Blizzard Troubles

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TW: None

I've always liked writing about blizzards so here's a oneshot about one. Btw in my au, Starbornes are vulnerable to temperature and can easily overheat or get too cold.

Philza's POV:

After hearing about the blizzard that's meant to be hitting tonight, I instantly started getting resources and food ready. Whenever blizzards hit us, we've always stayed either in the big cave that's close to us or the Pub.

While I was flying around, I could see everyone else starting to gather their own resources. However, Scott seemed lost and confused. It was then that I remembered that Scott wasn't used to snow storms, after all he was from space. I flew down.

"Hey mate, I take it you heard about the blizzard?" I asked as I landed next to the Starborne, Scott looked up at me and nodded, "I was just going to get my blankets." he told me. I nodded in understanding.

"After you get your stuff, meet me at the Pub." I requested, he nodded and smiled before leaving to grab what he needed, I turned away and flew off to grab the last of my needed resources.

It didn't take long to gather my stuff, I quickly made my way towards the Pub to meet Scott. As I got closer, I could see the others all gathered at the community building. I landed near them before speaking up, "So have we all got everything we need?" I questioned loudly, there was a mixture of confirmation.

Scott soon arrived, he was holding around 5 thick blankets. I moved over to him and instinctively wrapped a wing around him, to my surprise Scott leaned into my wing as if seeking warmth. I pulled my wing closer to him and noticed that the action relaxed the Starborne.

"Alright, let's get settled." I heard Wilbur say, we all headed inside, Tommy and Tubbo started closing the doors and Ranboo closed the windows. Jack started lighting the fireplaces we had and set up some lanterns.

After everything was closed everyone started to make their own sleeping area. Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo made one big nest for all three of them to sleep in, Niki settled herself in the heated pool we'd made for times like this. It didn't take long for everyone to get settled, I looked over at Scott who'd made a nest of blankets near one of the bigger fires.

I felt worry strike me when I realised he was already shivering, the blizzard must've started early. I walked over to Scott and settled myself next to him, I wanted to make sure he had the option to huddle against my wings if he wanted to.

A sudden, and rather loud, gust of wind caught everyone by surprise. I saw Scott visibly flinch at the cold and loud sound. He buried himself deeper into his blanket nest, taking a quick look around, I saw that some people had already fallen asleep.

I focused my attention back onto Scott, I scooted myself closer to him. He clearly realised I'd moved towards him since I saw the blanket pile shift towards me, I chuckled quietly. Scott managed to flop both himself and his blankets onto my lap before settling down.

"Scott, can you pop your head out of your little den for me please?" I asked in a gentle tone, Scott was still for a moment before he started shifting again, I chuckled once again as I saw Scott poke his head out from his den.

As I looked at Scott, I noticed something that I'd never really thought much about before. Upon close inspection, I could see what could easily be mistaken for a galaxy in his hair. The hair itself was incredibly curly, however it looked surprisingly soft and fluffy. If you looked closely, you could see white specs (taking the look of stars) that stretched across the mop of hair.

Smajor's POV:

As I stuck my head out from under my blankets, I looked up at Philza. He seemed interested in my hair for some reason. I could feel the cold air brushing against me, I shivered involuntarily as a sudden chill crept down my spine. I nudged Phil's leg with my head.

The Elytrian looked at me and smiled, "You seem cold, I wanted to make sure you were alright." he said, a small smile graced my face, "I'll be alright, I'm just not a big fan of the cold." I told him, it wasn't a complete lie but it defiantly wasn't the full truth.

Just as I was about to hide back under my mound of blankets, I felt something fluffy wrap around me, I relaxed against it and cuddled close to it. I heard Phil laugh softly but I didn't give it much thought, in an attempt to get into a more comfortable position, I rested myself against Phil.

Once again I felt something fluffy wrap around me, my body relaxed at the warmth they gave off. Feeling safe and warm, I allowed myself to fall asleep.

Wilbur's POV:

Glancing around the large room, I could see everyone cuddled up trying their best to keep warm. My gaze paused on Scott and Philza, I could tell that the Starborne was vulnerable to the cold, but he seemed content with sleeping where he was.

I made eye contact with Phil, he gave me a small smile. I felt myself smile back before we both went back to staying warm. I curled up with Fundy (NOT A SHIP) before allowing sleep to take my body.

Sorry for the lack of updates on this fanfic, I've been struggling with ideas. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!

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