One Push Too Far

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TW: Torture?, screaming, blood

When I say torture I mean Tubbo and Ranboo taking their little 'experiments' on Scott too far. It's not actual torture!

Smajor's POV:

When I was told I'd be looked after I didn't think I'd become a test subject, but life is full of surprises.

"Leave me alone Tubbo!" I yelled as I tried to make my way back to the Pub, problem was Tubbo and Ranboo had cornered me during the day. I could feel my body aching from how much I'd been running, plus being outside during the day always drained me of my energy.

"No can do Smajor, we still have some experiments to do!" Tubbo said as he ran after me, what was concerning me was the lack of Ranboo by his side. However, he soon made his appearance by teleporting right in front of me.

"Haha! Got you now!" he teased, I didn't have enough time to avoid him and instead found myself crashing straight into the taller male. I felt his arms trap me in what could easily be mistaken for a hug, but to me it felt like a cage.

Normally when I go outside during the day I'll stay where there's shade since that drains less of my energy, however Tubbo and Ranboo had other ideas.

No One's POV:

Tubbo and Ranboo dragged Scott out into the open, it was the spot where Tubbo would go since the sun was extremely bright. "This should be perfect!" Tubbo said happily, Scott's eyes widened as he struggled to break free.

"Let me go, Ranboo!" Scott yelled in distress, his body was still aching and being in the sun would only make it worse. "Sorry Scott, but experiments don't wait for anyone!" Ranboo exclaimed as he placed Scott in the middle of the opening.

Smajor's POV:

The moment I was put into the opening I could feel my body grow hotter, trust them to choose one of the hottest days to do this experiment.

"Can.. I go now?" I asked, my energy was still being drained. When I got no reply I looked up, both the boys had left me. 

Great, just great

I forced myself up and started walking back to the Pub, sweat dripped off my face like I'd just taken a shower. The sound of quick footsteps coming in my direction caused me to take off into a sprint, the person behind me followed.

Just as I was about to stop running, I felt an arrow strike my back. I instantly knew Tubbo had shot it since I could feel the constant pain, in an act of pure panic, I launched myself up into the air.

The second I launched myself, I felt all my remaining energy leave my body. However for once, luck was on my side and I landed outside the door of the Pub. The landing wasn't much of a landing, it was more of me crashing into the ground and then tumbling to the door.

I couldn't bring myself to stand and open the door, so I just focused on keeping my eyes open. I knew I wouldn't be able to stay awake for long so I strained my voice enough to call out.

"P-PHIL! Ph-Phil!" I called out, I heard someone walking towards the door.

Charlie's POV:

I was just walking around inside the Pub when I heard someone calling out, taking my gut instinct I decided to check it out.

The moment I opened the door and looked outside I heard ragged and raspy breathing, I looked down to where it was coming from and my eyes widened.

"Scott?!" I yelled in both concern and surprise, Scott was lying in an awkward position in front of the door. He was clearly overheating due to how much he was sweating and he looked seconds away from passing out.

I quickly scooped my friend into my arms and ran inside, "PHIL! I NEED SOME HELP DOWN HERE!!" I yelled to the older man. Not waiting for a reply, I went upstairs into one of the colder guest rooms and laid Scott down on the bed.

No One's POV:

It had taken Phil, Charlie and Niki over 3 hours to heal Scott and cool him down, however when they asked how this had happened he'd simply just said he lost track of time. All of them knew it was a lie but didn't push on the subject.

The next day, well night, was no better for Scott, like usual he was just walking around and admiring the stars. However he kept getting the feeling that he was being watched. That theory happened to be correct as he felt something restrain him from behind.

Smajor's POV:

The moment I felt strong arms wrap around me I let out a terrified scream, I then felt a weird sensation wash over me. The second I opened my eyes I realised I'd been teleported.


The arms released me and I went to try make a run for it, however something struck my side causing me to fall. "Experiment time!" Tubbo yelled in excitement, I shook my head rapidly but it went unnoticed.

The smashing sound of a potion being thrown graced my ears, however the moment the potion splashed onto me, I felt a massive spike of pain attack my body. I screamed from the shock of the pain and collapsed onto my side.

The same thing happened 3 more times before I realised something, if they hit me one more time I was going to cause a super nova. 

The sound of large wings came from above me, however they were too late. The last potion of harming smashed onto me and all the power I had stored in my body caused a massive explosion to happen.

Tubbo's POV:

 A smile graced my face as I saw my experiment succeed once again, but what was Phil doing here?

"Oh hey Ph-" I started, but Phil's yelling stopped me. "TUBBO WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" he yelled, another voice was heard over the yelling. But it wasn't someone talking, it was the sound of screaming.

Looking up at where Scott had exploded, I realised what I'd done. The starborne was shaking violently and was making a sound that was a mixture of screaming and sobbing. Starborne tears were streaming down his face.

Phil rushed to Scott's side and pulled him into a tight hug, the young hybrid clung onto Phil's shirt like a lifeline.

Philza's POV:

After what felt like an eternity, I felt a sudden weight resting against my chest. I looked down and saw Scott's head lying limply against me, his even breathing telling me he'd passed out from crying.

As I stood up I glared at Tubbo and Ranboo, "If I find out you or anyone else has done this again, there WILL be punishments." I scolded them before taking off into the sky.

Poor Scott deserves better, but at least this doesn't happen again! Also sorry for all the angst, it's what I prefer writing. Hope you enjoyed!

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