Chapter 13

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Sean POV:
Kaycee stormed out the room with lily and my head was about to explode with questions and concerns with why lily would call me dad. I looked at Bailey and my eyes were watering and she was so shocked and was frozen in her place, until we heard the front door slammed shut and I ran out with bailey close behind me to find the house empty. Bailey went upstairs and shouted down "some of hers and Lily's stuff is gone!"

While making her way down and i immediately went into panic as I'm the reason she has gone and not in the right state of mind. After a few minutes of thinking Laura and Brad walked in and looked at us both concerned.

"Bailey, sean what are you guys doing here? And where's kaycee and lily?" Laura said looking around expecting kaycee to appear.

"Um Mr and Mrs Rice..." i said looking at them sweating my ass off.

"Sean what is it?" Brad said looking at me and Laura coming up to me rubbing my arm saying "you okay what happened?" Getting really concerned.

"Well i stayed over last night because i knew how kaycee didn't like staying home alone and I hope I didn't over step..." i said getting interrupted by the door opening and closing and we all looked to see Kylie with lily?

"Umm kaycee has gone for a walk, she said she wants to have a breather and she said sean knows why?" She said handing lily to me.

"Well umm we were dancing and lily was watching us and then bailey came in and we were all talking and kaycee picked up lily and lily pulled her arms towards me and well..." i said getting nervous on how they would react. As i left lily walking for kaycee to tell them.

"What is it son? And you didn't overstep your always welcome here, I see the way you look at my daughter" Brad said looking at me.

"Brad stop it." Laura said smacking Brad on the arm as i blushed and Laura again saying "what happened after that sean!"

"Well um let me show you!" I said handing lily to Laura as all there attention went to both of us as i started calling Lily's name. "Iily.. hii baby!"

Lily saw me and stretched her arms towards me and said "dada!" Trying to get out of Laura's grip. I grabbed her and looked at them as they looked at me and lily in awe.

"That's why kaycee has gone, she called me dad and it freaked kaycee out!" I said looking down.

"Hey son its okay, believe me. She'll be back I shouldn't be telling you this but kaycee likes you and she scared but just give her time." Brad said giving me a pat on the back and i looked at him and gave him a nod.

I handed lily back to Laura and said "maybe I should give you all some space, i have to go" looking down leaving the house. I got in my car and remembered i have to teach. I started my car and went off to the studio, with so many thoughts going through my head.

I arrived and went in and saw everyone waiting for me. "Heyy guys so sorry I'm late i had a very busy morning, lets get this class started shall we!" Putting everything down and setting it up.

"Hey man you alright? You don't look to good?" Julian said coming up to me while everyone was warming up.

"Yeah bro I'm fine just an eventful morning thats all" i said try a avoid conversation. He looked at me and went back to warming up, i got everything set up and started the class.

Kaycee POV:
So much was running through my mind that the first thing i could think of was to grab some stuff and leave. I went upstairs trying not to make noise and grabbed a few of Lily's bottles and milk and my bag, i ran downstairs and went straight out the door. I still didn't have a car so i just walked, i ended up seeing my sister and she came up to me and said hi to lily and took her off me.

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