Hatred To Friendship

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Unsurprisingly, Tubbo never used to like Scott. So what happens when he's left alone with Scott who's acting strange for some reason? I'll tell you what, friendship.

This will be very cringe so I'm sorry about that!

(The picture at the top is Scott's different forms/power levels. Art isn't mine so credits to the person who made the original art! Credits to Saunau for the amazing picture, just so you guys know, those forms are what my Scott looks like!)

No One's POV:

Ever since Tubbo had first met Scott, he'd shown a disliking towards the Starborne. In Tubbo's eyes, Scott was a threat, he was literally a walking nuke for god sake! He knew that some of his friends were often wary around him, but Tubbo preferred to trigger Scott's abilities.

There were times where Tubbo would cause Scott to explode and would then watch as the Starborne got the blame for the damage, the look on his face never got old.

However, recently he'd noticed that Scott's body had gotten surprisingly darker, his arms no longer looked like a bright galaxy and instead looked more like a fading one. His eyes had grown dull and he seemed weaker than normal. (Scott currently looks like the middle form on the picture).

The two flowing tails that Scott had recently started showing now dragged across the ground instead of flowing behind him. To be honest, it was worrying Tubbo, not that he would ever admit it, so he walked over.

"Hey, Starboy." Tubbo called to Scott, the male in question turned around and looked at the bee hybrid. The look he gave Tubbo made his blood run cold. His eyes were dull and emotionless, however there was an almost feral look in them if you looked into them long enough.

"What's up with you? You're normally more... energetic." Tubbo pressed, he got a slight tilt of the head in response. Tubbo's wings twitched in a mixture of annoyance and discomfort.

"Stars.." he heard Scott say, his voice was incredibly quiet. "Stars?" Tubbo parroted, the Starborne looked away from him and instead looked up at the cloud-filled sky. Even though it was night time, the clouds had blocked out the stars making it impossible to see them.

Frowning, Tubbo grabbed hold of Scott's wrist and started to drag him somewhere. When he looked up at the Starborne, he almost yelped, Scott was looking at him with an all too serious look. Well, it was more of a glare then a look.

"Uhhh.. c'mon Scotty Boy, let's go see the stars." he insisted as he continued to drag the stubborn hybrid along with him, "Stars." was the only reply he got. "Yes, stars! Now let's go!" Tubbo yelled, that seemed to work since Scott was no longer resisting being dragged around.

Tubbo's POV:

As I lead Scott towards one of the taller hills, I couldn't help but feel slightly angered by the whole experience. However, I noticed that the longer I pulled Scott, the darker his colours grew. It was almost as if he was dying, but Scott had told us that dying was impossible for him.

I vaguely wondered if the lack of stars was causing this but I quickly shut that idea down. 

A lack of stars couldn't cause that, could it?

Pushing all those thoughts out my mind, I increased my pace and started walking up the tall hill. I didn't really know if being higher up would even help but I wasn't going to turn back now.

I took a second to glace over Scott's body. 

His tails were now being dragged behind him, their colour was completely drained away. The colour on his body had nearly gone completely leaving a black abyss in it's place. He also seemed exhausted.

"Hurry up Scott, we're nearly there now!" I complained, Scott simply nodded and forced himself to move faster to keep up with me. I continued to drag him till we got to the top of the hill, we both came to a stop.

"Is that better?" I asked, he looked at me with a cold look, "Stars." was all he said, I cringed at the dead tone. I suddenly realised something, the clouds were blocking the stars. I sighed loudly.

"Can't do much about the clouds Scott." I huffed, my eyes widened when I heard Scott make a low growling sound, he looked up at the clouds. On instinct, I backed away from the Starborne, I watched in a mixture of amazement and fear as Scott shot up into the sky. He pulled out a bow and arrow before shooting it at the clouds, a star shot from the bow and exploded in the clouds.

The explosion caused the clouds to break apart exposing the stars, my fear changed to wonder instantly but concern quickly took over as I saw Scott fall limp from the sky. I shot forward and managed to catch him before he hit the ground.

"Scott? Scott you good?" I questioned, Scott looked up at me with tired eyes, a small smile appeared on his face, "Yeah I'm good, sorry for worrying you, Tubs." his voice was laced with exhaustion. 

I sighed in relief before setting Scott down on the grass, I sat myself down beside him. We both rested on the grass, after around 15 minutes I felt a weight on my chest. I looked down and saw Scott resting on me (NOT A SHIP), I smiled at the action and started carding my hand through his fluffy hair.

"Maybe your not so bad." I said to no one in particular, I felt Scott shift but he didn't say anything. 

So that's the end of this chapter, sorry about the lack of updates on this book. I wanted to do a chapter on Scott and Tubbo's friendship so this is what I came up with. Have a good day/night and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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