Damaged Wings [1]

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TW: Mentions of burns and injuries

Phil knew how dangerous Scott could be, that's exactly why he put himself directly into the line of fire to protect Tommy from the man's explosion. However, all good deeds have consequences.

Philza's POV:

Although Scott was a kind and caring guy, I also knew just how dangerous the man could be. I also knew it wasn't his fault which made it even worse for everyone.

Whilst I was flying around the area enjoying the breeze, I heard the sound of two people yelling. Deciding it would be best to check on them, I flew down towards the sound until the figures came into view. I instantly recognised them as Scott and Tommy, but something else caught my eye. Tommy was holding a bow and Scott had an arrow going through his abdomen.

As I landed, I saw something about Scott that made me heart drop. The galaxy pattern the man usually had all over his body was pulsing, this was a sign that the Starborne was either close to exploding or was about to do so.

"Shit, Scott I'm sorry!" Tommy yelled, Scott looked up at the boy and his expression was strained, I quickly pieced together what was happening. As the pulsing grew quicker and brighter, I rushed in front of Tommy and spread my wings open to cover him. I caught sight of the horrified expression on Scott's face but it was soon smothered by a massive explosion.

No One's POV:

The moment the smoke cleared away, Tommy watched as Phil fell to the ground. He yelped as he reached out to catch the man and managed to lower him to the floor slowly. As he scanned the man over, he felt his breathe hitch at the sight of his wings.

The feathers were scorched and burned and his right wing was covered in blood. He saw Scott jump out the crater from the corner of his eyes and soon found the Starborne beside him. Tommy felt a sudden spike of anger towards the man.

"Shit, Phil! I'm so so sorry!" Scott cried out, the Elytrian sighed, "It's alright mate, it wasn't your fault." he said calmly, those words pissed Tommy off even more. He grabbed onto Scott's hair and tugged him down so they were face to face.

"Listen here bitch, you caused this shit so you're gunna make up for it." he snarled, he didn't allow Scott to respond, "You will be the one who'll look after and tend to Dadza's needs and shit without complaining. Do you understand." he barked, the Starborne simply nodded.

After a slight bit of struggle, the two hybrids managed to pick Philza up and slowly carried him towards the pub. Luckily, it was night time which meant that Scott would be able to carry the Elytrian up to the community building instead of both of them having to attempt to climb the ladder.

Once they reached the pub, Tommy looked Scott dead in the eyes, "You'll have to launch both yourself and Phil up to the pub since climbing the ladder would be a shitty idea." he told the Starborne, Scott nodded in understanding and carefully picked Phil up bridle style so that he was secure.

After a moment of hesitation, Scott launched himself and Phil high into the sky so that he was just above the community building. He slowly glided down and landed on the launching deck before heading inside. It wasn't long before Tommy joined the two.

"Let's get him to his room." the blonde stated, Scott didn't bother replying and instead followed the Avian to Phil's room, Tommy held the door open so that he could get Philza inside. Making sure to keep his movements slow and gentle, Scott rested the Elytrian down onto his bed so that he was lying on his stomach.

"Soo, what do we do now?" Scott asked timidly, the Avian thought for a moment, "I'll go get Wilbur since he'll know how to treat Phil's wings and shit." he said, without a moment of hesitation, the boy ran off to find the Phantom hybrid.

Looking over at Phil, Scott found himself looking at the man's bright blue eyes. The two stayed silent for what seemed like forever before Scott suddenly broke the tense atmosphere.

"I'm sorry about your wings.." he said suddenly, Phil sighed softly, "Mate, it wasn't your fault." he insisted, although it had been Scott who'd caused the damage it clearly hadn't been intentional, plus the guilty, scolded-puppy look that was plastered on the Starborne's face dissolved the tiny remaining anger that the Elytrian held.

The two of them remained in an awkward silence with neither of them wanting to talk for what felt like hours, luckily for them, the silence was broken by the sound of the door swinging open and a set of footsteps entering the room. Looking over at the door, Phil saw Tommy entering with a concerned looking Wilbur trailing close behind.

"I heard your wings got damaged, Phil?" Wilbur asked, though it more of an observation than a question, Philza nodded while Scott visibly flinched. The unusual action raised some suspicion in the Phantom however he chose to ignore it for the time being in favour of treating the Crow Father's wings.

Floating over to the older man, Wil pointed to his wings as if asking for permission to assess them, Phil got the hint and gave a nod of confirmation. Now having full permission, Wilbur gently put his hands on Phil's right wing and began to check it over, he murmured apologies whenever the man would flinch.

After he'd looked over all the damage, Wilbur straightened up and backed away from the bed slightly. He turned to the other hybrids with an expression that Scott couldn't quite name.

"Well? What's the damage?" Tommy asked impatiently, the phantom hybrid sighed, "His wings have multiple burns over them and quite a lot of the feathers are scorched," he explained, his gaze then turned to Scott, "What caused this, I'm guessing by the guilty look you've got Scott that it has something to do with you." Wilbur added, his words caused Scott to flinch.

"I- well-" the Starborne couldn't find the words to explain what happened and soon fell silent, Wilbur frowned at the man.

"It wasn't Scott's fault." Philza said causing all the people in the room to look at him, Tommy instantly scowled while Wil looked at him as if waiting for a further explanation.

"Basically from what I understand, Tommy and Scott were messing around with a bow and Tommy accidentally shot Scott which caused him to explode. I just so happened to be near the area just before he exploded so I covered Tommy with my wings." he explained, Wilbur nodded at the explanation before turning to look at Tommy and Scott, he frowned in sympathy at their expressions.

Tommy had a look of both guilt and anger, the phantom guessed that the anger was aimed towards the Starborne. Scott's expression was purely guilt which told Wil that he felt like the whole accident was his fault.

"Well, there isn't much I can do. We'll just have to wait for Phil's wings to fix themselves. The most I can do is give him a few healing potions." Wilbur said, Tommy and Scott both nodded and the phantom gave a small wave as he left the room.

Once Wil left, Tommy turned to Scott with an angry look, "You'd better take good care of Phil. I'm going to go looking for things to make some more health potions." the blonde said sharply, Scott gave a quick nod and watched as the avian left the room.

As the Starborne looked at Phil, he was hit with the realisation that he had no idea on how to take care of an injured Elytrian.

Sorry for the abrupt ending, I ran out of ideas and I really wanted to get this chapter out. There will be a part 2 to this! Have a good day/night :)

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