Chapter 17

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Kylie POV:
We all left the room and Devon started shouting so I whacked him round the head so he would pack it in. I went downstairs to the kitchen to get some water when my mom comes in asking me "how did you know Sean would calm her down?" And i looked at her and chuckled saying "have you seen the way they look at each other." And my mom laughed and said "this dream was way worse then the others, what if it was a bad idea coming back here Kylie." When i heard that my face dropped and i said "mom this was the best idea, Ive never seen kaycee so happy to be back with her friends this is what shes wanted for the past 2 years there's no denying it."  And she nodded and softly said "okay right I'm gonna go bed." And i gave her a hug saying "goodnight mom" and got my water a went to my room.

Kaycee POV:
Sean slipped in next to me and i put my arm over his waist to get more comfortable and we said goodnight and i listen to his breathing as he went off to sleep but i can't sleep and then I remembered Lily!! I got up and rushed straight to her room to see shes fast asleep and i sat down next to her little bed with my head resting so i could see her. I sat there for a while until i heard footsteps and looked at the door when i see my mom come in with a hot chocolate in hand.

"Hey hun, you okay? i heard you rush in here so i went and made you a hot chocolate" She said handing me the drink and i looked at her and just burst out crying, because i couldn't hold it in anymore.

"I can't do it anymore mom." I said looking at her placing the drink down next to me looking back at lily.

"Do what darling." She replied sitting next to me.

"Everything, what life am i giving lily Im 17 with a child and Sean probably doesn't love me the way i love him because i have a child and..." i started saying before my mom interrupted me "kaycee thats nonsense, even i didn't believe it at first until tonight the way he calmed you not me even me and dad could, the way you guys look each other is like love at first sight and he treats Lily like his own and Lily she is so lucky to have you as her mom and she has an amazing life with everyone's support, and when you and Sean do get together I'm you number one supporter." I looked at her and smiled and said "thank you mom!" I grabbed the hot chocolate and took a sip and she said "and if you ever need me to babysit Lily while you go out to dance you know i will without a doubt." I hugged her and said thank you again and she left the room and i gave Lily a quick kiss and went straight back to my room to see sean sound asleep, i smile and walk over to him giving him a kiss on the cheek saying "i love you sean."

Sean POV:
I didn't end up going to sleep because i was worried she would have another nightmare but I felt the bed move but it was probably kaycee getting water or something but i stayed awake waiting for her to come back until i heard crying so i followed where it as coming from and saw her on the floor with her mom talking about..... "Sean probably doesn't love me the way i love him." And as soon as she said that my heart stop she doesn't know how much i want her to be my girlfriend but i didn't think she was ready with everything going on. I went to walk in until i heard her mom talking about us and Lily and how i treat her like my own, i mean that i true i would love to be Lily's dad as I've always wanted a child and i would be the happiest man alive to be hers. I got snapped out of my thoughts when i heard them finish up their conversation so i quickly went back to the kaycee's room without anyone seeing and got straight in the bed and pretend to be asleep and as soon as i closed my eyes kaycee walked in, i slowly opened my eyes too see her smiling at me and then felt her lips on my cheek with her saying "i love you sean." So i replied back "i love you too kayc."

That's when i fully opened my eyes to see her staring at me so i moved over and lifted the duvet up and patted down for her to lay next to me and she walks over and slides right next to me as i cuddle up to her and we both fall asleep.

Hey guys sorry this is a short one but i wanted to get it out since I haven't wrote in a sec but it's because ive been so busy with school it I promise i will try.
Also go check out my one shots hopefully ill have one out tonight :))

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