Chapter 15

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Kaycee POV:
After Sean and Lily fell asleep me and Seans family chatted until you can hear lily start crying which wakes up Sean almost immediately.

"What happened is she okay?" He said looking a bit worried until i pointed down to his chest and he says "aww hello baby, you okay?" Giving her a hug bouncing her up and down to calm her down.

"She's probably hungry ill go get her bottle, excuse me." I said smiling at everyone getting up but Sean shoots up "no kayc sit down ill go get it." But i wave my hand taking Lily off of him and saying "no Sean sit with your family talk with them." And i walk out to get her bottle from her bag.

Seans POV:
Kaycee took Lily off of me and i got a bit sad i like cuddling Lily, it reminds me of the night me and kaycee were cuddled up on the couch. My mind got interrupted by kaycee's angel voice "do you mind if i put this in the microwave." Holding the bottle up and my mom saying "yes of course." And off kaycee trots to the kitchen like shes lived here her whole life.

"So sean...." Serris starts to say and i know what shes gonna say. "No serris." I look at her.

"What i was just gonna say your inloveee." She says laughing and i roll my eyes. "No but seriously sean you found a good girl," my mom says patting my back.

"Yeah shes nicer the shantell that ugly.." Sarah was saying until Kaycee walked in with lily in her arms holding the bottle, god she's beautiful.

"Kaycee can i..." i start saying until serris jumps up interrupted me "can i feed herrrr!!"

"Of course serris." Kaycee said walking over to her giving the bottle to her and placing Lily in her lap and i get really sad as i wanted to feed lily.

Kaycee walks over to me and sits down next to me and i sit back and watch serris feeding Lily. "What's wrong now...?" Kaycee looks at me and i say "mmm nothing." Looking over at serris chuckling at lily.

"Oh my sean are you jealous already" she said looking at me and i just roll my eyes and kaycee pouts and sits back which made me feel really bad.

"Kaycee im sorry...". I said turning to her and she just laughs at me and looks at her phone then stands up.

"Oh I'm so sorry but i should get going, its getting late." She says and serris looks sad as Lily was just finishing up her bottle. Serris stands up and gives lily to kaycee and lily snuggles right into kaycee straight away which made me have butterflies.

"Kaycee why dont you just stay here hun." My mom speaks up and i start nodding as kaycee looks over at me. "I'm sorry i really should go home as i dont wanna disturb you all if lily wakes up but thank you." She says giving my mom a hug and everyone else gettting her bags together.

"Hey kayc let me drive you home." I said rushing to her grabbing everything. "It's okay sean i literally live over there." She said pointing at the door.

"But i will walk you then." I said and she disagrees "sean ill be fine go in with your family." She says and i nod my head as she walks out the door and shout "text me when your home." And she laughs and walks across the road and i stay at the door staring at her.

I see kaycee walk into her house and i smile and see a text pop up 'I'm home.' She said and i replied 'I know i saw you walk through the door.' And i see her immediately reply 'heyy you go spend time with your family now as ive kidnapped you for the past 2 days.' And i smile and replied 'okay adios.' And she just read it.

I go back into the living room and see all my family staring at me and i know what's coming next so before they could say anything I say "I'm going to bed goodnight." And my mom says "wait do you not want dinner." And i shout back down "no thank you mom."

Hey besties today is only a short chapter I'm really sorry but ill try and be more active with this.
-Annie <3

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