Chapter 2

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Kaycee POV:
So its been a few hours since mystery boy messaged me which was very strange. Ive been spending my birthday doing nothing well I've been chilling with lily and eating cake with family. It's finally getting late and Bailey hasn't messaged all day maybe she had more then one dance class, oh well so I'm gonna get ready for bed. As i put lily down for a nap again, all this child does is sleep but i guess that's alright as i get to do my things i wanna do. I go into my bathroom and tie my hair up into a pony, I straightened my hair this morning so i don't really wanna re wash it. I get undressed and step into the shower and have a lil sing song. After 10 minutes i step out the shower when i hear a knock at my bedroom door, i wrap a towel around me and open my door and stick my head out..... and its my mom.

"Hey darling, how did you like your birthday?" She says with a nervous look on her face.

I felt kinda bad for being all moody today I understand where my mum has come from LA was where my worst fear happened. "Heyy mom, yeah it was okay I'm sorry about this morning I shouldn't have been like that."

"Oh sweetie its okay i understand you miss dance and Bailey and you wanna show the world what a beautiful child you have." She chuckled.

"Yeah, well I'm gonna get dressed and head to bed. Night mom" i open the door more and give her a hug.

"Goodnight kayc." She goes into her room.

I closed the door and go over to lily, i kissed her head "you are the best thing that has ever happened to me." I walk over to my drawers and get my pjs out and get dressed. It's currently 8:30pm so I put my phone on charge and lay in my bed and still no text from Bailey, I turn over and close my eyes.

Bails :)
Hey kayc your probably asleep, I'm really sorry I haven't messaged you I was out with friends I hope you had a lovely birthday. Goodnight love you loads <3

Kayc :)
Hey bails it's okay I wasn't asleep I was kinda worried about you since you didn't message, i had an alright birthday thanks hope you had fun with your friends.

Bails :)
Thanks kayc I had a good time but I need to go sleep I have dance tomorrow, love you <3

Kayc :)
Love you too bails <3

I'm happy she's having fun with friends but I just wish I was there. As I was about to put my phone back down knowing that she's safe but then I get another message from that unknown number?

Hey Julian I just got home, thanks for inviting me too finally meet all your friends they were nice I had a good time.

Really you need to save my number so you know I'm not Julian lol.

Omg kaycee was it I'm so sorry! I have now saved your number.

Hey it's all good!

Oh my I just realised what time it is, did I wake you?

Oh no I was awake I was waiting for my best friend to message me she was out with friends and I was just worried but she just got back.

Oh I just got back from hanging out with friends aswell.

Thats cool I hope you had fun!

Well thank you kaycee I did I have fun. How come you weren't with your best friend?

Well I moved to Texas 2 years ago and my best friend is in LA.

I moved to LA 2 years ago actually and in fact I didn't really like it cause I lost all my friends but then a few months in I kept to myself and went to dance and a year in I met Julian and he introduced me to all his friends tonight.

Wow you don't even know me and you just told me pretty much your whole life story.

Well kaycee how about you tell me a bit about yourself.

Well my names kaycee I turned 19 literally yesterday. I moved to Texas without anyone knowing except my best friend, I really despise Texas I have no friends here i used to dance but I haven't danced in 2 years.

I'm 19 aswell, happy birthday! Wait why did you move to Texas without anyone knowing?

I can't tell you that I'm sorry. Didn't you say you danced?

That's fine you don't have to tell me. Yes I do dance I do hip hop fusion!

Hip hop with contemporary i used to dance that aswell!

Well we have something in common!

Hey I haven't got your name yet?

Oh right my name is Sean.

Well nice to officially meet you Sean!

Nice to officially meet you to kaycee!

Haha yeah well I'm not tried so I'm gonna let you sleep because your probably very tried since you only just got home!

Surprisingly I'm not but I'd rather stay up and find more out about you anyway!

Okay well what do you want to know?

I smiled at my phone and rolled over, this is the first time I've spoken to someone in 2 years that's not my family and I kinda like it!

Hey guys this is only kinda short one today as I'm very distracted but I'm gonna take a break and hopefully get another short one up later tonight.
I hope you enjoyed the 2nd chapter!!
What do you think Sean's gonna ask or say to kaycee next?
Let me know what you think?
-Annie <3

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