Nightmares and Comfort

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TW: Nightmares

Remember, nightmares aren't real and they aren't anything to be afraid of. Everyone has them so don't feel bad or weak because of them :D

Head cannon: Wilbur often comforts people after nightmares.

Wilbur's POV:

On quiet nights like these I always tend to go around making sure everyone's safe. This also means that I help my friends when they have a nightmare.

While going past Niki's room in the Pub, I heard the sound of crying. Turning myself invisible, I walked into the water-logged bedroom.

Niki was sitting upright in her bed, tears falling down her face. It was clear she'd had a nightmare. I made myself visible and swam over. "Niki, what's wrong?" I asked gently, the girl looked at me.

"N-Nothing, sorry, I just had a nightmare.." she said softly, I sat down next to her. "Want a hug?" I asked, she nodded and cuddled against my side, I wrapped my arm around her gently. I knew I wasn't going to be able to stay in here much longer since I wasn't able to get any air.

Fortunately for me, Niki fell asleep almost instantly. I gently put her back in bed and covered her before waving goodbye. I left the tank and took in heavy breaths.


The next place I decided to go to was Ranboo's, me and Ranboo never really spoke that much. After getting to his house I phased through the walls, luckily Ranboo was fast asleep.

Good, at least he isn't upset.

I continued this routine until the sun came up and everyone woke up, now I had the whole day to spend with my friends.

Jesus this chapter was short, sorry about that! Wilbur is one of the most caring characters in my au. Well hope you enjoyed this crappy chapter, I'll see you in the next one! 

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