Chapter 7

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Bailey POV:
I spoke to Laura about me coming a day early to surprise kaycee as I've been dying to see her as it's been so long and being Laura's 3rd daughter of course she said yes so I hopped on a plane and managed to get away without telling kaycee as she was talking to Sean as always I'm telling you there in love already and they haven't even met but I approve Sean is a decent guy. Anyways I got to kaycee's house the day before she comes back and I heard Kylie teasing her about Sean and Kylie saw me and knew exactly what to do and as soon as kaycee saw me she cried and I couldn't help but tear up myself. I ran straight over to her and jumped on her.

"Kayceeeeeeeee suprise!"I shouted as loud as I could. But then she pointed at lily mentioning she was asleep and I lowered my voice. She tackled me back down and said "omg bailey I've missed you so much. What are you doing here!" She said with her voice cracking.
"Well I wanted to surprise you and help you get packed as I'm so excited to get dancing with you again you know I miss the old days kayc!" I said but I see her face immediately drop.
"Kayc what's wrong?" I said worried.
"Bailey I don't think I'm gonna start dancing again I mean I have lily I haven't danced in over 2 years..." she started saying but interrupted her as I can't let her carry on about this.
"Kayceeee you were born to dance you have your family they can look after lily or a babysitter." I said grabbing her hands and convincing her to start dancing again.
"I don't know Bailey?"
"Well just think about it kayc, okay?"
"Okay I will bails. Anyways I need to wake lily up you wanna hold her." As soon as she said that my face lit up and she knew of course I was going to say yes. So she ran over to the cot and started talking to her.
"Hey baby wake up?" She said in a cute voice as lily starts to open her eyes omg what a cutie I was thinking.
"Momma?" Lily said excited.
"Omg kaycee she's talking already" I started to tear up.
"Yes she's growing up so fast I know. Hey lily meet aunt bailey." Kaycee says as she hand me lily.
"Hi gorgeous!"
"Bailiii." Lily said and I chuckled "yeah bubs hey"

After a few hours of playing with lily and catching up with everything kaycee's phone goes off and I knew exactly who it was.

Kaycee POV:
Me and bailey were just catching up when I hear my phone go off and I saw the name and smiled. And bailey ruined the moment by saying "let me guess it's Sean! Your so in love with him I can tell by your face." She said chuckling. "Shut up bailey were just friends I've never even met him yet." I said opening my phone. "Well that's about to change tomorrow! Have you thought about a way to tell everyone about lily?" She said looking at lily in her arms smiling.
"Well sean found out last night and it was easy he was really supportive." I said smiling.
"Wait what Sean found out?" She said confused.
"Yeah well we FaceTimed and lily started crying and the terrible liar I am tried to cover it up but I didn't work and I ended up telling him!" I said and looked at Bailey as she looked shocked.
"You two FaceTimed!!!" She said screaming.
"Omg bailey." I said chuckling. And soon my moms head pops in "bailey there so in love you can tell the way they were talking to each other ugh it was adorable." My mom said chuckling.
"Omg mom get outtt!!!" I said walking over shutting my bedroom door as bailey chuckled "your mom heard you two talking."
"Yeah." I said looking down
"See even your family agrees with me!"

8 hours later

Bailey and kaycee have been packing up all day and now all they need is rest they've had dinner and put lily to bed and had there showers getting ready for waking up to go to la. Kaycee and bailey get in bed and bailey mentions Sean.
"Hey kayc isn't this the time you and Sean normal ft or like text." She said chuckling.But speak of the devil.
"Yeah maybe he's busy......" kaycee says as her phone rings and she's tells Bailey to be quiet as Sean still doesn't know kaycee and bailey are friends and that kaycee is the friend bailey is visiting! Kaycee answers the FaceTime and a happy Sean lew pops up on her screen.

Phone call

"Hey beautiful!"

"Hey Sean!"
Kaycee says smiling and giggling.

"What you laughing at?"
He says all confused.

"Oh nothing sorry just been watching funny videos all day!"
But she was actually laughing at Bailey on the floor rolling about as she heard him as kaycee threw a pillow at her as bailey starts laughing.

"What was that noise lol."
Sean said all confused.

"Oh nothin just dropped my pillow"
The worst lie ever kaycee thought.

"Anyways then Is lily awake?"
Sean says getting excited.

"No sorry you just missed her, she just fell asleep."
Kaycee says in aww about how Sean already loves lily.

"It's okay can I see her tomorrow night."
He says begging.

Of course I'll keep her awake and you can ft her since you prefer her instead of me?"
She said joking about.

"Nooo you aswell I wanna see you face with your beautiful daughter."

"Sean your so sweet but I'm gonna have to cut it short I have a long day tomorrow."
She said kinda sad that she has to go also knowing Bailey is next to her.

"Okay angel! Goodnight I'll call you tomorrow."

"Night night."

The FaceTime call ends and bailey was about open her mouth but kaycee got there before her. "Bailey no yes he's adorable roll over and sleep." Kaycee said chuckling as bailey replied "okay miss lew!" As she giggled rolling over. Kaycee rolled her eyes and turned over closing her eyes thinking about how close she is to meeting Sean!

Hey guys I hope enjoyed this chapter it was fun writing it so sorry I haven't been active school has been manic and I have exams coming up! But have you all watched kaycee's choreo at millennium if you haven I'd advise go watch it right now as it's amazing!
Hopefully another chapter will be up tomorrow!
-annie <3

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