An Avian Protector

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I know I haven't posted in a while and I'm sorry for the lack of chapters. I've been busy with school and stuff so updates will be very slow for a while. I'll try my best to get stuff done for you all, hope you enjoy this chapter.

Tommy's POV:

Not many people knew about Scott's disliking of fighting, I was one of the only ones who knew. The other people who knew about this were Philza, Wilbur and Charlie. Since the others didn't know, they would often either bring Scott into fights or would try fight him.

Whenever this happened, Scott normally comes to me for help. But he normally comes after its happened, not while its happening. 

I was walking around like I usually do during the day, it was normally quiet around this time since the others would often use the day to collect materials. It was common knowledge that the night time was when fights and training usually occurred. 

A faint shriek stopped me dead in my tracks, I looked around trying to figure out where it had come from. This didn't take long as someone rushed out from the forest, the moment they saw me, they scurried over.

It was Scott.

"Tommy! Hide me please! Hide me!" Scott pleaded as he reached me, I stood in shock for a second before replying, "Woah woah, what's wrong?" I asked.

"They won't leave me alone! Please hide me!" the Starborne supplied in a rush.

"Who won't leave you alone?" I quizzed as I pushed him behind me, Scott instantly clung onto my shirt. I waited for him to answer but got nothing.

"Scott, who's chasing you?" I asked again, I heard him mumble something into the back of my shirt. I didn't manage to hear everything he said but I did manage to get 'Jack' and 'Tubbo'.

Smajor's POV:

The moment I'd seen Tommy, my first instinct was to hide behind him. I managed to somewhat tell him who was chasing me but my words were muffled by his shirt. He seemed to get the idea though which was fine by me.

He held onto me in a protective manner (NOT A SHIP!) as two people ran our from the bushes. It was Tubbo and Jack. I clung onto Tommy's shirt tightly and buried my face into his back.

Tommy's POV:

When I heard someone coming from the bushes, I held onto Scott to protect him. Tubbo and Jack came out into the clearing, they were both holding wooden swords.

"Hey Tommy! Have you seen Scott?" Tubbo called out, I frowned in annoyance. "Yeah I have, why?" I asked, there was a hint of anger in my voice.

"We were fighting but he ran off." Jack explained, I sighed loudly. "Ever considered the fact that he doesn't want to fight?" I snapped, they both looked at me in confusion. I snarled at the two of them, Scott hugged closer to me. 

"But, he didn't say anything...?" Tubbo said, though it was more of a question, my gaze snapped onto him. "He shouldn't have to say anything, him running away should fucking be enough Tubbo!!" I yelled. 

"I don't want to fight..." I heard Scott say from behind me, I turned around and smiled at him, "You don't have to, don't worry." I muttered in a gentle voice, Scott nodded and gave me a soft smile.

Scott came out from behind me and looked at the two who had been chasing him, he cowered back slightly.

I noticed this and spoke up again.

"Next time, leave. him. alone!" I hissed, Tubbo and Jack nodded before running off. I looked at Scott and smiled, "You're safe now bud." I told him. He smiled at me before walking away, I headed back to my home.

Thanks for reading this chapter! I wanted to do some Tommy and Scott friendship and this is what I came up with, also sorry for the lack of updates! I hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter :D

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