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Do you ever just get a random need to hug something or someone? Yeah me two.

Tommy's POV:

For as long as I've been in this community of Origins, I've always had days were my body just demanded hugs. Luckily for me, everyone here was always more then happy to comply to my sudden need.

However, that was before Scott appeared. This caused a thought to pop into my head, did Scott like being hugged?

Only one way to find out, luckily for him I just so happen to want hugs today

Walking around the SMP, I spotted Niki hanging out in her usual river. Nice I thought, hug #1 was going to be from Niki. I put on a proud stride as I made my way over to the fish hybrid.

"Hello Niki!" I called out to her, she looked over at me and smiled, "Oh, hello Tommy!" she replied. I made my way to the end of the river and crouched down, Niki clearly caught onto what I was hoping for.

"Silly Tommy, if you wanted a hug you could've just asked." she giggled as she swam to the edge of the water. I simply pouted. I felt her pull me into a comforting embrace, I gladly returned it. We stayed like that for a little bit before I pulled away.

"Thanks for the hug, Niki!" I said as I stood up, she smiled "No problem." we waved to each other before I left to find my next cuddle buddy.


It didn't take long for my next victim to come into view, Charlie was relaxing near the ladder going up to the Pub. I strode over to him and tackle hugged him from behind, he yelped in surprise.

"Bloody hell Tommy!" he yelled when he realised it was me, I laughed at his shock. We shared the embrace for a bit before I decided to go find a new victim.

This process continued throughout the day, each of my friends gave me a hug. Now it was time for the harder ones, Wilbur and Scott.

Wilbur wasn't that hard to cuddle, it was finding the bastard that caused the problem. I decided to try simply calling out his name.

"Wilburrrrr! Wilburrrrrrrrrr!!" I yelled, I felt the air around me grow cold.


"Heard you calling me, did you need any- oof-" his question was cut off by me throwing myself into him at full force, for some reason Wilbur was one of my favourite people to receive hugs from.

The older male happily wrapped his arms around me, we both sat down in the comfort of each other's arms for what felt like hours.

The main thing I liked about Wilbur was how calm he always was, however like Phil, he could easily take control of a situation if needed. The bond they shared was similar to a brotherly bond.

"Say Wilbur, do you know where I can find Scott?" I asked my phantom friend, Wilbur looked down at me and shook his head, "I haven't seen him around, sorry Toms." he said as he ruffled my hair.

I eventually stood up and took my leave to go find Scott, I was determined to make sure the starborne could experience a proper hug.


As I walked around the area in search of Scott, I took the chance to get a good look at the terrain. The area we lived in was pretty pog. As I trekked near a small hill, I heard a faint sound of crying.

Is that... Scott? 

I hoped my theory was wrong, but deep down I knew it wasn't. Quickly climbing up the small hill, I saw Scott looking up at the stars. There was a look of desperation in his eyes. I decided to try cheer him up in any way I could.

Slowly as to not scare him, I made my presents known to the starborne. "Good evening Scott." I greeted in a softer voice than normal. The galaxy haired boy looked over at me and gave a sad smile. "Good evening Tommy.." he said.

I sat myself next to Scott and looked up at the stars, I could see tears falling down his face. "I'm sorry about what happened to you..." I said, Scott glanced over at me, "It's okay, I just miss home." he stated.

We sat in a comfortable silence, I decided to try give the homesick hybrid a hug. Shifting myself closer to Scott, I slowly wrapped an arm around him. I felt his body go tense at the touch, however the tension slowly melted away.

I took this as a sign to continue, pulling the starborne closer to me, I wrapped both my arms around him gently so he didn't feel trapped. He tensed up but quickly melted into the embrace. "You seem to like hugs, Scotty." I said, he simply hummed in response.

We both stayed like this for ages, both of us finding comfort and safety in the embrace. At some point Scott drifted off to sleep, I soon followed him.

Philza's POV:

I woke up early like I usually did to watch the sunrise. As I flew up to the roof of the Pub, I spotted two figures resting on a small hill.

Curiosity got the best of me and I flew down to see who the figures were, I felt my heart warm up at the sight. Tommy and Scott had clearly fallen asleep whilst hugging each other last night, and due to the dried tear tracks on Scott's face, Tommy had probably been trying to comfort him.

Quietly as to not disturb the two, I pulled out my phone and took a couple of pictures of the rare and wholesome sight. I then left them to sleep in the safety of each other's arms.

Finally a chapter that doesn't purely focus on angst! I actually really like this chapter, it's wholesome. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'll see you in the next one!

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