Chapter 10

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Kaycee POV:
I see kylie with lily and Tricia in absolute shock. "Kylie what are you dong here?!" I said looking back and fourth making sure no one else comes out the hall. "I kept calling you saying I'm meeting some friends and i can't take lily and no one else can take her but you weren't answering and i just came, dont be mad kayc." Kylie said feeling bad. "I'm not mad kylie its fine go have fun with friends ill see you later."

I took lily off Kylie and as kylie got into her car and took off i turned towards Tricia and said "Tricia meet lily!" She looked at me in awe and said " can i hold her?" And i got lily in Tricias arms and said "of course!".

She was hugging lily with tears running down her face and said "she's adorable kaycee." And i replied "thank you, but Tricia please know I don't blame you for this it wasn't your fault it was that disgusting man who had god knows what going through his head, but everything happens for a reason right. I got this absolute beauty." I said with a chuckle as lily made little noises at Tricia.
"I'm so sorry kaycee!" She said hugging me aswell as lily. "It's okay you know i love so much still" i said looking at my phone as bailey messaged me asking when I'm coming back in. "Love you too munch." Tricia said handing lily back to me. "Let's go introduce everyone to lily hey?" I said looking at the support i had off her knowing no matter what happens ill always have the real ones with me. "Yeah lets go munchie." Tricia said wiping her tears with a chuckle. We walked towards the hall and walked in with lily in my arms.

Sean POV:
After kaycee stormed out after Tricia we were all a bit confused but me and bailey had an idea on what it was as we are the only ones who actually know what happened to kaycee. It's been about 10 minutes since kaycee went after Tricia and JoJo and Janelle came over to bailey and said "did you know about everything?" And bailey looked at them and said "yes i knew everything." She sad looking down "why didnt you telll us?" They said and bailey replied "she asked me not to and i respected her decision, she's my best friend and I didn't want to let her down." She said and Janelle and JoJo looked at her and nodded "do you know where they are?"
They said looking at both of us and I replied "she should be back any minute her and Tricia are just talking."

As bailey finished her sentence kaycee and Tricia walk in with smiles on there faces and looking at a beautiful child in kaycee arms. Bailey ran over and i slowly followed behind as everyone's attention was brought to kaycee. Kaycee nodded at bailey and bailey nodded back like it was some secret code of theirs, and kaycee spoke up. "Hey guys well there a lot i didn't tell you and I'm finally ready to say and if you don't like this about me you can leave." As she looking down at lily and smiled.

Kaycee POV:
After i looked at lily i locked eyes with sean and he smiled at me and mimed "you got this!" And it brought me more confidence as I spoke up again "this is my daughter Lily!" Everyone looked shocked and was looking at me questionable. "Okay okay well your probably thinking ew you had sex at 16 well yes but no i didn't want it to happen but was well raped." I said looking down and sean walked behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and I immediately felt at home. "I hope you all don't hate me but i thought your all my close friends and you deserve to know!" I said looking at everyone as i looked at lily as she's looking around the hall making eye contact with everyone. "Why would we be mad kayc, its not like you wanted it to happen I'm truely sorry this happened though." Jules spoke up and i looked at him and smiled lightly "thanks jules means a lot?" everyone got there chance to meet lily and speak to me and soon enough everyone went back to partying like nothing happened and it made me more comfortable and happy like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.

JoJo and Janelle came over slowly and looked at both of us and i smiled at them as they said "can we hold her?" And of course i said yes so I put lily in Janelle's arms and they both had a go giving her a hug. "She's the cutest little bean." JoJo said. "She is and all she does is sleep so very handy for me" i giggled as they gave a little chuckle. I forgot Sean had she arms around my waist until he started to unravel them and i felt a wind of cold and i looked at him and pulled a sad face. "Kayc I've been hugging you there for 20 minutes." He laughed as he stood beside me and i replied "fineeeee" and looked at Tricia, JoJo, Janelle and Bailey all looking at us even lily as Tricia said "so when do you to become a thing, i didn't know you knew each other?" I went bright red as well as Sean and said "were just friends" and Sean spoke up we have only known each other for a few weeks when i mistaken her number for Julian longggg story." And i looked at them and nodded. I saw bailey whisper in JoJo's ear and they both laughed and i gave bailey smack on the arm and took lily off of her and she got annoyed and said "heyyyyy i was hugging her she has missed her aunt bails." And i looked at her and chuckled "well I think she wants her momma" and put her in the air and said "heyyy bubs you've been a busy bee today meeting everyone." I said in a baby voice as lily giggles at me because she loves my baby voice.

I put lily on my hip and look at everyone as they all look like their about to cry again. "Guysss i thought we got over the tears." And Janelle says "kaycee I'm so proud of you were all so proud of you, the way your only about to turn 19 and have a baby and treat her so well." As they all nodded in agreement, until JoJo looked at her phone and saw the time. "Hey guys sorry to break the moment but we have to go, we have a class to teach." I nodded and said "no it's fine we have a lot of time to catch up more" and gave them all a hug and they said bye as bailey led them out and telling everyone else its time to go. They all said bye to me and said how much the missed me and how happy they am I'm back which made me even more emotional.

As everyone was leaving i was by myself with Sean and i looked at him, who was staring at lily. "Do you want to hold her?" He looked at me and said " you know i have been waiting all night to hold her?" He chuckled as he gently took lily out of my arms and hugged her. I watched in awe as she got herself snuggled in on his chest and started to fall asleep. "Omggg i need a picture to show my mom." I got my phone out and took a picture and said " you know fun fact it took lily 2 weeks to get used to my dad and brother so we figured she didn't like male attention but the way she snuggled into you was adorable." I said tearing up until he said "guess i just have that special touch!" And of course i laughed with him and his goofy face. We stopped laughing and we are just staring at each other and we got closer and closer.......

Heyy peeps here's chapter 10
That cliffhanger tho what do you thinks gonna happen next?
I hope you enjoyed
-annie <3

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