Your Friendly Neighbourhood Enderian

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Ranboo's POV:

Being an Enderian had it's perks, I was able to quickly get away from situations I didn't want to be in. However as of late, I've started using my teleportation to help others.

The atmosphere was still rather tense since the hunting incident, so some people were understandably more jumpy then usual. 

I normally spent my time talking to others or helping with gathering resources, but that was only during the day. I was aware that there were two people who were normally seen at night, those people being Scott and Wilbur.

Wilbur was more of an independent person, he liked to do things in his own way. Scott on the other hand, was a mystery to practically everyone. He was always rather closed off and kept to himself.

I'd heard that he was planning on building a house that resembled his real home in the stars. I felt sorry for Scott, he was trying his best to adapt to a whole new life style.


I continued to stop by at random places to see if anyone needed help, Tommy had asked me to get some birch wood which I happily accepted to do.

Teleporting to the birch forest took little to no effort whatsoever, I started to chop down the trees and planted saplings to replace the wood I'd taken. 

After collecting the wood, I teleported back to Tommy and handed the wood over to the avian. He said his thanks before running off.

While I was walking around a thought hit me, where did Scott go during the day? Unlike Wilbur, he couldn't go invisible. So where did he go? I chose to go looking for Scott, it would give me something to pass the time.

As I wondered further and further away from spawn, I found myself in a spruce biome. I'd always liked the look of spruce wood, it was a calming shade. Looking around the trees, I spotted something moving.

I teleported towards where I'd seen the movement, what I saw was not what I'd expected. As I peered around a rather large tree, I saw Scott backed up against a tree. There was a spider attacking him.

I knew that starborne's didn't like being hostile, so that explained why he wasn't attacking. I pulled out my sword and quickly disposed of the hostile araneid, Scott looked up at me with tired eyes.

"Are you alright?" I asked him, Scott made no effort in replying. The boy managed to stand himself up, however the moment he took a step his legs gave out under him. Thanks to my quick reactions, I managed to catch the smaller male before he hit the floor.

Upon inspection, I couldn't see any wounds. Which meant that he must've passed out from exhaustion. I carefully lifted him up into my arms and teleported back to the Pub.

I laid Scott down onto one of the colder beds and covered him with the covers, it was nice to see him with a relaxed face for once. As I heard Phil return to the Pub, I took my leave.

Ranboo is a wholesome boy, don't have much to say so I'll see you in the next chapter!

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