The Silent Guard

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TW: Kinda self harm?, blood, death, swearing

So a little bit of context before this chapter begins, in my au Starbornes are able to make themselves explode into a supernova like they do when they 'die'. However, this ability is only usable when protecting someone they care about.

The self harm warning is for the supernova that Scott pulls off. Alright, let's get straight into the chapter!

No One's POV:

While the Origin SMP was known to be a safe heaven for the Origin's to go, that didn't mean that it was fully safe.

The older generation of the Origins had experienced what was dubbed as an "Origin Hunt" a long time ago. The story of this event was passed down from generation to generation. A hunt like that hadn't happened in years, but that didn't mean it was impossible.

Philza's POV:

I was flying around the areas near spawn as I usually did in the afternoons, nothing normally happened but it's better safe then sorry.

Just as I was about to head back to the Pub, something shiny caught my eye. "Strange, no one normally goes out this far.." I spoke aloud to myself, I decided to get a closer look at the area where I'd seen the shiny object.

Making sure my moves were silent, I made my way towards a small birch forest. Multiple figures were moving through the trees. But there was one problem.

Those people don't belong to any of the Origin classes, those are humans.

Knowing the severity of the situation, I swiftly flew back to the Pub. It took me barely a minute to get back. I quickly flew up to where the emergency alarm was kept and triggered it, the second it was triggered loud sirens sounded through the sky.

This wasn't a drill, they were going to have to survive the tale that had been passed down.


No One's POV:

It didn't take long for everyone to gather at the Pub, everyone knew what the siren meant. Well, everyone other than Scott. 

"Wh-What's going on?!" the starborne questioned, the distress in his voice was thick and clear. Wilbur appeared next to Scott and rested a hand on his shoulder. "Have you ever heard of the Origin Hunt?" the phantom hybrid asked. Scott nodded.

"Well the alarm that just went off is what we use to alert everyone that there is a hunt coming." Wilbur explained, Scott's expression quickly changed into a horrified one.

"I saw a massive hunting party heading our way, I would say we have about 3 hours at most." Phil informed his friends, he looked over to Wilbur and nodded, the phantom returned the gesture.

"Alright everyone listen up!" Wilbur yelled, his tone held no room for arguments, "I want you ALL to go gather weapons, armour and all the things you will need to fight! EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE has to be in a group of at least 3 people at all times!" he commanded. 

Everyone quickly got into their groups, the groups consisted of the following people:

Niki, Wilbur, Jack and Fundy

Sneeg, Charlie and Philza

Tommy, Ranboo, Tubbo and Scott

Phil and Wilbur handed a communicator to everyone, "Use these if you ever need help." Phil said, with that everyone went to get prepared.

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