The New Origin

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No One's POV

The Origins were simply going about their day like normal, Wilbur was talking to Niki while Ranboo, Tubbo and Tommy were running around the trees. It was getting close to night, the dusk sky had already made itself know.

Philza was sitting on the grass outside the Pub watching the others play and interact, he saw himself as their guardian in a way. All was calm until Phil spotted something in the sky.

"What on Earth.." he said to no one in particular, he stood up and looked at the moving object. It was then that he realised, the object was a shooting star. More importantly, it was heading towards the spawn area.

It appeared that some of the others also saw the star, however no one had much time to react before it hit.


The meteor collided with the Earth with a deafening crash, all those who hadn't seen the object coming were now aware of it's appearance. 

Phil snapped his wings open and flew down to the forest near spawn where it had hit, the others followed close behind.

As Wilbur approached the newly made crater in the ground, he saw Phil and many of his other friends gathered around. "What the fuck is this?" he asked in shock, "I'm not sure, but I can feel some kind of... energy? Coming off it." Ranboo said.

Tommy being Tommy, decided to try jump into the crater. This however, resulted in him getting thrown into the air by a type of barrier that surrounded the meteor. "What the fuck?!" he yelled as he glided back down.

By this point, practically everyone had joined the group. They waited for the barrier to disappear before attempting to interact with the meteor.

The second it dropped, Phil swooped down to the fallen star to get a better look, everyone else stayed back. "Guys, I found something!" Philza called to the others, they watched as he flew out of the hole and landed on the grass.

The thing that Phil found caused a shocked reaction in everyone, "Is that a fucking person?!" Tommy yelled, "Yeah looks like it." Philza responded. Wilbur walked over to Phil to get a better look at their new found... friend? 

"They're a Starborne, Phil." the phantom hybrid informed him, looking closer at the person, it was clear to see what their Origin was. They had stars covering most of their body, there were tears running down their face which also had small stars in.

"We should bring them to the Pub!" Niki said from the river, they all agreed and quickly returned to the community building.

Smajor's POV:

I felt myself slowly beginning to wake up, as I opened my eyes I was filled with confusion. This wasn't where I was before, so where am I?

Sitting up slightly in the bed that I was now apparently in, I was able to get a good look around the area. It looked like a wooden house, it was then that I heard a voice.

"Oh hey, good to see you awake mate." I spun my head around to look at the person who spoke, it was a man who looked older than myself, and he had wings? Panic filled my body as I pushed myself up against the wall closest to my bed.

"W-Who are you?! Where am I?!" I yelled, the yelling clearly alerted others of my presents since more people walked into the rather large room. 

"Woah woah, calm down mate. My names Philza, but I go by Phil." the winged man said. The other people who were inside proceeded to state their names, I then realised they were waiting for my name.

"I'm Scott.." I told them, "But where am I?" I repeated my previous question, "You're on Earth, in the Origins SMP to be exact." Ranboo answered. My eyes went wide.

Wait if I'm on Earth, that means I'm away from my home! The stars, I'm not in my home, I'm away from the stars, my space. But how, why, wha-

I didn't even realise I'd started crying until a firm but gentle hand rested on my shoulder, the sudden contact snapped me away from my thoughts. "It'll be okay mate, we'll help you get used to being here." Philza said, all I could do was smile in return.

Take this first chapter to introduce Scott, there will be a lot more chapters for you soon. The chapters will also help you get an idea of my au! So I hope you liked this.

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