A Likely Yet Unlikely Bond

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TW: None

I always imagine that Scott and Charlie would be good friends since neither of them can take fall damage.

Slimecicle's POV:

It wasn't often that I found myself unable to sleep, I normally found it rather easy to do so. But for some reason, I couldn't get to sleep tonight.

Getting myself out of bed, I walked over to my door to go take a walk, maybe it will help me sleep. Since it was the middle of the night, I knew that Scott and Wilbur were most likely outside doing their own thing.

I did end up bumping into Wilbur while walking around, he was collecting food. "Heya Wilbur." I said as I walked up to the older male, the phantom looked over in my direction and smiled. "Hello Charlie, how come your up so late?" he asked.

"Couldn't get to sleep, I decided to take a walk." I responded, Wilbur nodded in understanding. "What you collecting?" I questioned, "I decided to pick some berries and carrots since I'm running low on them." he replied, he handed a couple of carrots over to me. I thanked him and ate one.

We talked for a while before Wilbur had to go check on everyone, I didn't question the reasoning behind it and simply waved goodbye.

I continued walking around in a clearing but a whooshing sound caused me to stop, if I hadn't known any better I would've mistaken the sound to be Phil's wings. Looking around in the air, I caught sight of someone being launched into the air.

I had a feeling that I knew who I'd seen, there was only one person who was able to throw themselves up that far without the use of wings. With that knowledge, I made my way over to where the person had landed.

As I reached the area in which I'd seen the person land, I caught a glimpse of star covered hair. That detail confirmed my assumption as to who I'd seen. "Hi there, Scott!" I called out, the boy in question turned his head to face me.

"Oh, hi Charlie. Didn't expect to see you here at this time of night." he said in a quiet voice. I let out a laugh, "Couldn't get to sleep so I chose to take a walk, I caught sight of you when you launched into the air." I told the starborne.

Scott's mood seemed to change all of a sudden, he seemed sad. "You seem upset, what's wrong?" I asked gently, Scott glanced over at me before speaking, "I miss my home..." he said in a quiet voice.

A wave of guilt washed over me, it must be extremely difficult for Scott. An idea came to me and I smiled, "What does it feel like when you fly up in the air?" I asked, Scott smiled slightly.

"It makes me feel free." he said.

"Could you fly up with me?" I questioned, the starborne looked at me in surprise. "But you could get hurt." I shook my head, "I'm a slime, I don't take fall damage!" I challenged. Scott thought about the request for a bit before sighing.

"I suppose I could fly with you." he told me, I jumped up in the air smiling. "Just make sure you hold onto me, I don't want you to fall." he said as he took hold of my arm.  I nodded and gripped onto him.

Smajor's POV:

"Are you ready?" I asked, I still felt slightly wary of the dangers that came with the activity me and Charlie were about to do. "Yup! Let's fly!" he yelled, his voice was filled with excitement. 

Making sure I had a good grip on his arm, I launched both of us high into the sky. I smiled at hearing Charlie laughing.

"This is so fucking awesome!" he exclaimed, an idea hit me.

"Would you like to see the stars?" I asked, his eyes seemed to sparkle, "HELL YEAH!!" he shouted. 

I threw Charlie into the air before launching myself higher to catch him, I rested him against my back so he could see the stars. "This is so cool." he said in awe.

I launched myself up higher once again, I smiled at how close the stars were. "Uhh Scott, I think we should go down now." I heard Charlie say, it was then that I realised that Charlie couldn't breathe at the same height that I could.

I stopped launching us upwards and instead let myself slowly fall back towards the Earth. It hurt me deeply knowing that I had to leave the stars again, but I wasn't willing to put my friend in danger.

We soon touched back down onto the grass, Charlie jumped off my back and bounced on the ground. "That was so fun! We should do it again some time!" he said, he was jumping all over the place.

It didn't take me long to decide what my response would be, "That sounds nice, I look forward to it." I told him. I watched as he waved goodbye and headed back towards his house to sleep.

Maybe I can make friends after all

Yayyy Scott finally has a true friend! Expect to see more oneshots like this one soon, this was rather fun to write. Stay safe and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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