Chapter 12

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Kaycee POV:
I woke up feeling very comfortable and i don't remember my bed being this comfy...wait what is moving and hugging my waist and that's when i remember Sean! Omg Sean is hugging my waist! I try to wiggle my way out of grip to go change but he pulls me back down and groans but this time im looking right at his face. Aweee hes a cute sleeper. I start to play with his hair until he slowly opens his eyes and looks at me and smiles. "Mmhh that feels nice" he said moaning at my fingers running through his hair. I get embarrassed and stop and say "Sorry" pulling my hand away and looking up to avoid eye contact, and he groans again and said "uhghhh why did you stopppp?" And i chuckle and he starts tickling me while saying "you think its funny huh!" While im rolling around begging him to stop. "Sean stop!" "Please".

After a while of rolling about tickling me he stops and looks at his phone. "Oh shoot i have to teach in 2 1/2 hours!" He says getting up and i get kinda sad. "Hey what's wrong?" He says looking at me worried. "It's nothing don't worry." I say getting up putting the blanket back on the couch. I start to walk upstairs to check on lily but he pulls my arm to face him and he says "tell me whats wrong, i know its not nothing." Getting closer and closer to me, he gets really close and i forget how to talk. He looks down at my lips and then back at my eyes and i do the same and we go closer and just as our lips were about to touch lily starts crying. We both pull away and i run upstairs.

Sean POV:
Oh my this is the second time me and kaycee nearly kissed, what is going on with me? I was standing there for 5 minutes in absolute shock with so many thoughts running through my head. So i walk upstairs and find kaycee picking up lily in a really cute outfit and putting her down on the floor as lily crawls around.

I look at kaycee as she goes in her closet and pulls out an outfit and i say "kayc you sure, your okay?" And she looks at me and says "yep I'm fine

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I look at kaycee as she goes in her closet and pulls out an outfit and i say "kayc you sure, your okay?" And she looks at me and says "yep I'm fine." Turning around and looks a lily and drops everything. "Kaycee i know your lying....." and she interrupts me and says "Sean shut up and look!" Pointing at lily. Lily is walking???? I look at kaycee and she's crying so i go over to her and hug her and she grabs her phone and ring someone, but they didnt answer so she gets out of my grip and picks up lily and says "aweee baby your walking!!" And lily starts laughing and kaycee looked at me and said "shes talking and walking and has no dad don't know what to tell her when shes older, she growing up to fast and i can't do it...." she starts having a mental breakdown and the first thing i do is pull her into a hug and calm her down. "Hey kayc its okay. You have your family, bailey, friends, me." Looking at her calming down as she mumbles "thank you shamu" and i chuckle "what did you call me?" And she giggles, god her giggle is so cute. We are standing there until i come up with an idea "hey kaycee why don't you come to my class with me, i can teach you the choreography now!" She looks at me excited and immediately says yes and she gives me some clothes of her brothers and tells me to go change in the downstairs bathroom and she gets changed in her room.

Seans outfit

Kaycee's outfit

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Kaycee's outfit

I get change and just sit on the couch downstairs until i hear giggling from lily and kaycee talking to her as she walks down the stairs with a bouncy chair

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I get change and just sit on the couch downstairs until i hear giggling from lily and kaycee talking to her as she walks down the stairs with a bouncy chair. Woah kaycee looks hot! My jaw was dropped and my face was going red I'm pretty sure until she walks past me and leans to my ear "your drooling" while chuckling and i close my mouth and say.... nothing. I follow her into her garage and see her bend over to put lily in a chair and push her bum out. Okay now shes just teasing me, so to give her a bit of payback i go behind her and act like I'm getting something but instead i squeeze her bum.

Kaycee POV:
I was placing lily in her chair so we could dance until i feel Sean getting closer to me and reach over to grab something but then i felt a hand right on my bum and squeezing it. I shoot up and look at him as he laughs his ass off and i go up to him and lean right on him and go super close to his face "how about we get started on this dance because if you wanna play this game, the neighbours will be complaining" and he looks at me incomplete shock and i start laughing as he says "yes ma'am" going bright red. He puts the music on and starts teaching me the moves.

After about an hour.

"Wow you leant that quick and you haven't danced in nearly 3 years?" He says and i reply back "yeah I'm a bit sore though with my thighs." As i start to massage them with my hands. Sean walks towards me and bends down and takes my hands of and says "let me help!" As he looks at me right in the eyes. He starts massaging my legs and wow is he a good, i got out of control and let out a small moan and he looks at me right in the eyes and we make eye contact, i look down at his lips and look back at his eyes.

This time i couldn't hold back i went forward and placed my lips on his third time the charm I guess, we start to make out and he sits back and pulls me on his lap. I cross my legs behind him without breaking the kiss. He puts his hands on my waist making his way down to my bum again! What is with him and my bum. He starts to slide his tongue across my lips asking for entrance, i was going to accept until i heard the front door open and close and we stop and look at each other and blush until I hear "kaycee where are you" and thats when i recognise the voice BAILEY!

Just as i was about to get of Seans lap i was a bit to late and bailey walks into the garage and sees us. "What is happening here?" She says pointing at us and i quickly jump up and reply "oh we were dancing, sean was teaching me his choreo!" And she looks at me giving me the I'm not stupid look and says "so why are both your lips swollen and was his choreo a lap dance." I look down a blush and just as she was about to say something she saw lily and shouted "in front of your daughter!!!" And Sean chuckles and i smack him. Then I remember "omg bailey wait you have to see this!!"  I pick up lily and give her to Sean. "Put her down when i sit down." I walk to the other end and crouch down and motion to put her on her feet. He does so and i start calling her name "come here lily, come to momma!" And she slowly starts walking over to me and I grab her and spin her around and she giggles and bailey looks at me in shock. "She's walking!!" She says tearing up and I nodded my head laughing, and lily looks around and sees Sean and reaches her arms out and says "dada" while squeezing her fingers wanting Sean to pick her up.

I look at them both and I'm incomplete shock that Sean takes lily off of me and bailey looks at me getting worried and keeps saying my name and everything stops and I say "I'm fine i just need water, its hot in here!" I take lily off Sean and walk out the room.

Hey guys well what a chapter that was??
I hope you enjoyeddddddd
I defo enjoyed writing this a lot of things going on lmao
-annie <3

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