Chapter 20

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Sean POV:
"Your right I'm not your girlfriend, goodnight Sean." Was the last thing i heard from her all night, her birthday tomorrow and i screwed everything up. I'm constantly messaging her and Bailey but no reply from either them and its stressing me out so i might just go over there. It is currently 2 am and i get up and go to the front door to see Bailey leaving, right this is my chance to go over i think to myself. So I put my shoes on and run across the street over to her house, coming up to the door I'm not so confident anymore and I turn around to leave when I hear the door open and I froze in my space.

"Bails you forgot....?" She says as she opens the door and I turn to see her.

She sees me and her face drops and she immediately goes to shut the door. "No-wait...kayc." I say putting my foot in the door from shutting.

"What Sean? what do you want?" She reply's very mad as shes wrapped up in MY hoodie and joggers which is kind of cute.

"I wanted to say sorry, i didn't mean it like that." I start saying before she interrupts me.

"I dont want to talk about it sean!" She shouts at me.

"Please I do, just let me come in." I say shooting her my eyes she can not say no too.

She looks at me and down to see what she's wearing and is shocked "Fine but I have to change first!" She says.

"No don't I think you look great." I say shooting a smile as she rolls her eyes opening the door.

I walk in and look around to see a pot of ice cream and 2 spoons damn I did upset her I feel so bad.

"So you gonna talk?" She says catching me of guard.

"Right.. I wanted to say that girl she doesn't mean anything to me she was an old crush I had before you but when I met you and when we first got talking I knew I wanted us to last forever. You made me feel a way she didn't and I wanted to be the one to protect you and be there for you when you needed that someone but when you said about her i didn't want you to know because I didn't want you to think I was going to go back to her, when the one person I truly want is standing in-front of me in my clothes looking adorable as hell making me have insane butterflies and I should just shut up now!"  I say laughing as I embarrass myself but making kaycee blush.

"That meant a lot Sean thank you and I'm glad you feel that way because ever since I met you too I felt like I would be safe with you I knew you was gonna be the one and when I even told you about Lily and you didn't leave I knew I wanted you to be the one who took us under you wing and be there to protect us but after what you said tonight I don't know if it's as true anymore." She was saying with a smile on her face but then immediately going sad again.

"No kayc no that's so not true I'm always going to be the one to protect you and be that father figure for Lily I promise I'm always going to be there." I said holding her hands.

I look at the time and realise it's midnight and I know this is time to give it to her.

"Happy birthday kayc!" I said looking at her smiling.

"Thank you Sean." She said bringing her eyes up to look in mine.

"I have two things for you. One." I said clearing my throat.

"The day I messaged you thinking you was Julian was the best day of my like because behind that screen I didn't realise there was a beautiful girl who definitely was not Julian. I wanted to know more about you when I found out you wasn't him because I wanted to be the one who you called your own and when I found out more about you wow I was attached you was the one I constantly smiled at when your name popped up on my phone and my friends would ask who it was and I wouldn't say who because I was afraid they would take you away from me if I ever met you in real and then I did and I saw you walk into that hall a year ago and my stomach dropped you was the stunning beautiful girl you always were and when I found out about Lily it gave me more of a reason to want to be there with you which is why tonight I want to ask you. Kaycee Rice will you be my girlfriend?" I asked with tears in my eyes pouring my heart out to her as she looks at me surprised with tears falling down her face.

"Sean that was beautiful! And yes of course I will be your girlfriend!" She said throwing her arms around me.

I put my hands under her legs wrapping them around me wanting this moment to last forever.

"That was the best birthday gift ever" she said letting go looking in my eyes and as much I was dying to kiss her I had to do one more thing.

"kaycee I have one more thing." I said looking at her as she looks confused.

"I don't need anything else Sean this was the best." She said hugging me.

"No I promise here." I said getting an envelope out my pocket handing it to her.

As she takes it out my hand I couldn't hold it any longer and tears were falling out my eyes.

"Woah Sean what is it why you crying so much?" De said concerned wiping the tears from my eyes.

Kaycee POV:

"Just read it kayc." He said as I look down at it and start to open it.

Was talking about Lily and me and how he wanted to be the one with them forever basically what he said a minute ago and then it says "turn over." So I do and I read it and I look at him with tears in my eyes reading it over and over again.

"Are you for real! Is this actually real! Are you pranking me? Please don't let this be a prank Sean!" I say covering my face with my hands uncontrollably crying.

"Kaycee im not joking I want this for real!" He says holding me up as I fall on the floor.

"Yes of course you can I would not want it any other way! Omg one 100 percent you can!" I say jumping up hugging him as he rubs my back in excitement.

"I can't believe it your going to adopt Lily this is the best thing I could ever ask for but are you sure you want to do this?" I said backing up making sure this is what he wants!

" yes it is I spoke it through my head with my parents with your parents this is what I want this is how I want to live the rest of my life with you and Lily together." I say reassuring her this is definitely what I want.

"Omg I couldn't be anymore happier then right now!" I say jumping up and down as Sean looks at me in amusement.

I run to my dads office and get a pen signing it and running back to him and giving it to him.

"It's official your lilys dad." I say jumping up to him wrapping my arms around him and my legs and as he holds me up and I look at him in they eyes and smash my lips onto his.

We carries on kissing me and he walks over to the couch not breaking the kiss. He places me on the couch laying down on top of me going from my lips to kissing down my neck.

"Sean....uh..we can't have sex on my couch." I say breathing heavy through every word.

"Okay fine." He stops grabbing me and carries me up to my room leaving a few bits of clothing behind.

Heyyy guys hope you enjoyed that chapter I'm finally off of exams and I can finally start writing again yayaya get excited yall whoop whoop.
I loved writing this chapter I feel like it was just full of happiness.
Let me know what you want to see next and also I need oneshot ideas.
-annie xoxo

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