Chapter 21

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Kaycee's POV:
I wake up with a strong pair of arms wrapped around my waist looking over seeing it's Sean remembering the night we had from good to terrible to the best night I have ever had. I wiggle around in his arms turning around to face him, I lift my arm up playing with his hair.

"Mm kayc keep doing that." I hear him say which immediately stops me and I get embarrassed.

"Hey why did you stop!" He shoots up lifting the covers off of me.

"Sean!" I grab the covers dragging them to cover my body.

"It's not like I haven't seen it all after last night." He says winking at me.

"Shut up" I say annoyed turning back over.

"hey don't be mad at me." He says laying next to me.

"I'm not." I say laughing at him.

"Who you laughing at hey." He says all of a sudden he starts tiggling me.

"" I say laughing almost crying.

Sean carries on tiggling me when I hear the bedroom door open and in comes my friends screaming.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY UHHHH." Tahani, Bailey even Julian and josh.

"Omg" I scream getting the covers wrapping them over me embarrassed.

"KAYCEEE!" Sean said still uncovered trying to find something to cover himself with because I took all the cover.

"Omg I just saw Sean naked my eyes my poor eyes." Screams tahani walking out the room Bailey running after.

"Urm we will leave you two to get dressed." Julian says dragging a josh with his eyes covered.

"Omg I just saw kaycee naked my little sister." You hear josh saying walking out closing the door behind them slowly walking down the stairs.

I uncover my face to look at Sean and we both burst out laughing as he slowly makes his way over to me sitting next to me bring me on his lap. He gives me a kiss and I kiss back turning it into a make out.

"I don't hear movement of getting dressed." We hear tahani shout up.

We both shot off the bed getting dressed.

Kaycee's outfit.

Sean outfit

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Sean outfit

We both look at eachother and smile slowly walk over to him giving him a quick peck and walking away as he grabs my arm pulling me back putting his hands on my thighs I jump up and kiss him again

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We both look at eachother and smile slowly walk over to him giving him a quick peck and walking away as he grabs my arm pulling me back putting his hands on my thighs I jump up and kiss him again. He stops looking at me in my eyes.

"Happy birthday baby." He says putting me down.

"Thank you always guess what a year ago today you messaged me." I say smiling at him.

"I'm so glad I did." He says wrapping his arms around me walking out of my room downstairs.

"You guys took long enough." Bailey says looking at us as I look down embarrassed.

"I saw my little sister naked!" Josh shouts and we all laugh at him.

"Can we just forget it please." I say walking past them all going into the fridge to get a coffee.

"Yeah can we." Sean also says walking over to me grabbing my coffee out my hand drinking a bit giving it back and giving me a kiss.

"We are not going to ignore that." Tahani said pointing at us.

"What?" I said confused.

"Kaycee you hated him last night." Bailey said looking at me confused.

"She didn't seem to hate me last night." Sean said winking at me.

"Shut up you, okay fine we made up I forgave him." I said throwing my hands up.

"So what happened last night then." Julian and Tahani said at the same time.

"Stuff happened." I said rolling my eyes walking with my coffee into the living room sitting on the couch turning on the tv.

"She was screa....." Sean was saying to Julian before I grabbed a pillow a threw it at him making them laugh.

"Let's not forget what u did Sean." I said smirking at him.

"What did he do." Josh said jumping over to me.

"He was moa..." I was saying before that pillow I threw at him was thrown back at me.

"Don't you dare Rice." He said looking at me.

"Fine fine not so fun is it." I said turning on the tv putting on friends.

"Okay okay let's just forget this morning happened and turn off the tv because we are going out shopping anndddddd Sean is paying." Bailey said grabbing Sean's wallet throwing it to me.

"Hey hey hey you give that back." He said as I throw it back to him.

"I don't feel like going out and plus I need to go to the lake house and see my baby." I said turning the tv back on.

"Omg omg omg omg." I said jumping up remembering the papers from last night running over to Sean jumping in his arms.

"What is it babe." Sean said catching me.

"Let's go see our child." I said emphasising the our.

"What do you mean "our" child." The hand said looking at us confused as we both smiled.
Heyy hope you liked this one sorry it's a bit short but I'm gonna post tomorrow too so yuhh buttt do you think they will tell the group that Lily is official Sean's child now too?
- annie xoxo

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