Chapter 8

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Kaycee cant seem to get to sleep as she's thinking about lily and how she's gonna tell everyone how she went missing for 2 years and not tell a soul but Bailey. There's two people she misses so much which is JoJo, Tricia and Janelle but she has a gut feeling there gonna be disappointed in her. Kaycee has been other thinking for about 1 hour really needing to talk to someone and just as she thought a someone she can't talk to about coming back FaceTimed her.

What you thinking about?

What you talking about?

Idk I just had a feeling something was up so i messaged you?

It's nothing I'm gonna head to bed.

Are you sure?

Yeah night!

Okay night

The phone call ended and kaycee put her phone on charge. Kaycee is a terrible liar so she couldn't talk about it with Sean so she closed her eyes and turned over waiting for tomorrow to come.

Bailey POV:
I wake up and look over at my phone to see it's blown up with messages from Julian and Josh telling me they've got everything set up and they will see us in 5 hours. We are getting to la at around 3 and the plane trip is about 4 hours, it's currently 10 but we need to be at the airport at 11 so I get up and get ready and set everything into the car with the rices but we left kaycee asleep as I heard her being blunt to Sean last night and I know she's overthinking about everything. I finally go to wake kaycee up and tell her we need to go when I see she's already gone from her bed. I look around for her and see she's in the garden.

"Kaycee come on we have to go?" I said going up to her.
"Bailey I'm nervous." She replied looking up at me.
"Kaycee i know your nervous but everything is gonna be fine but we need to go!" I said try a get her into the car.
"What if they make fun of me for having lily!" She said and my heart instantly dropped.
"Well kaycee if they make fun of you and don't support you then there not true friends are they." I said.
"Yeah I guess your right." She said smiling down at lily in her arms.
"Right come onnnn!" I said excited to get back to suprise her.
"Okay okay." She said as we get up and walk over to the car and approach the family.
"You ready girls?" Brad said as Laura took lily of kaycee to strap her in as we got in the car.
"Yep lets goooo!" Kaycee says excited.
"See there's the spirit!" I said hugging her.

30 minutes later
The rices and bailey get to the airport and check in and are just waiting for the plane and kaycee has been thinking about going back to dance and she finally speaks up.
"Bailey?" She said as bailey turned her attention towards her.
"Yes kayc?"  Bailey said concerned at why kaycee looks so confused?
"I'm gonna do it!" Kaycee said waiting for baileys reaction.
"Do what kaycee?" She said confused.
"I'm gonna go back to dance bails?" She said with a smile on her face.
"Omg kaycee that's amazing we can dance together again and go to classes!!" She said excited and shouting as everyone in the airport looked at us.
"Hehe shhh bails but i knew you would be happy." Kaycee said hugging bailey and saying sorry to everyone in the airport for the noise.

"Plane 36 to la from Texas boarding now!"

Bailey and kaycee get up with lily in kaycee's arms running over to the plane with the rices behind them giggling at there excitement. They board the plane and put all there luggage away and get seated. Kaycee and bailey put there headphones in while lily sleep the whole way through.

Sean POV:
I woke up and text kaycee but she left me on read I was kinda sad, I got ready as Julian and josh messaged me to meet me a Jamba because they wanted to tell me something. After about 10 minutes of getting ready I walked to Jamba as I thought what a good way to get some exercise in today.

Julian: hey man!
Sean: hey jules hey josh?
Josh: wassup bro longtime no see.
Sean: josh we saw eachother 2 days ago before bailey left. Where did she go by they way?
Josh: umm well she umm
Julian: she went to go surprise her friend before she came back to la.
Sean: ohh okay. So what did you guys wanna tell me.
Josh: well bailey and her friend are gonna be her at 3 and bailey wants to surprise her friend with everyone as loads of people used to know her.
Julian: and bailey said you can come and meet her and stuff so in like 2 hours they will be here and we've been setting up all morning.
Sean: oh sure I'll come! What's baileys friends name?
Josh: coool let's go!

Okay they was strange they didn't answer my question asking who it's was? I guess I'll have to find out soon then. After a nearly 2 hours of driving going to stores getting food we arrive at a hall, and we walk inside and i see loads of people I recognise like tahani, bailey holt, Amari, gabe, Tati and loads of other people. I look over at Julian and josh and say "are they all here to suprise this mystery girl?" looking at them. "No there here to look at a monkey." Josh says while Julian laughs. I just roll my eyes until Julian looks at his phone and shouts "okay Bailey just messaged me there just getting loaded into the car they will be here in 20 minutes." Everyone goes back to talking and I sit down still waiting on my reply from kaycee.

Kaycee POV:
That was probably the longest 4 hours of my life but as soon as we step out of the airport I see la and I immediately get excited. I look around and see everything getting loaded into the car and see Bailey on her phone again! What is she doing?
"Bailey who are you messaging you've been constantly looking at your phone?" I said walking towards her and she said "nothing okay well your mom and dad are taking everything home and Kylie is going with lily and Devon and we are going out?"
"Umm okay well let me say bye." I said going over to everyone saying bye giving them a kiss and finally go over to lily "bye bubs be good for aunt Kylie." As i make kissy noises at her and lily laughs.
"Okay kaycee come one we're gonna be late!" Bailey said smirking. To be honest I don't know what she's up to and I'm nervous. We get into baileys car that she left at the airport before she came. "Okay you need to put this blindfold on!" Bailey said looking over at me and I immediately looked at her and shook my head. "Come onnnn don't ruin this for me!" She said and I took the blindfold and put it on not impressed. She started laughing and turning the car on driving away from the airport.

After about 20 minutes of driving we came to a stop and I said "can I take it off now?"
"No!" She said and I sat back as she got out the car and then I heard my door open and it made me jump. "Hold on just need to do something." She said as I heard typing on her phone. "Okay?" I said confused as I tried to unbuckle my seatbelt. I finally managed to get my seatbelt off and stepped out the car and instantly fell over and I heard bailey laughing at me. "Shut up bailey I am blindfolded!" I said annoyed.
"Okay cranky let's get going them." She said closing the car door and locking it and grabbing my arms guiding me towards something.

Hey guysss this was a long one I hope you enjoyed! I'm not really good at writing so I'm sorry but thank you for reading this it means a lot and to know yall are enjoying it.
-annie <3

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