Chapter 4

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Hey kaycee!

Oh hey Sean! What's up?

Nothing much I'm just with my friends at Jamba.

Oooo i used to love Jamba when I lived in LA, but ill let you go as your with friends i dont wanna distract you.

Kaycee if i didn't wanna talk to you I wouldn't of messaged, and you have kinda been on my mind all day.

Awe thats sweet you have kind of been on my mind as well :)

Hold on kaycee ill message in second!

No Sean spend time with your friends ill be fine message me when you get home.

Okay see ya!

Seans POV:
I was messaging kaycee until i kept hearing my name and little did i know it was Julian josh and bailey. "Bro Sean are you alright." Julian kept saying. I responded "uhhh yeah sorry just messaging my dad" but they didn't seem to buy it. "What??" I said, "i didn't know your dad made you smile so much bro" says josh chuckling. "Ugh shut up" i said a bit mad but also smiling at the fact kaycee was still in my mind.

Kaycee POV:
Sean seems like a really nice guy and i would really want to meet him but i cant. That's so annoying! Ughhhhh! All of a sudden my bedroom door opens and my head shot to the door. "Sweetie what's wrong!" My mom says, "it's nothing mom" i say turning over. "Kaycee i know when your upset and what ever it you can talk to me?" She says making her way over to my bed sitting with me. I finally break and start crying, "mom i wanna go back and i know you don't like me talking about LA but i miss dance i miss bailey and Sean and its crazy cause I've never even met Sean but it feels like I've none him for a lifetime and he's so kind to me and i wanna meet him but i cant cause I'm stuck in Texas!"
I say throwing my arms about getting all upset. Then my mom speaks up "kaycee theres something i wanna tell you but i think i should tell you in front off everyone." I start to get really nervous as me and my mom get up and walk to the living room where everyone is.

Lauras POV:
Seeing kaycee this upset about LA and bailey and whoever this Sean boy is, i finally decided its time to tell her. I go into the living room with kaycee behind me in tears. Brad sees her and immediately understood what was going on. "Guys i think its time ."

Everyone looks at me and nods there head and looks at kaycee. "Kaycee darling there is something we all wanna tell you." My dad says excited. Kaycee looks at all of us lost.

She finally speaks up "what's going on?" Looking over at me and then at brad.

"Kylie and Devon since it was your idea." I smile at them.

Kylie speaks up " so kaycee a few weeks into moving here i saw what a terrible way you were in and i spoke to Devon and he saw it too so we came you up with an idea to......." before Kylie could finish lily starts crying.

"Hold on ill go get her." Kaycee says and walks out the room.

Kaycee POV:
Lily started crying just as Kylie was getting into it so i went to get her I'm really nervous but they all seem really happy. "Hey baby." I said picking lily up.

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