and said "all your old pictures and numbers are on there darling but there might be some random numbers if you don't know them just ignore them".

"Thanks again mom and dad you really didn't need to get me a new phone ahhhh i need to message bailey!!!" I go running to my bedroom where lily was still asleep.

My parents chuckled "your welcome darling" they both replied.

I quietly walked into my room not to wake lily up and sat on my bed, i was scrolling through all my numbers to find bailey but there was just one random number underneath but i was too excited to fully acknowledge it, so i pressed on Bailey and messaged her.

Kayc :)
Hey bails guess what?

Bails :)
Kayc ??

Kayc :)
Bailey its me i got my new phone!

Bails :)
Omg yes kaycee i totally forgot you were getting one how is it, do you like it?

Kayc :)
Yes its actually really nice! 

Bails :)
That's good! How's lily is she doing okay?

Kayc :)
Yes she doing perfect she's sleeping at the moment.

Bails :)
Awe bless her i wish she could meet her Aunt Bailey!

Kayc :)
I wish she could too bails I'm 100% sure she would love you.

Bails :)
Okay kayc i have to go to dance i hope you have a lovely birthday, message me if your not busy later on.

Kayc :)
Oh um okay bailey have fun!

When Bailey mentions she has dance it kinda upsets as I really wish i could go back to dance but i cant, you know what I'm going to ask my parents one more time if we can go back to LA. Lily just woke up as I was about to leave so I went back I picked up lily and March proudly to the living room.

Laura POV:
So kaycee thought her only birthday present was a new phone but actually after of loads of convincing from Kylie and Devon we have finally decided that we are going to move back to LA, were going back in 2 weeks but were not telling kaycee yet as we know she will get too excited and not think properly so we're gonna tell her the day before we're moving and say she can only tell Bailey as she can never keep any secrets from bailey. Speak of the devil here she is with my beautiful granddaughter!

Kaycee POV:
As I walk into the living room I get kinda nervous as they don't really like when I mention LA. My mom sees me and lily and immediately gets up and comes over for lily.

"Hey darling and hey lily" says my mom while taking lily from my arms.

"Hey mom and dad I have a question?" she says nervously.

"What's up darling". My dad says while dropping his attention from the tv to me.

"Well I've been thinking and it's been nearly 2 years and I really miss LA and dance and bailey I really wanna go back please can we go" begging them.

"Darling we're staying and that's final" my mom says with a stern face.

I look over at my siblings but they just stare at me like they love it here and I know they don't! "Yeah but I haven't made one friend here cause I'm not aloud to mention lily she's my child I'm aloud to tell whoever I want about her, please can we just go back I hate it here."

"Kaycee we get she's your daughter but we have made the decision we're staying here it's for the best you can find new friends, you can dance here" my mom says while playing with lily.

I finally decide to just give up. I walk over and take lily from my mom. "I'm gonna put her down for a nap!" I say very upset.

I go to my room and sit on my bed hugging lily while rocking her to put her back down for a nap as she didn't get much sleep. I start to hear footsteps outside my room and I know it's my mom so I start talking to lily.

"Well lily looks like your not gonna get to meet Aunt Bailey face to face but I guess we can FaceTime her everyday." Lily starts to close her eyes. "Goodnight lily" I put her down in her crib.

I go and sit down on my bed when my phone dings. It's a message from that unknown number?

Julian I know you got a new phone man but seriously where are you I'm waiting outside dance and your not here.

Umm hi I think you got wrong number this isn't Julian?

Omg I'm so sorry my friend got a new phone and I thought this was his new number I'm really sorry umm....

Kaycee my names kaycee.

How don't you know I'm an old creepy man but nice name btw.

Well I don't think an old creepy man would be going to a dance class all nervous about where his friend is and thank you.

Well that is very true and hey I'm not nervous I'm just concerned!

Mmmm suree.

Well really sorry to break it short I have to go to dance but it was nice to chat, I hope to speak again kaycee.

Oh yeah sure hope you have fun and you too mystery boy!

well that was weird


Hey guys I hope you enjoyed the first chapter it's is my first book so it's properly not the best but I hope you enjoyed it, I wonder who the mystery boy is...... you probably all ready know as I gave a massive clue! But adios it's time for me to head to bed as it's very late for me. Follow my insta to know when I'm posting new chapters seanandkaycee2125!
There also wasn't a lot on the unknown number as this chapter was mainly based on kaycee in Texas and how her life is there.

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