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Kaycee's POV:
We go running out the house with my friends chasing after us yelling our names but as I jump to get into the car Tahani pulls my arm back.

"What is going on?" She says Bailey asking something behind her.

"Why are you rushing all of a sudden?" Bailey says looking at both of us.

Me and Sean look at eachother and he nods happily.

"Sean adopted Lily last night as a gift for my birthday!" I scream jumping up and down.

"No fricking way! Your lying!" Tahani screams.

"Omg Omg no way!" Bailey screams with her.

"Congrats man" Julian says patting Sean on the back.

"Ohhhh So that's why you guys had sex." Josh says and we all look at him.

"Josh seriously man you have to ruin the moment." Sean says as we all chuckle and my face goes bright red.

"Can we go see her now I miss my baby I haven't seen her in over 24hrs." I said and they all looked at me and nodded.

We all get into our cars and drive to the lake house where my family was. I looked over at Sean driving and smiled realising how lucky I am to have him in my life, he looks over at me and smiles grabbing my hand holding it in his lap making me smile even wider.

We get to the lake house after a long drive and I feel someone waking me up I slowly open my eyes to see Sean smiling at me.

"Good morning sunshine." He says kissing my head.

I laugh at him rubbing my eyes stretching to wake myself up going to open the car door, Sean and I get out the car meeting each other before we go in.

"I love you." He says holding both my hands looking straight in my eyes.

"I love you too." I say back leaning up to him giving him a kiss.

I hear the others pull up so I cut it short and Sean pouts at me.

"I wasn't done." He says strobing.

"Well they just pulled up you can get more later." I say to make him happy as a massive smile appears on his face, I giggle at him pulling his hand towards the door.

"Come onnn" I drag him.

I open the door and there is all my family with Lily running towards me.

"Mommyyyyy!" She runs up to me and grab her in my arms giving her a massive cuddle kissing her all over her face.

She giggles cutely and see Sean.

"Daddy too." She says lifting her arms for Sean to take her.

"This is our chance." I look at Sean and he nods.

"What do you mean sweet." My dad said confused.

I grab the papers out my bag handing them to my parents watching them read it with Kylie and Devon trying to read it too. Kylie catches on very quickly.

"Omg no way!" She shouts as my brother is still confused I shush her so my parents can catch on.

I look at them as my mom lowers the sheets and looks at us both with tears in her eyes and my dad with a proud face.

"Omg kaycee that amazing." She says walking over to hug me.

"Well done my son, you make her happy and I'm sure you'll make this little bean even happier." My dad said patting Sean on the back.

We carry on with the day celebrating my birthday but also the fact Sean adopted Lily. I'm now going to bed with my baby in the middle and the love of my life on the other side of her I couldn't be more happier than I am right now.

Now that's what I call a happy ending.....


Hey guys I'm cutting it short as I feel like I'm stringing this book along but also I'm really busy and only able to post short chapters so I'd rather cut it short on a happy moment than string it on making it boring but I hope you enjoyed this book hopefully I'll make another one but I'm also focusing on my oneshots at the moment to so go read them and let me know what else you want to read about s&k

Love you guys thank you for the support on this book!

-annie <3

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