Chapter 11

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Sean POV:
We got closer and closer every second until i felt a wiggle in my arm and a cry.

Omg me and kaycee nearly kissed whattt! I'm low-key freaking out inside but I'm not gonna show I'm sure she's freaking out too.

Both me and Kaycee looked down and saw lily waking up and as soon as she did she let out a louder cry i tried to calm her down and Kaycee looked at me and laughed and said "she probably needs changing!" And took lily from my arms and i pulled a sad as shes the cutest little thing ever and I loved having her in my arms. I saw kaycee standing there staring down at her phone while Lily was getting agitated so I said "hey kayc you alright??" And she put her phone away and quickly looked at me and said "yeah yeah fine!" As she put lily down in a rocking chair she brought in when she walked in with lily.

"Hey where did bailey go shes been gone for like 10 minutes?" She looked around and said "don't know?" While starting to change lily and then a door burst open running in bailey saying "kayc im really sorry i have to go babysit my cousin his mom is going out and I completely forgot can you find another ride home?" Bailey said all worrried and kaycee replied "yeah course go go ill ring kylie love you!" Bailey ran out saying "thank you i love you too be carful!"

Kaycee POV:
After bailey left I got really nervous my mom messaged me saying there staying out the night so if kylie doesn't come home I'm gonna be by myself! Luckily we still have the same house we used to live in as no one took it so i changed lily and got her dressed in a cute little onesie and i said to sean i was gonna ring kylie and see if she can pick me up. It's ringing its ringing its ringing and boom to voice mail great ill just message her. "Hey you okay did she answer?" Said sean i turned to him and said "no shes not answering and I've messaged she normal picks up straight away" i looked at him nervous and he made eye contact and replied "hey i can drop you home!" I immediately said "no no its okay i have Lily and all my bags and it would be to much hassle". He didn't answer and he walked staright past me and picked up my bags and said "come on I'm driving you home, i don't care what you say!" I started blushing and just nodded and walked with him bouncing lily up and down on my hip to keep her in a good mood.

We got to the car and packed it up with my stuff and i put lily in the car seat that kylie brought with her. I strapped her up and got into the passenger seat and looked over at sean "thank you for this, it means a lot!" He looked at me and said "anything for you kayc!" And i looked down and blushed. "Okay so I'm gonna need your address?" He chuckled and i urgently shot up and replied "right sorry umm my address is...." and he looked at me and said "wow you live like a road away from me!" And i looked over at lily and gave her a teddy that i had since i was a baby "oh really that's cool!" And he set of driving so I quickly sat down and put my seatbelt on.

After a few minutes he spoke and said "so is anyone home?" And i got nervous and said "No i don't think so" and he looked at me knowing my fears of staying home alone as we FaceTimed every night. "Kayc were here!" I looked up and saw my house and it brought back so many memories of me and bailey! I looked back at lily and saw she was asleep so i thought I'd leave her in while i take all my stuff in. I got out the car and so did sean "do you want some help?" He said and looked up at him while carrying all my bags and getting more out the car "no no its good I've got it!" And he started chuckling and grabbed them off of me and walked into the house and placed them down. I went and got lily out the car and as I was getting her out she started to wake up and walked into the house and said "were home bubs!" In a baby voice.

I looked over at Sean and he was staring at me and i giggled and said "what you staring at lew!" And he just said " you look really pretty kayc!" Which shocked me but made me blush real hard "well um thanks!" I said looking at him and back at lily fast asleep in my arms again until he spoke up and said "kaycee I'm not doing anything tonight and you told me how you don't like being home alone. If you want I can um stay with you until someone gets home?" When i heard that i got excited because I haven't lived here in so long time and I'm already alone so of course i said yes and we walked to the living room and sat down but i got straight back up again "hey where you going?" He said so I looked at him and said "hold on ill be back I'm just gonna get changed and put lily to bed, you can tun the tv on if you want!" He nodded and said "wait let me say night to lily. "Night night lils" i looked at him in awe as he kissed lily on the head and walked back to the couch. I walked upstairs and put lily in her cot as i changed her at the hall and i went to my bags and got out a pair of pyjamas and put my hair in a messy bun.

I walked downstairs and went to the kitchen as I heard someone in there and I walked in and sean turned around and spat his water out everywhere and i screamed and jumped back

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I walked downstairs and went to the kitchen as I heard someone in there and I walked in and sean turned around and spat his water out everywhere and i screamed and jumped back. "What the hell!" I said looking at him but realised his gaze was on what i was wearing. Me being my confident self i said "you like what you see!" Smirking at him. It shocked him and it shocked myself and he just looked down and blushed. " i can go change?" And he immediately said "no no no your good, i like it its nice." As he walked past me going back to living room brushing his hand across my waist, which sent shivers right down my spine.

Sean POV:
I sat on couch and played friends. To be honest i don't know why spat i my water everywhere, i meannnn she looks stunning and i can't help but stare at her as she walks in and says "you like friends?" And jumped on the couch next to me and replied looking down at her outfit again "um yeah its my favourite" she chuckled and said "Sean my eyes are up here, but same its my favourite!" I looked at her in the eyes and said "sorry sorry." I really need to stop I'm gonna make her feel uncomfortable. "I can go change if I'm distracting you and you don't like my outfit." She said looking down and this is exactly what i didn't want to happen. "Hey no." I grabbed her arm and pulled her back as she tried to walk away but little did we both know she landed right on my lap. "Who said i didn't like it?" I whispered in her ear. She looked down and started blushing and i smiled and put my gaze to the tv as she started to get comfortable on my lap.

She laid her head on my shoulder and turned her body sideways and we both got pretty comfortable as i pulled a blanket over us.

After a few episodes of friends and us laughing i start to feel my side get heavier until i look down and see kaycee fallen asleep on me and I immediately start blushing at how cute of a sleeper she is

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After a few episodes of friends and us laughing i start to feel my side get heavier until i look down and see kaycee fallen asleep on me and I immediately start blushing at how cute of a sleeper she is. I get my phone out and take a picture of us and put it as my wallpaper. No one ever touches my phone so no one is gonna see that i smiled, i put down and said "I'm so glad i met you kayc, you have changed my life and we've only known each other for a month." I kissed her forehead and got settled to close my eyes until she spoke "so am I sean you've made my life 10x happier, thank you." And closed her eyes again. I smiled and closed my eyes and went to sleep.

And chapter 11 is done hope you enjoyed.
Have yall listened to sour by Olivia Rodrigo i have its been on repeat.
I kinda teared up writing this one it was very cute
have a good day/night x
-annie <3

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