Chapter 14

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Kaycee POV:
After Sean said he would be the father figure for lily my heart just exploded with excitement, I've always wanted lily to grow up with a male so she also has the protection from him and i know Sean is the best fit. We went back the studio and we sat at the front as Sean worked his magic and filmed his class, after everyone packed and said thank you to Sean they all left and Sean came over to me and lily and saw she was asleep and his eyes looked so sad.

"Hey Sean what's wrong". Said rubbing his cheek lightly as he looked at me and said "nothing kayc I'm just happy to call you both mine." And my heart sunk we haven't said about dating but we know about each others feeling.

"Kaycee im sorry I shouldn't have..." he started rambling but i knew what i wanted so i stopped him by giving him a little peck on the lips and he immediately just went into shock.

I started laughing and said "seannn come on i thought you wanted me to meet someone" walking to towards and he shouted "oh yeah comingggg" and i just laughed.

We got into the car and i strapped lily in and sat in the front saying "so who are we meeting then." And he looked at me and said "my parents." And thats when i froze, Ive never met any parents before except my own an baileys but Seans what are they gonna think of me and lily.. until i got knocked out my thought with Sean "kaycee your gonna be fine there gonna love you."

I just nodded and sat there really nervously bouncing my leg and biting my nails as he started the car and we got going.

Seans POV:
We got on the road and i looked over at kaycee and saw how nervous she was as she was bouncing her leg and biting her nails, so i took my hand off the wheel and put my hand on her thigh which stops her leg bouncing as she looks at me and smiles. I turn my head back to the road and continue driving. After a few minutes we pull up and i stop the car and look over at kaycee "were here." I said and she looks back at the house then me and says "Sean what if they don't like me, what if they dont like lily." And i grab her hands and said "stop panicking there going to love you i know they will." And she just nods and gets out the car.

She goes to the back to get lily but she was still asleep so i said "let them meet you first then lily and she said "okay sure" with a shaky breath.

I walked over to her and took her hand and kissed her forehead and led her towards the door. I unlocked it and walked in and shouted "I'm homeee" and everyone came to the front door "sean hunny where have you been, and who's this pretty girl" my mom said looking at me and kaycee.

Serris came in and said "ooo Seans got a girlfriend." And then Sarah came in "is he back with that shantell bitch cause i swear." And she saw me and kaycee and said "my apologies your defo not shantell much prettier." And serris said "i agree you got a good one there sean."

I blushed and looked at kaycee as she looked down and said "thank you" in a small tiny cute voice which made my heard flutter. "Okay guys hold on shes not my girlfriends, shes just my friend." And my dad says "yet, shes not yet." And winked at both of us.

"Okay everyone stop it lets respect them please." My mom says coming over and giving kaycee a hug and says "welcome to our home kaycee." And kaycee replied with a hug saying "thank you so much mrs.lew"

"Oh please call my miya, mrs lew makes me sound old." My mom chuckled as kaycee let go and laughed with her. "Okay there's also one more person you need to meet but first dont judge." I said looking at kaycee and sees she gets nervous again.

"So kaycee has a child but before you say anything she didnt give consent for it to happen." I said looking at everyone as they all looked at us in shock "oh kaycee hunny I'm so sorry." My mom says and kaycee reply's "its okay miya, let me go get her." And i but in "no no let me." And i go towards the front door saying "ill be back."

Kaycee POV:
Sean left to go get kaycee and serris says "hes addicted to the child already isn't he." And i chuckled "yeah they have a good bond but i should tell you this first." And they all look at me confused "well since lily didnt have a father figure she didn't really cozy up to any guys but when she met sean it like it was meant to be and well she started to call him dad, and i wanted to make sure you all are okay with that and if not i can get her to stop." And miya and cheuk looked at me and then we heard sean come in with lily talking to her with a baby voice.

They all looked at me and said "he looks happy and thats all i want for him and i can see you both have that impact on him." And i smiled at them and said "thank you."

Lily saw me and said "momma" and i took her out of Seans arms and said "hey baby" and sean said "hey I wasn't finished." With a sad face trying to get lily back and i looked at him and said "hey you have a go ina bit."

"Omg a baby she's adorable." Sarah said coming over looking at her. 'You wanna hold her." I said to Sarah and she nodded with they happiest face ever, i handed lily to her and lily looked at her and giggled and that brought an instant smile to my face.

After a while of everyone have a cuddle with lily we were in the living room and lily was back in my arms and i could hear sen huff in my ear and i looked at him and giggled "you want to hold her." I said and he shot up and took her out of my arms and said "hey baby did you miss me." And lily looked at me and replied "dadaaa" and he said "yeah its me." And lily snuggled into his chest, and sean laid back and slowly closed his eyes with lily closing hers aswell.

"Omg that is the cutest thing i have ever seen." Miya said looking at me and they all nodded. "You should see this, he slept at my house the other day and we fell asleep on the couch and my brother took a picture and made it his wallpaper and sean just kept it like that." I said showing then Seans wallpaper off his phone.

And they all just went "awweee" so i stood up and took a picture of sean and lily and made it my wallpaper showing them

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And they all just went "awweee" so i stood up and took a picture of sean and lily and made it my wallpaper showing them.

And i put my phone away and we all just talked, waiting for the two sleepy heads to wake up

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And i put my phone away and we all just talked, waiting for the two sleepy heads to wake up.
Hey guys chapter 14 is now up I'm so sorry i havent been here for a while but i have been doin exams for 2 weeks but they are finally over so I'm going to be a lot more active.
Anyways hope you enjoyed.
-Annie <3

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