Covered Stars

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TW: Vomiting

Mainly focused on Scott, Phil and Kristen

Headcannon: Unknown to most people, Starborne hybrids actually get sick if they're unable to see the stars for more than 2 nights in a row.

Annoyingly for Scott, the stars that would normally light up the night sky had been blocked out by clouds for the past couple of days. Although this may not seem like a problem to most people, it was a massive problem for the Starborne. 

Although it was unknown by most people, Starborne's couldn't handle being deprived of the sight of stars for long, it made them sick. Scott was no exception to this problem, that was the main reason why he was curled up under one of his space themed blankets feeling like utter death.

All he could hope for was that the other people who lived in Mistyvail (that's the name I chose for the Origin SMP location) wouldn't get suspicious of his lack of appearance. He groaned as a wave of pain hit his head. 

The effects of the sickness that Starborne got would vary depending on the hybrid, unfortunately for Scott, he often got both a splitting headache and an upset stomach, plus fatigue and weakness but those were common symptoms that practically all Starborne got. There were rare occasions where he would get a fever but so far that didn't appear to be one of his current symptoms.

Not having the motivation to get up or move, Scott allowed his body to pull him into a fitful sleep.

After Phil had announced that there were meant to be thick clouds rolling in, the newest Origin, Scott, had seemingly disappeared. After the first day of not seeing the boy, Phil had attempted to brush it off as just sheer bad luck on his end. However, it'd been over 4 days now and there'd still been no sight of the Starborne. 

The thick clouds were also yet to disappear, maybe they were connected somehow?

Deciding to finally trust his instincts, Phil took off from the Pub and flew over to Scott's house. He'd already told Kristen where he was going since he knew she'd prepare for most situations.

It didn't take long for the Starborne's house to come into view, Phil glided down to it and landed just in front of the door. Walking up to it, he knocked loudly on the dark oak door, he received no response. Trying again also got the same result so he switched to his second plan, knocking the door down. Sure it was probably illegal but who cares at this point.

Backing up slightly, the Elytrian ran at the door and slammed his body into it. The door easily flung from its hinges and fell to the ground with a loud bang

Although the house wasn't very big, it was extremely well decorated. The walls were covered in star patterns and the floor looked like the moon, it was very fitting for the hybrid that lived inside. Walking through the house, Phil soon located the bedroom and quietly opened the door. It was pitch black inside and the only source of light were from the hanging star decorations.

Making sure to keep his movements quiet, Phil stepped over to the bed that was over in the far corner of the room, he saw something under the blankets. He gently pulled the covers away from the form that was hidden under them, he felt his heart break when he saw who was under them.

Scott was laying curled up on his side with his hands gripping tightly to his head, Phil gently laid a hand on the Starborne's shoulder and felt the male flinch at the unexpected touch.

"Hey its okay mate, its just me, Phil." he soothed quietly, the Starborne looked up at him with pained eyes. Phil gently slid his hands under Scott's body and scooped him into his arms, he felt Scott lean against him. He grabbed one of the blankets and wrapped it around the Starborne's slim frame before exiting the room.

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