Chapter 6

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Kaycee POV:
I rung sean and not even 5 seconds after he answered. Wow that was quick, i realised i just got out the shower and i look a mess so i face my phone to the ceiling before he could see me, but i saw him and wow his jawline and his face he's so handsome.

Seans POV: I got up from my bed when kaycee said to give her a second and went to the bathroom, after a few minutes i heard my phone ringing and i ran out the bathroom and jumped on my bed and answered it

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Seans POV:
I got up from my bed when kaycee said to give her a second and went to the bathroom, after a few minutes i heard my phone ringing and i ran out the bathroom and jumped on my bed and answered it. The call connected and i couldn't see her I could see her ceiling.

FaceTime call...
"Kaycee??" I said really confused.
"Yes sean?" She replied but wow her voice is so pretty.
"Why cant i see your face." I said all sad and pulled a sad face as i knew she could see me.
She laughed at my face and said "well i just got out the shower and i look terrible."
"Kaycee i bet you look absolutely stunning right now and what you doing i can hear you moving about."
"Well I'm just finishing my skincare" she replied.
"Can i see can i see."begging her to let me see her face.
"Fine." She said lifting the camera.

I looked at her smiling at me and I completely forgot and said "wow you are the prettiest girl i have ever seen

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I looked at her smiling at me and I completely forgot and said "wow you are the prettiest girl i have ever seen."  She replied with "well thank you sean." While blushing. "Wait did i say that out loud."  I said blushing and chuckled. "Yes you did but you don't look to bad yourself lew."
"Well thank you kaycee rice" i said "your very welcome sean lew" she said laughing and blushing at the same time.

After a few hours of sean and kaycee where non stop talking but kaycee completely forgetting she shares a room with her 2 year old daughter lily. Lily starts crying and kaycee starts to panic.

"Kaycee who's crying." Sean said in complete confusion.
"Oh its just my little sister lily." Kaycee said very nervous.
"But you said you only 2 siblings Devon and Kylie." Sean said questioning kaycee.
"Oh yeah sorry she's like a little sister to me we're babysitting her sorry." Kaycee said as that's the first thing that popped into her head.
"Oh okay." Sean said still not buying it.
"Hold on I'm just gonna mute myself so I can sort her out." Kaycee said muting the call but she missed the button and rushed over to lily.
"Hey mommas here bubs its okay." Kaycee said picking her up and making her milk.
Sean was in complete shock at what he just heard but he didn't want say anything yet as he heard lily laughing and he thought how cute is that laugh.
"Momma momma." Lily said laughing.
"Yeah mommas here. Do you want milk bubs." Kaycee said tickling lily while laughing herself.

Kaycee made Lily's milk and put lily in her lap and went over to the call and as soon as she looked at the mute button her face dropped as Sean says "um kaycee you weren't on mute."
Kaycee picks up the phone and looks at Sean with tears in her eyes. "Did you hear all of that." She said as tears threatened to leave her eyes.
"Well yes I did." Sean replied.y
"Omg I'm so stupid." Kaycee said as she cried feeding lily and dropped the phone so Sean couldn't see her.
"Hey kaycee its okay, I'm here you can tell me anything don't worry you don't have too though." Sean said in a soft voice to make kaycee feel more comfortable.
"Um well sean meet lily my daughter." Kaycee said lifting up the camera to show lily and her at the same time.
"Awe shes beautiful like you." Sean said in complete awww.
Kaycee replied blushing "thank you."
"So do you have a boyfriend then." Sean said all sad.
"Well no that's the thing I don't know who the dad is." Kaycee said looking down disappointed at herself.
"Wait what do you mean." Sean said confused looking at her.
"There is a lot you don't know Sean and I'm ready to tell you." She said looking at him in the eyes on FaceTime but yet anxious at how he's gonna react.
"Okay." Sean replied quite anxious.

Kaycee told Sean everything how she was on her way home from dance and got raped in an alley and that's why she left la. Sean couldn't believe what he was hearing and felt to bad for her and just wanted to jump through the phone and give her a hug but he couldn't.
"Kaycee I'm so sorry." Sean looked at her with tears in his eyes.
"Sean its okay it not like you forced it to happen." She laughed putting lily back down to bed.
"I know but if I could give you a hug right now I would." He said with a voice crack.
"I would really like one as well." She said knowing she's gonna get one in 2 days.
"Well kaycee I'm gonna let you sleep we have had a ruff night but I'll ring you tomorrow and the next day and the next day." He said smiling.
"Okay sean, thank you for everything." She said smiling.
"Your welcome kayc. Goodnight" he said ending the call.
"Goodnight." She said as the call ended.
Kaycee was about to go to sleep when there was a knock on door and her mom walked in. "So you told him." Laura said smiling.
"Yeah i couldn't hide it from him he heard her crying and then I tried to cover and I left it of mute by accident...." kaycee said rumbling.
"Kaycee its okay he was gonna find out and he seems like a really nice boy he's genuine I like him I approve." Laura said smiling going to give kaycee a hug.
"Yeah he is and omg mom we aren't dating." She said hugging back laughing.
"Alright i heard lily crying to i cam and heard everything but get some sleep kaycee you have a long 2 days ahead of you." Laura said knowing something kaycee doesn't.
"Yeah I do. Goodnight mom." Kaycee said closing her bedroom door as Laura left.
Kaycee got back into bed, put her phone on charge and turned over and closed her eyes.

Sean woke up and thought to message kaycee before he got up and got ready for dance.

Good morning beautiful.

Kaycee POV:
I wake up and rub my eyes in excitement as I'm going to la tomorrow and today is the day we need to pack up the house. I grab my phone and see i have a message from sean and i smiled very widely and i felt brave and sent something i would probably never send to someone I'm not dating

Good morning handsome.

Kaycee put her phone on here chest and smiled. "What you smiling at goof?" Kylie said at kaycee's door scaring kaycee vey much.
"Jesus Kylie i only just woke up." She said looking at her mad but smiley still thinking of sean.
"Let me guess your smiling at a boy in la who has a name sean and messaged you good morning beautiful." She said laughing.
"Omg you snooped ugh get out of my room." Kaycee said grabbing a pillow and throwing it at her.
"Sorry I'm just very interested with my sisters new boyfriend." She said loud that the whole world probably heard her but knowing someone did.
"Kaycee has a boyfriend whatttt!" Devon said making his way to kaycee's room.
"Omg were not dating were just friends!" Kaycee said throwing herself onto her bed covering her face with her pillow.
"Mmmhhh friends, do you think there just friends bailey." Kylie said smirking.

Kaycee POV:
As soon as Kylie said bailey i was incomplete shock until i heard her voice. " you know Kylie she talks about him all the time so i don't think so." Bailey said smirking at me. I lifted the pillow and looked up and saw her and I immediately burst into tears.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed chapter 6 and I suck at endings. So sorry I haven't been very active. Have been very busy but i hope to be more active.
Let me know how you enjoyed it!
-annie <3

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