Chapter 19

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Kaycee POV:
Over the past week me and Sean have been spending everyday together like going to classes together and loads of sleepovers and cute little picnics with Lily. I have grown to really like Sean and how he treats lily as her own, my birthday is tomorrow meaning i would have known Sean for a year wow how time flies anyway Sean told me he has something special planned tomorrow and I'm so excited, but at the same time I'm not, i was talking to Bailey during class the other day and she was talking about Sean and i and how we act like a couple, i mean i agree we kiss and my eyes are always on him but it doesn't feel like his eyes are always on me, its like someone else is in the picture.

"Yeah so i was thinking we could stay in tonight and watch some movies and maybe....." sean was going on. "Kaycee are you even listening to me." He says snapping his fingers in my face.

"Yeah right sorry." I said looking at him smiling.

"Hey whats up." He said linking his arm with mine as we walk home.

"Oh nothing just thinking." I say reassuring him that im fine.

"Um okay well as i was saying we could have a movie tonight and then..." he starts saying as we come up to the house.

'Sean maybe you should go home and spend time with your family." I said unlocking my arm from his and looking at him.

"Huh i thought you loved spending time with me." He says looking at me now sad.

"I do i do but I've been with you for weeks and i don't think you've been home in ages I'm sure your family misses you." I said looking at him as my phone dings looking down at it, it was bailey.

Bails <3
Did you talk to him yet? Xoxo

"Ive got to go its my mom ill see you tomorrow right." I say hugging him.

"Yeah you will." He says barely hugging me back.

"Sean don't be mad i just think its best if you go home for tonight." I say taking his hand.

"Yeah because you knows whats best for everyone don't you." He says mad taking hand away from mine.

"What's that supposed to mean." I say shocked stepping back.

"Ugh nothing." He says rolling his eyes.

"What's wrong with you." I say looking at home confused raising my voice a little.

"I was completely fine until you wanted me to leave." He says raising his voice back at me. "gosh i thought we were getting somewhere." He whispers under his breath but i heard it.

"So did i Sean until i saw you eyeing up a girl at dance everyday. Huh who is she?" I say shouting at him as he made me so mad.

"That's none of your business kaycee your not my girlfriend." He says shouting at me.

I step back in shock as he looks at me with regret. "Your right I'm not you girlfriend, goodnight Sean." I say running into my house while tears were dripping down my face.

I slam the door and run straight up to my room jumping on my bed crying, uncontrollably crying but no one was home to help me calm down they all went to lake house early and i said i would meet them there. I couldn't stop crying it hurt when he said that like bad but i knew it was coming I felt it.

Bails <3
Have you spoke to him
Why aren't you answering me
Sean just messaged me
Saying you guys had a fight
Are you okay?

Kayc <3
I'm fine.

Bails <3
Oh no your not I'm coming over now.
Ill be there in 5

I shouldn't have replied.
I'm back yall
Sorry ive been so busy and every time i say ill post something comes up.
I'm in a very busy year of school which is all about exams so i wont be very active on here I'm really sorry but on weekends i will try and at least get something out.
I know this is small but i had to put something out.
Sorry for the longest wait.

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