Wings of an Avian

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TW: NoneFun fact, in my au Wilbur actually has phantom wings, he just never uses them.

Ever since last week, Tommy had always had a feeling of stress that never seemed to go away. He was constantly snapping at his friends and was just overall very short tempered and grumpy. 

Problem is, he didn't know why he was feeling this way. He would get frustrated with the smallest things, sometimes he'd just get angry at nothing. His friends had taken it as a need to give him space but that was the opposite of what he wanted.

As he sat in his nest, he felt tears of frustration fall down his face. Everyone was avoiding him and he hated it. A small sob broke from his throat and he buried his head in his knees, he cursed silently to himself as he sat alone. He suddenly felt a small pressure resting on his shoulder, looking up he saw Wilbur kneeling in front of him with a worried expression.

"Toms, what's wrong?" he asked softly, Tommy shook his head in annoyance but quickly froze when he felt the hand leave his shoulder, a loud whine escaped his mouth. The comforting hand returned and he allowed himself to relax into it, the hand once again disappeared but before he could protest he felt himself being lifted out of his nest. 

He froze when he realised that he was now sitting in Wilbur's lap, however he couldn't bring himself to pull away and instead cuddled against his brother's chest.

"What's up bud? You're never normally this clingy." Wilbur asked, Tommy huffed in defeat, "Don't feel good." he mumbled, Wilbur made a small clicking noise, "You feel sick?" he guessed, Tommy shook his head, "No, just... don't feel happy. Always stressed n' shit." he elaborated, Wilbur made a sound of realisation and ruffled Tommy's hair.

"Toms, when was the last time you preened your wings?" the Phantom asked, Tommy hummed in thought before shrugging, this made the older male frown in worry, "Do you want me to do them?" he asked suddenly, Tommy looked up at him with a mixture of relief and shock but he still nodded, Wilbur smiled and sat his younger brother in front of him.

"Alright, show me your wings then you gremlin." he teased, the blonde scoffed but did as he was told, once his wings were on show he heard Wilbur tut quietly, "Toms you really need to take better care of these, I'm surprised you haven't gone mad yet." he scolded, Tommy huffed but didn't say anything in response, he felt Wilbur pat his left wing and spread it out so that he could reach it, Wilbur quickly got to work.

Tommy felt himself relax heavily as Wilbur continued to work on his messed up wings, he straightened every feather and pulled out the loose ones. Once he'd finished the left wing he moved onto the right one, somehow this one was more relaxing then the left.

It didn't take long for Wilbur to finish grooming his brother's wings, by the time he'd finished the blonde was practically asleep. Wilbur chuckled and pulled his brother closer to him so that he was resting against his chest, he wrapped him into a comforting embrace. He watched fondly as Tommy relaxed further into his chest, ruffling his hair, Wilbur moved them both into Tommy's nest and allowed himself to fall asleep.

When Phil entered the Pub after his resource run, he was met with a comforting sight.

Wilbur and Tommy were cuddled up in the blonde's nest, however there was one thing that confused Phil, Wilbur had wrapped his wings around Tommy, wings that Phil never knew the hybrid had. He shrugged it off and instead took a picture of the bonding duo before heading off to bed.

Sorry about how short this chapter is, I didn't really have many ideas. I hope you still enjoyed it. Cya next time :D

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