Chapter 9

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Sean POV:
We was chilling in the hall when i heard Julian's phone go off so i handed it to him and he immediately shouted " there outside everyone get ready!" We all got up and faced the door and everything went silent and you can hear the door open with a Bailey and a girl blindfolded with braids in her hair wearing blue ripped mom jeans with a black stappy cropped top thing with a cute cropped jacket. Wow this girl had nice dress sense.

We were all quite and you can heard her talking "Bailey where are we going? Don't let me go into a poll i already fell outside!" She said with her arms out in front of her, weird she kinda sounds like kaycee

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We were all quite and you can heard her talking "Bailey where are we going? Don't let me go into a poll i already fell outside!" She said with her arms out in front of her, weird she kinda sounds like kaycee. "Hey its okay I'm not gonna let you, were here now anyway!" Bailey said setting the girl at a stop. "So i can take my blindfold off now?" She said getting a bit excited. "Yes yes ready 3......2.......1...... go" bailey said counting down as the girl takes her blindfold off. And thats when i saw her omg its kaycee! Everyone immediately screamed "SURPRISE" and ran towards her I kept my distance as i let everyone say hi first.

Kaycee's POV:
Bailey counted down and i took my blindfold off and i was in front of everyone they all said surprise and ran towards me I immediately burst into tears and welcomed everyone. "Hey guys!!" I said hugging everyone and i look over and see my old squad. "Is that my little sister?" Julian said and I immediately ran up to him and gave him a hug. "Hey jules, i missed you!" I said letting go giving josh a hug as well as tahani "TAHANIIII" I shouted running up to her and collapsing onto her as everyone laughs. We got up off the floor and i wiped my tears when jules says "so kayc where have you been for nearly 3 years." My heart immediately sank as everyone looked at me nodding, i looked over bailey and she knew i didn't want to say yet so she interrupted and said "well thats a story for another time, kaycee still has one more person to meet." Bailey said really excited dragging me over to a boy I recognise. Omg its sean! He turned around and smiled at me "hey kayc" he said and i replied "hey sean!" I gave him a hug and i didn't want to let go wow he smelt soooo good.

I let go and he looked at me and whispered in my ear "you look beautiful." I blushed and turned to him and whispered back "you don't look to bad yourself lew!" And we both laughed as bailey looked at us in awe and shouted 'let's get this party started hey!!" And everyone started partying and i stayed close to Sean and bailey.

After an hour of partying the door burst open and Tricia, JoJo and Janelle all walked in going up to the stage snatching the microphone saying "where is my munch" Tricia said looking like she was crying and i turned my head and saw them all and my eyes started to tear up when everyone made a circle around me and a spotlight appeared on me and they saw me and i wasted no time to run up to them and hug them all as everyone watched in complete awe at the reunion of the 4. "Omg i missed you guys so much." I said with tears running down my face again. "Kaycee we missed you too were did you go and why didn't you tell us?" JoJo said looking at me concerned. Janelle looked at me and said 'baby where have you been?" I looked at them knowing i have to tell them. Bailey looked and me and we both nodded. "Well guys i have a lot to tell you lets go to a different room please?" I said walking towards a room and them all following behind me saying "okay munch." All a bit concerned.

We got to another room and we all sat down and i looked at them and started talking " right i know i went missing for nearly 3 years but i have a lot to get off my chest so let me say it all first before you say anything." They all looked at me and nodded. 'Well it all happened a few years ago when I was at a dance event with Tricia, it ended really late and i told Tricia i wanted to walk as it wasn't far from my house and she agreed but questioned it? I was walking past an alley way when someone grabbed me." I said starting to tear up as they all looked shocked. "I don't know who it was but they grabbed me and well um raped me. He left me there and i stayed there for a good hour before i got up a ran home. I got home and told my mom and dad everything and we went to the police but they didn't do anything as i didn't see who it was. After a few months i didn't come to dance i didn't answer my phone to anyone. I started to feel really ill I kept throwing up in the mornings and i was very bloated." I said as they all made eye contact like they knew what i was going to say next. "And we went to the doctors and i found out i was pregnant and we ended up moving to Texas as my mom and dad thought it was for the best to raise my child and now I'm back i have a beautiful daughter named lily." I said looking up at them. They all looked at me with puffy eyes coming to hug me and all said "omg kayc I'm so sorry." Tricia just stood there and looked at me and said "this is all my fault i let you walk home if i didn't none of this wouldn't of happened the pain you must of went through kaycee omg." She said walking out and I immediately got up and chased after her running into the hall where everyone is I see Tricia leave and bailey and Sean stop me "kaycee what happened." Bailey said concerned. And Sean hugging me as i was crying "she blames herself for what happened hold on i need to go get her."

i chased after Tricia out the door when i see her standing there and look "Tricia i don't blame you please." She doesn't say anything when i go closer i see Kylie there with lily in her arms. What are they doing here!!!

Hey guys what a cliffhanger that was hey!
Anyways hope you enjoyed I'll hopefully have chapter 10 up later before i got back to school!
One more week left of school before i have a holiday wooo!!
Hopefully after that stressful week ill be more active
-annie <3

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